Mated to the Warrior Beast

Chapter 113

113 Finally You




Jayah hurried through the WildWood, cursing herself for her rush, but unable to rest until she saw her mate again. She’d thought once she was moving the urgency to get back to him would ease, but as she felt him drawing closer, it only increased.

She’d spent the entire day distracted and preoccupied until, back at the Healer’s Tree, Sarayu had finally become frustrated with her.

“Whatever flea is in your fur, Jayah, go see to it. You’re making me anxious. And you’re over-crushing those herbs. They’ll only be good for tincture at this rate.”

“I’m sorry,” Jayah had replied, her heart pounding. She’d tossed the pestle down on the bench and covered her face with her hands. “I’m just distracted.”

Sarayu had grinned. “You’re not normally so... fluttery. What’s his name?”

Jayah was so shocked, it had taken her a beat too long to reply to her friend. “I’m not... that’s not...”


Sarayu’s eyebrows popped up. “I was joking but... truly, Jayah? A male has caught your eye?”

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Jayah spluttered and waved her friend off. “Not... no. I just...”

But Sarayu, never one to mince words, only wiped her own hands off with a thick linen, then walked across to the bench where Jayah was working and nudged her aside. “You go. Go... do whatever needs to be done. I’ll handle this.”

“But the baby-”

“Is robust, but distressed. The wet nurse is the greatest help that child can have, and I am more than capable of assisting with arranging his feeding.”

Hope sprang in Jayah’s chest. Was it possible she might see her mate earlier than she’d thought? But that was selfish. She should be focused on helping these people-and bringing their peoples together. Not on seeing the only male who’d brought her body to life.

She’d even dreamed about Skhal. Jayah had woken blushing.

And hopeful.

Sarayu began to empty the mortar into a small leather sack, glancing at Jayah with a happy smile. “Jayah, seriously. Go. Nothing is happening that we can’t all handle together. And I’ve never seen you so... distracted. Clearly something needs to be done. So... go do it.”

Jayah almost choked at her friend’s wicked grin. But Sarayu’s tone was gentle. They’d both reached their maturity without finding mates and both been content in that.

Until now.

“Thank you,” Jayah said quickly, untying her apron. “I’ll... I’ll make it up to you somehow-”

“Don’t be silly. I’m excited to learn which male has finally caught your eye, sister. Just promise me when the time is right that you’ll introduce us.”

“Yes, yes, of course...” Jayah barely thought about what she was promising as she gathered her things and hurried for the door. “Thank you again, Sar.”

“It’s my pleasure. Go enjoy yourself-and tell me all about it later!”

Jayah laughed nervously, then stepped out of the door of the Great Tree where the healers gathered resources and centered teams when there was any kind of crisis.

Since Aymora’s death, her cave, which had always been the center for the healers, but inconveniently located, had become Jayah’s.

A thought occurred to Jayah then, but she barely dared hope, so she pushed it away and took off into the forest, running, her heart tugging at her ribs.

This way. This way.

This way to your mate.

She was going to be hours early to the meeting place, but it didn’t matter. Even if she had to wait... at least she’d be there the first moment they might be together.

Her entire bloodstream went up in flames at the thought and she pushed it down and shifted into her wolf to calm her thoughts.

But even in her beast, her heart thrummed. Even the animal’s body ached and pushed for more speed.

Her mate.

Her mate was here.

And she needed him.


Her wolf’s impatience had almost gotten them caught by the guards, so Jayah had shifted back and forced herself to take more care as she passed through the WildWood towards that ravine and the cave nestled in it.

Thoughts of Skhal kept her blood pumping, but she forced herself to concentrate. She was going to see him-true. And it would be a relief to be close to him. But they also had a purpose in it. She couldn’t see this simply as a selfish trip to find her male.

Things had been quiet around the Prison tree that morning-the Queen and her King taking time to rest. Tarkyn having taken Harth for time to strengthen the bond. Only Gar and Rika in attendance, and the War Chief oddly quiet.

Rika had seemed distracted too.

The guards had been pushed wider to give the prisoners time to rest as well-the only time anyone was to enter was to bring food, or help with the infant.

Jayah appreciated the intention, but in her opinion, the Queen’s action was too little, too late. Even if they were all taking time to think and breathe, even if Tarkyn had been allowed to take Harth unguarded, clearly the Queen hadn’t been convinced to free the Chimeran Alphas.

And soon, those Alphas would be beyond reaching.

Jayah shook her head to free herself from the sudden dread, and crept through the forest. The ravine loomed over the tree-canopy above and the cave was almost in sight. She could feel the pull of her mate and reached out with her mind.

‘Are you close?’


Her breath caught at the joy in his tone and she hurried forward, pushing through the underbrush, into the cave where Skhal paced the clear space at the back. He turned when she appeared and rushed to her.

The first sight of him was like sugar on her tongue-his broad shoulders and rippled abdomen exposed because he’d thrown his fur jacket aside and paced the space with nothing on above the waist.

Jayah’s breath caught at the honed beauty of him. His body was hard as marble, his movements strong and sure as he hurried towards her.

They threw themselves into each other’s arms, holding tightly as if someone threatened to pull them apart.

“Thank the Creator,” Skhal breathed, then pulled her so close there was no space left.

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