Max Level Miscellaneous Character

Chapter 12: Tower City Blue Rain

Chapter 12: Tower City Blue Rain

Taktak, taktak

Daldal, daldal!

I felt like my hips were going to go numb after being in the wagon for several days. My back also seems to ache.

He must have been fine because he had a strong body, but Ivan didnt get used to the carriage at all.

From now on, Ill just have to ride a horse instead of a cheap wagon.

He was staring blankly at the outside, and little by little, the wall began to appear. It was a more magnificent wall than any other border town.

You can finally see the Blue Rain!

Blue Rain was a tower city where the blue magic tower was located. From Emins point of view, its like going home after a hard and rough outing. His expression brightened.

Its like you were going through a lot when you left the house, but you came back after learning properly.

Haha, thanks to that, I didnt want to leave the tower for a while. I also feel comfortable in the workshop.

Originally, it is dangerous outside the blanket. In this damned world, you can be attacked even if you cover yourself with a blanket.

Ivan also wanted to go home. I wanted to watch YouTube on my smartphone while burying myself in a warm bed and eating tangerines.

A longing that he had forgotten for a while came over. He feels bitter.

Damn it.

Ivan turned his gaze and looked at the Blue Rain.

The size of the city was not large, but just by looking at it, the division was well organized. This is because the city was built after the blue tower was built.

In the process of creating a city, people flock around the tower, which was built in a secluded place, and it could develop messily, but thanks to the active intervention of the tower, it developed like a planned city.

Cities with magic towers were usually like this. Because there are places where the whole city is made to draw a single magic circle.

Has Ivan ever visited the Blue Rain before?

Its my first time. Ive never had the chance.

Is that so? Haha, then Ill guide you. There are many good restaurants in the Blue Rain.

Soldiers with weapons were standing at the gates to check in and out, but the line waiting was quite long.

This is because Magic Tower City is an autonomous city that does not pay taxes to the central government, so the entry and exit checks were quite difficult.

However, as he moved with Emin, a magician belonging to the tower, everything passed easily. There was no need to wait in line, and the check-in process was very easy.

Even when Emin was acting rudely, in fact, magicians belonging to the Tower were treated as semi-nobles wherever they go. Moreover, isnt this a city ruled by the blue pagoda? Just be comfortable

Do you want to go straight to the tower, or do you want to rest for a while?

No need to waste time.. Ill finish the deal first.

Okay. Haha, the elders must like it. No one would have known that I really found a dungeon.

The blue tower was located in the middle of the blue rain. An annex building that stands in the middle of a Pentagram Fortress and a main building that rises high in the center.

In terms of grandeur, its more magnificent than any other lords castle. Thanks to the blue shiny outer walls and colorful patterns, it seemed to be of considerable value as a tourism resource.

I dont think its just good looking

I dont know much about the magic of the Blue Tower, but Ivans eyes could see the magical movement that was swirling around the building. It was a fortress-like building with a lot of overlapping magic.

As Ivan looked at it with a somewhat admirable expression, Emin gave a proud expression.

This is the Blue Magic Tower. The best magic tower on the continent is also my home.

Then I heard a snort from the side.

Heh, whats the best on the continent. Not yet. Even now, its barely in the top five.

When I turned my head to see who dare to say this in front of the blue pagoda, it was an old man who looked stiff.

An old wizard who has gray hair grown randomly and has a pipe cigarette in his mouth.

Looking at the robe he was wearing or the brooch on his chest, he seemed to be a wizard belonging to the Blue Tower.

You bastard, you should be proud of yourself. I was ashamed in my days.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Oh, my. My ears are going to fall off. Be quiet! You punk!

The old wizard, who screamed louder than Emins cry, blew out cigarette smoke and looked up and down Ivan.

Its strange, what a strange man.

After muttering like that for a while, he opened his mouth.

My name is Yorik. I am the master of that stupid guy. You, what are you?

The old wizards attitude may seem rude at first glance, but Ivan wasnt offended at all.

Originally, there were many eccentric wizards. If I introduced myself by revealing my name first, I had to think of them as being quite polite among them.

Of course, it was a story based on the wizards Ivan had experienced so far.

No matter how stiff and eccentric wizards are, they will not be able to do that in front of kings or great nobles. Damn bastards.

Ivan Esirson. An adventurer.

Im not really curious about the name. Where did you come from?

Im from the North.

At those words, Yoriks expression hardened.

Damn, look at the young man cutting every word he says. North? If its north, is it all your house? Theres only east, west, north, and south in the world, but I cant understand if you say north

Yorik, who was firing an old-fashioned language like breathing, suddenly closed his mouth and stared at Ivans face.

Ivan, who almost shuddered at the thought of a senior who longed for him in the lotus room during his military days, met those eyes as if nothing had happened.

Whats wrong with you?

Northern, Esirsson. Are you from Nord?



As Yoriks expression suddenly calmed down and his eyes deepened, Emins expression, who had been watching him anxiously next to him, became even more anxious. He seems worried about what the master might do again.

Seeing that, Yorik turned his body and said.

Come inside. The disciple brought a friend home for the first time in ten years, but we still have to eat.

Am I friends with Emin?

Ivan stared intently at Emins face and then nodded his head. He could be called a friend if he didnt hit the back of his head.

This is how you get food from a friends house.

At those words, Emin shook his head as if embarrassed.

sorry. My master has a strong personality

Its fine. Among other wizards, he is good enough.

Yorik did not look bad even though his mouth was rough. At least it was clear that he cared for his student.

Perhaps he was waiting for his student outside. Otherwise, we couldnt have met like this at the right time.

There are many psychopaths who view their disciples as slaves or experimental tools that can be used cheaply, but this is very personal.

just what kind of wizards have you met in the past?

Emin asked with a tired face, but Ivan pretended not to hear it.

Should I go this way?

The first meal I ate at the tower was very good. If you compare it to an estate, it means that you are treated like a feudal lord, so there was no doubting the skill of the chef.

The beef was soft and the soup was deep. Satisfaction was even higher because it was not a Western course, but a meal close to an Asian dinner.

Whoa, its slowly melting away.

While Ivan was enjoying the food, Yorik, who learned about what had happened while Emin left the tower, shouted in surprise.

What? Dungeon?

Yes. There was actually a hidden basement under the old ruins near the lake. It became a dungeon.


Perhaps quite surprised, he dropped his spoon and splashed the sauce to the front, but Yorik asked back without caring about it.

There was really an undiscovered relic there?

Yes. Hundreds of years ago, monks secretly held a ritual for summoning demons there.

Really? Then did the demon pop out?

The last one we met was a demon. He was wearing a skull and wielding a sickle made of bones, but I dont know the exact identity

At that point, Ivan intervened.

Rotting grasp. His name is Rotting Grasp.

However, both Emin and Yorik opened their mouths wide. This is because he was a named demon and was well-known.

They couldnt help but be surprised because he was listed in the old history books and the Devils Temple.

Come to think of it, I think the description is similar. Did we defeat him?

Because it wasnt the main body. It was an incomplete summons, and even that was barely embodied by the magic of the dungeon. If it had been properly summoned, it would have been a catastrophe.

Upon hearing the explanation, Yorik cleared his face and nodded.

Yeah, I guess so. Still, dealing with a Named Demon like the rotting grasp is a great achievement. You had a hard time.

Yoriks eyes, which had been praising so much, began to shine. Undiscovered remains. He also thought that there would be a lot of relics he brought since he robbed the place where the dungeon was made.

Where? Where is it?

When Yorik urged him as if his body had heated up, Emin took out a large pocket, and Ivan stuck out a pocket about twice as big.

Yoriks gaze stayed for a while as he saw the air split and spit out the pocket.

Subspace? It doesnt seem to be an artifact, is it a unique ability? Thats interesting. Oh, right You said youre Esirsson?

Anyone else would have been surprised by this alone, but Yorik was a high-quality wizard who could create subspace on his own.

In the eyes of the elder in the blue tower, I was more curious about the relics in the old pocket than the common subspace.

Lets go to my workshop.

After finishing the meal in a hurry, I headed to Yoriks workshop.

The wizards workshop was the place where the optimal setting was completed so that his magic could be most strongly expressed.

I was a little anxious to enter such a place, but Ivan was willing to take risks.

This is because Yorik was right to say that it is best to do it in his workshop to properly appraise the relics. Entrusting only the relics was even more unsettling.

Oh, Rosario tainted with evil! This is also interesting. The Scripture of Arun from 500 years ago is also valuable.

Almost four hours passed just by looking through it lightly. Due to time constraints, it took that much even though only the relics that fell into Ivans share were examined first.

It was very boring for the outsider, but when I remembered that they were all money, Ivan wasnt bothered.

Are you going to sell all of this?

Right. Except for this ring.

Huh? Thats the most valuable thing here

Thats why Im taking it. Its not easy to get.

A ring that slightly speeds up magic circulation and increases recovery speed.

Based on the standards in the game, it is an item that I want to be of a rare level, but in fact, it was a very rare and valuable item.

In the game, people only carried legendary and mythical, but in reality, it was not easy to see even a rare class. Its literally a rare level.

Hmm, I really want that.

The historical value as a relic as well as its performance was excellent. This is because it was a great option for a wizard to speed up the mana circulation and speed up recovery.

Yorik, who had been struggling for a long time, opened his mouth with an unwilling look.

Then why dont you exchange it for something else? Among the things we have in our tower, there is one that fits you perfectly. As a Norse warrior, or Esirsson, it would be much more valuable than such a ring.

Ivan, who realized that he had the upper hand, nodded with a more relaxed look.

Ill see what it is first.

Of course, it was in an instant that Ivans relaxed expression was broken.

Ivan tried to hide his astonishment and shouted inward.

Why is it in a place like this?

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