Max Level Miscellaneous Character

Chapter 63: Late Entrance

Chapter 63: Late Entrance


A divine light lit up all around, and a sacred flame burned. Unclean things did not even come close and were scattered like ashes.

Relatively weak checks on this side, so they could quickly approach the old ruins they were based on.

But just that. The closer they got to the old castle, the stronger the demons magic power. The eyes of the warlock looking at them became clearer.


Someone appeared on top of the wall. A warlock, wearing a black robe and holding a staff made of bones.

Ivans right eye, which Odin had stolen once, glowed goldenly and read the magic around him.

With that sharp and delicate sense, he looked at the warlock.

This time, its the main body. Well, there must be no place to hide anymore.

It was the place where the magic of the demon was strongest. To play the role of a gatekeeper here, precise mana control is essential. It would be impossible with a clone.

From the Roman Kingdom to here. Such a bad relationship continues! You will never cross this wall, and you will be under my control!

The warlock shouted so in a gloomy voice, but to be honest, Ivan didnt really care.

That guy was talking as if he was some kind of Demon King, but he was only a gatekeeper after all. It was just ridiculous to spit out lines like his lifelong enemy.



The ax that Ivan threw away flew at him. Lightning flashed, and a loud noise spread, but it didnt appear to have been hit at all.

The red energy of the sword that rose around him created a shield. Ivan realized that it had come from the old wall.

It looked like a ruined wall that had collapsed on the surface, but it had a magic circle engraved there. There was a reason why that guy showed up proudly.(dlazarturead(dot)wordpress(dot)com)

Irene looked around with sharp eyes and shook her head.

The wall is quite thicker than it looks. Its difficult to find a gap, and well have to overcome it by force.

At that, Ferocious Tooth took a step forward and said.

Thats something I can do.



As Ferocious Tooth swung his sword, strong magical energy erupted from his sword and hit the wall. Again, the shield that rose from the fortress wall blocked it, so there was no major blow, but Ferocious Tooth shouted with joy.

How long can you stop it!

He swung his sword in succession. Each time, the shield engraved on the wall swayed. It was obviously getting cut off a bit.

Of course, the warlock didnt just look at it. He moved his hands slowly and shouted in a gloomy voice.

Bring them to death!


Some jumped off the wall. And he flew with that momentum and struck down his sword. Ferocious Tooth, who smashed the shield, turned and struck back.


It was a disadvantage for Ferocious Tooth, which struck from below, but he endured by bending his knees slightly. However, the opponent hitting him with his weight from above broke his arm, and he staggered back.

Obviously, Ferocious Tooth is stronger. However, the face of the ally who was watching it hardened.

Not because there were so many enemies. Also, not because they saw the broken arm recover. But because they realized that the enemy was once a priest who fought demons and wielded divine powers.

It wasnt the first time they had had to deal with the corpse of a colleague. Rather, it was common for exorcists and paladins to fight against demon worshipers. But it was something they never got used to.


The priests of the Kundara Church lit a sacred flame. Their anger soared into blazing flames.

Kundara, who was watching from heaven, wanted to bring those pitiful ones into his arms.

The greater the darkness in front of them, the brighter the torch burned.

Ivan also bit his teeth firmly.

Thor, Thor, damn great Thor! Lightning that will devour all enemies, and a hammer that will shatter their bones!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


A white lightning bolt erupted from Ivans body. Standing still, he went as if he had jumped over space and appeared in front of those who were being played by the enemy.


Ivans spear pierced the body of the undead paladin. Then the thunder gods lightning pierced in and burned all the energy that had been forcibly moving the undead body.

With that, the full-fledged battle began. As the surroundings shook, numerous undead and goblins appeared.



Irene, who was at the very rear, stabbed the corpse wolfs core with a short sword. Then she pointed his bow at the sky and fired it quickly.

The wings of a strange monster, neither a bat nor a bird, were pierced and fell to the floor. Sometimes they even spewed fire or poison in that state.


The paladins who firmly put their feet on the floor held out their shields. The divine power that appeared from there became a solid wall, blocking the enemys attack.

Enemies smashed the holy wall. They pushed himself in, not minding the evil spirit burning itself, and the corpse golem swung his heavy body and his arms.

Ivan, who obscured his own gaze and cut off the head of a demon protruding from the square, thrust a spear to the ground and cast a spell.

Fengr (capturer).

The feeble divinity that permeated Ivans body moved. The power of the one-eyed god who once created the world appeared.


A bud suddenly sprouts from the spear that Ivan put on the ground. Roots grew from the bottom, wrapped around the spear, and branched out into the sky. It became a large ash tree and shook its leaves in an instant.


The wind blew. The fresh air spreads, and the world shakes in the barrier that was engulfed by evil energy. The goblin, who was running wildly, suffered, and the undead became dull.

As Ivan encroached upon this neighborhood into his realm, the warlock shrieked, scattering his thick magic.

Impossible! This is the land of the dead!

The ash tree that Ivan had planted through the spear quickly withered. The power to create a new world was dissipated, and the magical power of the evil demon again filled the surroundings.


Ivan reached out his hand to interrupt him.

The sleeping blood sword, Brika, woke up and absorbed the surrounding magic. It swallowed the demons energy, changed it into clean power, and delivered it to Ivan.

As he tried to wield that power, the warlock waved his hand.

He wants to see you.


The space is warped. Ivan realized that his own body was being pushed away as if stretched.

Just like when he entered the barrier, the warlock was trying to move him somewhere, as if to tear his party apart.

As Ivan raised his magical powers to resist it, someone said to him.

Ivan, dont worry and go. Youd be better off going there.

Delfinos calm voice.

Ivan tried to yell at him but shut up. Because he realized that Delfinos atmosphere had changed strangely.

The divine power that Delfino was exuding grew a little more intense. The light grew brighter and deeper. The wound on his forearm, which he had inflicted on himself, became a stigma and was connected to someone in heaven.


The light grew stronger as he walked forward.

The divine sun rising behind his back was illuminating him.

Ivan was no longer concerned about him.

Then Ill see you later.

It wont take long.

Ivan stopped resisting. The space shook and pulled him in. Deep in the ruins, into the heart of the old castle.

It was a strange space, full of torches burning with dark red magic, but it was dark rather than bright. Rather, it seemed to absorb the light. (dlazarturead(dot)wordpress(dot)com)

-Come here, you little twit.

Ivan raised his head at the sudden voice. He was floating in the air. The evil Lich, a warlock who has stripped of his human skin and completely transformed into the incarnation of a demon.

Lich, who looked down at Ivan with a blue flame-like glare, spoke with a mournful expression.

-I felt your gaze. I saw you looking at me. But now you are very insignificant. What was it?

Ivan didnt answer Lich. Instead, he grabbed the blood sword Brika and glanced around.

Woong Woong-.

The blood sword Brika was howling. He vomited out mourning and trembled in anger. With that, Ivan was convinced. Pierre Lorraine is here.

His gaze, which was quickly checking the surroundings, was fixed in one place.

-Do you know this offering? If you had come a little earlier, you could have had a conversation.

Not dead yet. However, as Lich said, it was too late.

Tuk tuk tuk-.

Pierre was drenched in blood. Ivan could tell he was not out of breath by looking at his feeble chest and wriggling body, but he looked miserable.

Yes, sacrifices dont need limbs.

Pierre Lorraine, why did you only have your neck left?

Pierre Lorraine was not dead, but he was not even alive. His soul was half-dyed by demonic magic, and his life, which should have been cut off, was forcibly connected.

Even if its connected, it cannot be said that the heart, which has already stopped, is still alive because it is moved by an external force.

Woo woo woo!

The blood sword Brika trembled violently. Ivan heard the howl of the sword and lifted his spell.

I dont know for what purpose you called me, but you will regret it.

At that, Lich chuckled in an emotionless voice.

-Ho. Ho. Ho. I regretted life. I regretted death. I always regret it, but you cant make me regret anything. Because youre insignificant


Ivan jumped up. He flew into the air using the power of the storm god as his wings and attacked the Lich using the thunder gods power as a weapon.

But the moment he swung the sword like that, Ivan realized that he could not reach the Lich. The guy who was approaching his eyes was getting farther away. The space was pushed back faster than it was approached with thick walls.


He was pushed back, hit the wall, and dragged back to the ground. The space was moving at will and playing with him.


Lokis flame burned around Ivan. The movement of the space where he was being played with stopped, and he regained stability. The wounds left on Ivan became an illusion and scattered.

-Its a strange power. I thought you are a warrior, but youre not.

He said something, but Ivan didnt listen. Instead, he started looking around again.

Even now, the devils magic was getting stronger. That means the ritual is ongoing. What can he do to prevent this?

Instead of aiming at the Lich, Ivan ran to Pierre Lorraine. He tried to free him from the evil ritual by taking his life.

But once again, the space shook, pulling him away.

This place was completely the realm of the Lich. It was too bad for Ivan.

I have to destroy his realm first. But how?

It was impossible on his own. At this rate, he will only lose his life while being teased.

Then why the hell did Delfino tell you to go here? What the heck did he see? What did his god tell him? Ivans body was gradually crushed by the magic the Lich radiated. His knees were on the ground, and his neck was firmly held up, but he gradually leaned forward.

At that moment, the magical power that had weighed on him disappeared instantly. Lich suddenly raised his head and looked somewhere.

-Huh, how did you get to this place already!




Someone broke through the wall and entered. He walked calmly, ignoring the magic that was pouring into him. He threw the demons head in his hand to the side. The black blooded demons head rolled over the floor, then turned into smoke and disappeared.

The commander of the fairy legion, the future elf hero, Philane Greywood.

He looked around carefully, found Ivan, and said,

Im a little late.

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