Max Level Miscellaneous Character

Chapter 7: The cursed priest

Chapter 7: The cursed priest

In fact, the undiscovered ruins were very dangerous, and it was a place where we could not be sure whether we could receive compensation.

Not all the ruins is like a lost secret warehouse of the old royal family, but there is no way that gold and silver treasures are waiting unconditionally once they break through.

Usually, if there are ten undiscovered ruins, five of them were empty, three were full of historical and academic values, and only two contained the treasure such as gold and silver.

Only 20% or less.

Isnt it too low to risk your life to enter a dangerous place?

That wasnt the case. Once a jackpot occurs, it changes a life, changes a country, and changes history. The probability of risk was nothing compared to the reward.

So were not the only ones aiming for the dungeon. Theres nothing strange about someone discovering and getting in before us. But

Ivan scratched his chin and looked at the floor. No matter how much I looked at it, there were no proper footprints left. Everything that is visible belongs to him and his party.

However, once I looked closely, I noticed some signs that looked strange.

They hid their footprints. Why?

Because they were sure someone would follow them soon. Because they dont want to make their existence known.


Usually, the structure of the dungeon was not a straight line. There was nothing I couldnt do if I tried to hide inside.

Whats your goal?

Is it to explore the ruins and rob the found treasure?

Ivans head moved busily.

I didnt aim for an unspecified majority. Its definitely our goal The information leaked.

It was not aimed randomly. Theyre obviously targeting us Information was leaked.

When we went back to the village, that must have been when they knew.

It may have looked strange to buy holy water and find equipment for undead, saying that they were investigating forest abnormalities. Some of the quick-witted people may have realized that there was something.

Ivan was so lost in thought, and Sven, who was looking for a trap as if waiting for the floor, asked bluntly.

What the heck, what are you thinking about? If you have nothing to do, come over here and look for a trap.

. I was thinking about the existence that was being sealed here. Since it became a dungeon, the man who died a long time ago might come out again.

What? A great demon will come out?

When the surprised groups gaze was embedded, Emin scratched the back of his head and replied.

Even if it appears, its not a real great demon. Its a fake made possible by the magic of the dungeon. The mana of the dungeon is not at a very powerful level, so you can handle it.

But it would be much easier to deal with if you had knowledge of the real one . Do you have any information about that?

Um, yes. What was sealed is a secret strictly managed by the Arun Church. Still, if you look at the mana patterns and undeads, it must be the devil of the command line, but what is famous among them

Perhaps because he stabbed his major, Emin vomited related information like a waterfall. Like folktales floating around here, the contents of historical books, and his own guesses.

Ivan, who already knew what the boss of the dungeon here was, was not interested, but continued to talk to Emin with a serious look.

I decided to hide the fact that someone entered the dungeon first and was hiding. There was a fear of revealing it for no reason and greatly stimulating them to hide somewhere.

How can there be such traps in the monastery?

Sven grumbled like that but managed to find all the traps. There were many pitfalls, but there was none with a very high level, so I could fully dismantle it in time.

There were some crossroads, but there were no problems. It was not originally a maze, but a monastery. No matter how the dungeon was deformed, it was not a very complex structure.

How long will these bones come out?


Ralph swung his shield, spitting abusive language. When the solid shield of the empty skull is broken, the skeletons that were squeaking become dust and scatter.

Skeleton, zombie, ghoul.

Each one wasnt very strong, but when I was being vigilant, they jumped out and attacked me, which was really annoying. Because he couldnt even rest properly and had to keep the tension.

Then the atmosphere suddenly changed. The evil energy is felt clearly, the chilly wind.


A stone door opened and someone walked out.

A corpse in a priests robe, very old and worn out, a corrupted being who was once faithful.

A cursed monk, a monster whose sinful body and fallen soul received the magic of the dungeon.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Yeah, about time the middle boss should appear.

Ivan, who held the sword firmly, shouted.

Hes not an ordinary guy! Everyone, be on your guard up!

With Ivans warning, the cursed priest shouted with his arms wide open.


The voice of the cursed priest dug into my mind. The scream that shakes the soul makes my stomach stuffy and heavy.

Its a curse! Drink holy water!

The group took holy water out and drank it all at once. The sacred power contained in it wrapped around the whole body and pushed out the cursed priests mana.

But that wasnt the only threat. A blood-tearing corpse rose from the floor, and vengeful spirits flew through the wall.

Damn, how unfair it would be if the bastards who were corrupt and sacrificed themselves to a demon are so vengeful.

Ivan, who uttered swear words low, held the sword firmly and called God.

Thor, give me the power to chop up rotten bodies!


Divine power erupted deep in Ivans body. It was such a destructive force that it was enough to slaughter all the disgusting men in front of me.

Crack, crackle.

The power of white lightning was imbued into the sword he was holding, and sparks began to flutter. A cracking sound spread as if to burn the spirits, and the spirits, who seemed to rush at any moment, retreated back in terror.

Ignore the the others! You have to catch him!

At Ivans cry, Julia rushed to the cursed priest.

Shook, shoosh!

Lower your posture and move forward as if you are bouncing with your knees bent.

Ignore the corpses blocking the road and rise up like flying and swing them with plenty of energy in both hands.


[Arang-in (Hungry Wolf Blade)]

An attack in which a starving wolf chews and swallows food sharply.

Mufa Thunderwolfs pride seemed to pierce him at any moment. However, Julia hardened her expression. This is because the sensation felt by the hand was not right.



Along with a roar, a shield surrounding the body of the cursed priest was revealed.

Sadness, despair, fear, anger.

The resentment with a scrupulous expression moved densely to prevent the attack.

Some of the spirits that had blocked the attack dispersed, and the screams that they vomited hardened Julias body. Their strong resentments became a curse and seized her body.

Corpses moving towards Yulias neck, who was still standing. Just before the undead could reach her, a hatchet like lightning pierced them and crashed into the ground.


chijig, chijijig!

Get a grip! Keep the mana into your body and keep moving!

Ivan, who screamed like that, turned his head only after confirming that Julia retreated.

Its tricky. Its hard to deal with curses or mental attacks.

It wasnt physically difficult. However, the cursed monks magic and the screams of ghosts that occasionally spewed out were a problem. The curses and mental attacks contained there are slowly eroding the partys physical and mental strength.

A curse that makes the body heavy, a curse that disturbs the senses, and a mental attack that stirs the emotions and makes you see void.

They continued to drink holy water and endured, but it was not easy. It was because the divine power contained in the holy water was not enough to block all the attacks.

The situation would have been much better if there was only one proper priest

He only learned this and that to live, but Ivan was not a proper priest or paladin. He didnt have enough skill points, so he couldnt even shoot wide-area skills properly. He had no problem staying on his own, but he lacked the power to stop other peoples curses or mental attacks.

Its the sorrow of a miscellaneous character, crap.

It is disadvantageous if it is a long-term battle. I wanted to save my strength moderately, but I thought I had to pour it out here.

Ralph! Draw his attention! Im going to break through and hit his neck!

What are you going to do with the shield hes using?

Ill take care of it, so just open the way!

Ralph, who bit his lips, cut the neck of the man in front and took a posture. Stretch one foot forward, put the shield forward, shout, attach it to the body, and move forward one step.


A shout that catches the eyes of the battlefield for a moment. Ralphs whole body was filled with sharp magic. The magic shook the bodies of the men in front of him and destroyed his posture.

The shock wave that followed pushed them to the back.

[Warriors shout!]


[Shield charge!]

Emins magic poured on top of it as space was created by the flowing technology connection.

Shoo shoo shoosh!


Three ice spheres flew and struck at the same time. The bodies that were blocking the front froze at once and exploded into powder.

[Ice Strike!]

Enemies ahead disappeared at once. Of course, even now, corpses were constantly raising their bodies on the floor, so it would fill up quickly. But Ivan only needed that brief moment.

Crackle! Crackle!

Spark began to splash all over Ivans body. Whenever I took a step, a blue lightning came out and hit the enemies around me.

Low posture, big steps. Shoot as if you were jumping over wide space and be fast.



Julia, who was watching Ivans movement, was surprised and shouted with her eyes wide open.


Before her words were spat out, Ivan narrowed the gap and stood in front of the cursed priest. Lightning-like movement, thunder-like steps.

Ivan, who approached like that, shouted and swung the sword.



Ivans sword swings. Wrap lightning and swords and cut down the barriers of the spirits. The evil and disgusting soul was burned and the shield was removed.



A huge scream. Mental attacks spread in all directions, so dense that even the bodies of the far-away party hardened at once.


The cursed priest reached out his hand.

Although all the original spirits were scattered by the attack just now, it comes back over time anyway. The warriors attack, which had hardened in front of him, had no meaning.

The cursed priest had a proper reason to think so.


-kkeu, kkeueoeoeoeo!

The spear that appeared from the cursed priests back pierced him. The performance of the body itself could not be prevented because it was not a shield made of original soul.


The spear that pierced through the insignificant body was filled with divine power. The attack itself was an imitation of Odin, the great god of Asgard.

In the eyes of the Transcendent, it was a very insignificant skill, but nevertheless, their warrior called his name, so the great god himself bestowed his protection.

The weight was very heavy for a cursed priest who abandoned his god. Even it is not the god he served, but the god of Asgard.

-Come, come into darkness!


The body of the cursed priest burns, and even the body and spirit that attacked the party become powder and scatter.

After a long time since catching Hydra in the west, quite satisfactory experience has came.

Anyway, youre a corrupt priest who served a demon and the demon who could take away the life of his believer. They look good together, but why I feel like dying Ugh!

Ivan, who was dying inside, screamed and stared at the sky. This is because the sacred power escaped like low tide and left nothing.

Ivan, who sat on the floor suddenly, with swat on his whole body, told his party.

Damn. I need to take a break here.

The parties nodded hard as if it was natural.

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