May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 128

128 Chapter 128 : Kill them all!

Queen Tauriel moved passed the crowd to the panicking gaurd and grabbed him by the shoulders, “where are they?!”

“They are moving through the town heading this way your majesty, they’ll probably be here any second!”

Tauriel turned to where Gareth and Melissa were standing and pointed at the nosferatu princess, “you! This is all your fault!” She crumpled up the note she was holding and threw it at her, “your kind have caused trouble for me for the last time, I will not have you endangering my kingdom anymore.”

The elven queen called for the gaurds and ordered them to capture Melissa, “capture her, if she’s who this brute who calls himself Elric is after, then we will give him what he wants!”

There were about six guards who had been stationed within the ballroom, they moved briskly towards Melissa but were pushed back by what felt like a hard wall of air.

Gereth stood in front of Melissa, his eyes a vivid purple and the dark markings on his forehead in full display, “don’t you dare touch her,” he hissed at the men who were trying to compose themselves after the impact.

“Gareth you fool!” Tauriel screamed, “those lycans rampaging my kindom are here because of her! Are you really going to put hundreds of lives in danger for one woman?!”

“No!” Gareth responded, “I would put MY life in danger for THIS woman. I will not allow that bastard to take Melissa away from me, never again!”

“He is her husband Gareth!” Tauriel screamed as she inched closer to the bubble of solid air her son had formed around the nosferatu princess and him. “She’s married to another man! Don’t be made a fool of by some harlot with perky breasts!”


“Don’t you dare call the woman I love names! I know that she’s married and I don’t care!” Gareth growled

The crowed around them gasped in shock, all this information that was pouring out was so overwhelming. Most of the guests initially thought Melissa was with Finwe until they saw the crowned prince propose to her, and now they were finding out she was already married to someone who was rampaging the kingdom.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The queen balled her hands into a fist in anger, “what kind of spell does this little witch have you under Gareth?!” Tauriel’s fingers began to glow white as she prepared to fire her magic at Melissa, “step aside and let me remove this little plague of a person from my kingdom and from our lives permanently!”

Gareth stood his ground, “I’m sorry queen Tauriel, you’re going to have to kill me first!”

The queen’s enraged expression only worsened when Finwe stepped in front of Gareth and Melissa, “you’ll have to get through me as well mother, I’m sorry, but Gareth and Melissa must be together and I am not one to defy fate. Such an action would have dire consequences.”

Next Maria and Ivan stood in front of the couple as well, “you’ll have to go through us too,” they spoke in unison.

Beric, Roland, Ozias and Odran stepped up as well, “and us!”

Vivian also made her way to Melissa’s side, “you’ll have to kill me too.” The dark haired nosferatu woman startled when a tall finger stood beside her and interlocked his fingers with hers.

“Zander? You too?” Tauriel rasped, “Your father was badly hurt because of-”

“The battle of Ervelon a hundred years ago had nothing to do with the nosferatu,” Zander interrupted his aunt, “you forced your hatred of them on an entire kindom when they did nothing wrong! And at one point I was foolish enough to follow you, but not anymore.”

“Mother, Gareth and Melissa are our chance to end this rivalry,” Finwe spoke, “this senseless division ends now.”

The queen glared at the people who were standing protectively in front of Melissa and chuckled menacingly. She then put her hands together and gave them a slow taunting clap, “oh how sweet,” she facetiously spoke, “so you want to protect the little vampire now do you? Because you all love and care about her hmm? Well guess what, there is a mad man outside laying ruins to my kindom! How exactly do you intend on stopping his rampaging?!”

“I’m ready to fight him head on for her,” Gareth spoke without the slightest hint of hesitation. “I’d rather die right here and now than let that silver haired bastard have my woman.”

Gareth turned to Maria and Vivian and gave them a slight nod, “take Melissa and keep her safe,” he instructed them, “keep her as far away from Elric as possible.”

The two women nodded, “got it!”

“Wait, stop I-” Vivian grabbed Melissa on one hand and Maria held the other. “No wait this isn’t right, let me go!”

Melissa tried to break free from the women’s hold but was failing. This wasn’t right, she didn’t want anyone getting hurt because of her, she had to do something.

Gareth then turned Finwe who conjured a sword out of thin air and tossed it to Adam, “arm yourselves!” Gareth orderd, “tonight, is the night I remove that bastard out of the picture, permanently!”


Maria and Vivian dragged Melissa into her room and stood by the door, “princess please stay put and let us handle this,” Maria spoke.

“Why?! This wasn’t the plan!” Melissa sqealed, “let me go, let me surrender myself to Elric like we had planned, I’m willing to do that now, please, I don’t want anyone to get hurt because of me.”

“Im sorry Melissa but we can’t do that,” Vivian responded, “plans have changed, you have to stay with prince Gareth.”

“Why ..?”

Maria and Vivian glanced at each other and pursed their lips. On the day they had arrived in Ervelon they had had a discussion with Finwe about Melissa after he found out they were planning to give her up to Elric. He had insisted that they shouldn’t and later revealed that Melissa was actually pregnant for Gareth, the bombshell news changed everything. The baby that Melissa was carrying was going to end the century old rivalry between the elves and the nosferatu, they needed that union to be able to stand against the humans, so it was imperative that she be kept safe and with Gareth no matter what.

And who knows what Elric would do if he found out Melissa was pregnant for Gareth, the blind and possessive love he had for her might lead him to harming her baby, they couldn’t let that happen.

“You’ll understand when this is over,” Vivian responded, “but for now please stay here until we come and get you.”

“Vivian wait!”

The two nosferatu women closed the door tightly shut and locked the door from the outside. Melissa was so confused and frustrated, why was everyone being so irrational all of a sudden, this whole thing could be solved if she just gave herself up to Elric.


Now armed and covered in eleven armor, Gareth, Finwe, Zander, Beric, Roland, Odran, Ozias, Ivan and about three dozen other elven soldiers were preparing to mount their horses and head out into the town to meet Elric before he could reach the palace.

Vivian and Maria came out running to join them but their path was blocked by Zander who was giving them a disapproving glare.

“Zander move we need to-”

“No Viv, I need you to stay here where you can be safe,” he responded firmly.

The dark haired woman scoffed and tried to push the blonde elf aside but he was too big and heavy, “I am a warrior sent here to protect princess Melissa!” She spoke, “joining this fight is something I have to do!”

“And you’re also a woman I don’t want to see hurt on the battlefield,” Zander responded, “you being there will only distract me because I’ll be constantly worried about you.”

“I am fully capable of protecting myself Zander you know that! So why the hell would you worry about me?!”

Zander clasped Vivian’s shoulders and looked straight into her blue eyes, “because I love you..”

Those four words were enough to shut Vivian up instantly.

“So please stay here where you can be safe,” the blonde elf added on, “I will be back for you.”

Vivian lightly punched Zander on the chest before giving him a hug, “you better..”


Elric haulted and smiled sinisterly at the entourage that was waiting for him and his men at the center of the town. His bloodlust peeked when he spotted Gareth at the front of the horde of soldiers, it seemed that elven prick wasn’t going to go down without a fight. Well if it’s a fight he wanted, it was a fight he was going to get.

Gareth dismounted his horse and walked forward towards Elric, and the silver haired Lycan did the same, stopping a few feet away from each other.

“We meet again,” Elric spoke, his every word was laced with venom, “why don’t you be a good little elf and hand over MY WIFE, and I’ll spare you and this miserable little kingdom of yours.”

Gareth scoffed, “your wife? You mean the same woman who chose me over you on your wedding day? The woman you had to lie to in order to get her to marry you? Get over yourself Elric, now be a good little dog and play dead.”

King Elric growled ferociously at the elven prince’s words, “you want to say those words to my face elf?! Melissa is mine!” The silver haired king shoved his hand into his pocket and took out a small peice of pink lacy fabric which he dangled in front of Gareth, “see these, a little souvenir from one of the many times I made love to her.”

Gareth unsheathed his sword and like lightning slashed Elric’s hand making him drop Melissa’s panties. The silver haired lycan grabbed his bleeding palm and groaned in pain before looking up at Gareth.

“Kill them all!” Elric roared

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