May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 130

130 Chapter 130 : We need to get her back

The Morrell brothers walked cautiously as they followed Theo up the grand staircase towards the library. They had the pressing feeling that this was some kind of trap but didn’t know when the string would be pulled, so they had to be ready for anything. Theo halted at the entrance of the library and pointed them in, “please do make yourselves at home for the time being, if you need anything don’t hesitate to call.”

The tall slim man turned and left, and the four men entered the library. “Mother??” Jonathan and Alexander gasped in unison.

Emma Morrell rose to her feet and walked towards her sons, embracing them all in a bear hug. “Oh thank goodness you’re all okay,” she spoke, “I was so worried about you all.” She released them and inspected their faces, “where are Klaryssa and Astrid? I thought you’d return here with them?”

“It was better that Astrid be with her parents in her condition,” Bahram responded, “I couldn’t drag her along all the way to Meria in her condition.”

“Oh yes of course, oh I can’t wait to see my first grandchild.” Emma then turned to William, “and what of Klaryssa? Surely you could have brought her with you.”

William blushed slightly and began scratching the back of his head. “Well I think it’s better she be with her family as well,” he spoke sheepishly

Emma Morrell arched a brow at her son, she knew him well enough to know there was something he was hiding, “William...?”

“Oh for heaven’s sake William, Klaryssa is pregnant!” Bahram blurted out.

“Oh my goodness William!” Emma gave her son a hug, “I mean it’s a bit untraditional since you two are yet to be married but this is great news!”


“Okay enough about us,” William quickly changed the topic, “what are you doing here and where’s father?”

The woman took out a small parchment and handed it over to the boys, “we received this letter saying Melissa is here and wanted to see us. But when we got here we were told her and the umm king travelled for a honeymoon, your father went to talk to someone to try and get more information in the matter.” Emma then pointed to a woman with red hair and blue eyes who was elegantly sipping tea on one of the sofas and giving them a friendly wave, “that’s Ella.. sorry, Melissa’s real mother, she too received the same letter.”

The four men all looked at the woman and had no doubt in their minds she was indeed Melissa’s mother, the two looked so much alike that they could be mistaken for sisters. Regardless, Bahram couldn’t help but notice the hint of sadness in his mother’s voice when she said ‘Melissa’s real mother.’

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“This is definitely suspicious”, William spoke as he paced the room, “why would Melissa ask to see all of us and then go off on a honeymoon with Elric?”

“Maybe this is a trap to lure us here and get rid of us?” Bharam suggested, “I mean all of us here do pause a significant threat to the perfect relationship Elric wants with our sister.”

“If he wanted us dead he would have done that already,” Jonathan spoke

“That’s true, he wouldn’t need to gather us all here.” Alexander added on, “it would be tedious to get rid of us when we’re all here together.”

“Unless, this isn’t a trap for us,” William spoke. He stopped pacing and looked up at the people in front of him with a worried look. “It’s a trap for Melissa! He’s going to use us as bait to get her to come back!”

“That sneaky bastard!” Bahram growled.


Finwe pushed the door of his mother’s bedroom open aggressively and stood behind her as she was leisurely brushing her hair in the mirror.

“We have to get her back,” he spoke, “we have to bring Melissa back so she can be with Gareth.”

Queen Tauriel gently placed the brush on her dressing table and turned to face her son. “Could you please repeat what you just said..”

“Mother I said we need to bring Melissa back here so-”


Finwe paused for a few minutes not believing what had just happened. Had his mother just slapped him.

“You must be as stupid as your brother,” queen Tauriel spoke angrily, “if you all had just surrendered that nosferatu woman to her lunatic lycan husband to begin with, non of my men would have been killed in that senseless battle. And now you want to bring her back, after all the trouble she’s caused me?! You must be out of your mind!”

Finwe slowly turned his head and rubbed his sore cheek. “This isn’t about you mother, don’t be cruel, Gareth is losing his mind! He has been locked up in his room for days, he’s not eating, he’s not sleeping and he won’t even let anyone tend to his wounds.”

“He’s just being a overgrown child,” Tauriel responded, “he’ll get over it. His relationship is not the first to end.” She sat back down on her dresser and continued brushing her hair. “Besides, from what I hear she chose to go back with king Elric.”

“She gave herself up to end the fued!”

“As she should have,” Tauriel responded curtly.

“Mother she’s pregnant!”

The queen stopped her brush midair and turned to look at her son, “what did you just say?..”

“Melissa, she’s pregnant mother,” Finwe repeated himself, “and it’s Gareth’s. The pixies blessed her the minute she stepped into Ervelon, I saw it with my own eyes. She’s carrying his child.”

The queen’s face went white, “this can’t be happening again,” she muttered, “how could I let this happen?”

“If anything happens to Gareth’s baby mother you’ll have to live with that guilt for rest of your life.” Finwe sat down on the bed and groaned a little from the pain of his injuries he had sustained during battle. “You know you can do something about this.”

“Does your brother know?”


“Gareth,” Tauriel repeated herself, “does he know about the baby?”

“No not yet but-”

“Make sure you keep it that way.” Tauriel responded firmly and continued brushing her hair.

Finwe glared at his mother with his mouth agape. This woman was joking right? She had to be joking! There’s no way she was just going to sit by, the child Melissa was carrying was her grandchild for Pete’s sake!

“Mother are you serious?!”

“As long as Gareth knows nothing about this baby he won’t do anything stupid and get himself killed in the process,” the woman screamed. It’s like something had suddenly snapped inside of her and it was scaring Finwe. He had never seen this side to his mother before.

She turned to face Finwe and there was a look of fear on her face, “I’m not losing anyone of you over this ridiculous notion that you’re in love. Not again.”


“My word is final Finwe!” The queen roared. She whipped her hand and the door to her room swung open, “please leave. And your brother should not hear about that woman’s



Zander had a gloomy look on his face as Vivian was gently putting some new bandages. When she finished she gave his cheek a quick kiss and smiled up at him, but his mood still remained gloomy.

“Zander..” Vivian cupped his cheek and gently stroked it with her thumb, “don’t be like this.”

“You want me to be smiling like an idiot when you’re leaving me behind?” The blonde elf complained. To be honest the whole thing was actually a little adorable because here was the uptight by the book man moping around like a little boy.

Vivian inched closer to the man and took both his hands in hers. “My whole reason to travel here was to retrieve the princess and make sure she returns to Wintershold safely.”

“Then let me go with you!”

“No Zander you’re hurt,” Vivian responded, “and after what just happened, Gareth really needs you here.”

“Well I won’t be much comfort to him because I’ll be too busy nursing my own broken heart,” Zander mumbled, “I mean will I ever even see you again?”

“Of course you will..”

“When Viv when?!” Zander yelled. “Next week? Next month, next year?! I have barely gotten the chance to be with you and you’re already leaving me, this is horse shit Viv I love you, and I want to spend every waking minute with you! You know what fuck these racial divisions! Let’s just forget about our duties and run away together”

The outburst took the dark haired nosferatu woman off gaurd, Zander was always so mellow and composed so she didn’t expect this from him at all. It was very surprising, and if she was being honest with herself, it kind of turned her on in a way.

Vivian cupped Zander’s cheeks and looked him straight in the eyes before pulling him on for a kiss. Almost instinctively, Zander returned the kiss with an equal fire. When she pulled away his eyes protested and it made Vivian smile.

Zander moved swiftly and pushed Vivian down onto his bed and wrapped one arm around her waist before diving in for another kiss. He moved his other hand up her smooth leg to her thigh and gripped it viciously, completely forgetting about his injuries.

Vivian gasped and dug her nails into his bandaged shoulders making him wince him in pain. She quickly let go and whispered “I’m sorry..”

But instead of an answer, Zander dove in and kissed her hungrily. If he was going to have to say goodbye to her, he was going to make this last moment count.

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