May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 133

133 Chapter 133 : Aiden meets Theodora


“I’m sorry but I haven’t seen anyone who fits that description.”

Aiden sighed and pulled the hood of his cloak further down his face, “okay thank you for the help.” He turned around and was about to leave but stopped mid stride. He then turned back the the bar lady and asked, “can I use your bathrooms? I’ll pay.”

“No it’s alright you don’t have to pay anything.” She pointed to the wooden door that was situated at the far left. “It’s over there, it’s not very clean though.”

“Thank you.” The red headed cloaked man walked to the bathroom and closed the door shut behind him. He pulled off his hood and cupped his face as his teeth gnashed in anger. Another dead end, another failed attempt to track down Estel and his son.

Aiden had been roaming the continent in search of his family, following tips and claimed sightings of Estel and his baby. But time and time again he’d hit into a dead end and the trail would go cold, it was driving him insane, the moment he felt a glimmer of hope that he was closer to finding her, the world would smack him flat in the face.

The blue eyed man walked slowly to the grimy mirrors of the bathroom and inspected his face. His eyes had retained their blue color finally, but the little horns on his head were still visible even though much smaller now. Another thing that had changed about him other than his bicolored wings and overwhelming new found abilities, was that he had completely lost his need to feed on blood. Aiden was still trying to adjust to all of this but it was a bit overwhelming especially with no one by his side.

He grabbed a ladle that was floating in a wooden drum of water and washed his face. “I can’t keep leaving like this, I need to find shelter.”

The nosferatu prince had become a bit of a nomad, moving from town to town sleeping in any place that didn’t let in rain or snow, and depended on the small animals he haunted for norishment. It was getting tedious to keep moving aimlessly from town to town, he needed a permanent residence that he could return to after scouring the continent for Estel, but where? He couldn’t go back to Ervelon and he also couldn’t go to the snowlands where his family had settled, he had been labeled a rouge and a threat and he knew if he went to either places they would confine him. He couldn’t be locked up, at least not until he found his wife and son.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

When the door of the bathroom swung open, Aiden quickly pulled up his hood, he couldn’t afford anyone knowing who he was and what he had become. As the drunken men walked to the pots to relieve themselves he turned to leave.

“Oi! Hold on a second little lad what’s the rush?”

Just from their footsteps Aiden could tell that these men were heavily intoxicated and were nothing but trouble. If he didn’t leave right now they would draw attention to him. One of the men grabbed Aiden by the shoulder with his unwashed hand.

“Aren’t ye the lad who was making moves on my woman?” The man spoke.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Aiden responded, trying hard not to get angry, because he knew if he did, he may not be able to control himself.

“Yeah that’s him, that’s the little bugger,” another man responded, “I saw him talking to her at the bar! I say we teach him a lesson on why you need to stay away from people’s wives.”

“Oi! Face me when I’m talking you you little-”

“Are ye alright in there?!” The bar lady called out from the door, “you’re holding up the queue out here!”

The man let Aiden go and took a step back, “you should thank your lucky stars little lad, otherwise it would have been a very bad day for you.”

Without responding, the nosferatu prince walked out of the bathroom and out the front door of the bar. Humans were such revolting and annoying creatures, if he didn’t have to keep his identity concealed, he would have massacred every last one of them.

He walked through the streets towards a market where he could get some food and possibly a place to spend the night. He had traveled far to follow a tip that claimed that someone saw a blonde woman with a baby roaming around in Kiv, the capital of the kingdom of Cenia, so he didn’t have a lot of energy to go hunting. Aiden bought some meat and herbs and started making his way towards the outskirts of town.

As he made a turn down a hilly path he saw a group of men laughing sinisterly and harassing a woman who they had surrounded. Aiden instantly recognized the men, it was the same men who had almost ended their lives by trying to pick a fight with him in the bar bathroom, it really wasn’t their lucky day was it?

“Stay away from me or else you’ll be sorry!” The woman screamed at the men. She was latching onto her dress which they had ripped, to keep it from exposing her breasts.

“Look at those teeth,” one of the men spoke in amusement, “she really is a bloody vampire isn’t she? What are you doing out of your cage you little slut?”

“Hold her down!” Another man commanded, it was the same man who was accusing Aiden of flirting with his woman. “I’ll teach her to keep to her cage.”

The other three men pinned the woman down while the first man begun to unbutton his pants, “stop squirming sweetheart you’re going to enjoy every second of this.”

“You bastard!” She screamed as she tried to pry herself away from the men but their numbers overpowered her, “touch me and you’re dead!”

“Oh come on now, your fellow vampires tend to love my cock,” he spoke with a menacing chuckle, “just relax..”


The men all turned their heads and saw Aiden facing them.

“Leave her alone..”

The man who was about to pounce on the nosferatu woman tucked his phallus back into his pants and took a step towards Aiden. “Aren’t you that little bugger from the bar?” He asked with a taunting smile, “we can let you join in on the fun if you like. These filthy vampires are nothing but garbage anyway.”

The statement flared a flame in Aiden’s chest, humans really were revolting creatures, selfish and self centered. The nosferatu prince peeled off his cloak and tossed it to the ground, revealing his massive bicolored red and black wings.

“Oi captain he’s one of them!” One of the men yelled.

“What was that you said about vampires?” Aiden spoke in a low but firm tone. His nails lengthened and his eyes turned blood red.

The man zipped up his pants and spat towards Aiden’s feet, “I said y’all are a bunch of garb-”

It was like light, no one saw how or what Aiden had done but within a fraction of a second he was standing over the three men, who were pinning down the nosferatu woman, with the other man’s head dangling in his hand. Blood gushed from the neck of the decapited corpse behind him before it plopped to the ground.

All the other men, including the nosferatu woman froze in place trying to contemplate what the hell had just happened.

“You little prick!” One of the men yelled as he stood up and charged at Aiden with a dagger.

The weapon lodged into the palm of Aiden’s hand that he had stretched out but the nosferatu prince showed no sign of pain. The man let go of the dagger and stumbled back in shock but before he could mull over anything, the prince pulled the dagger from this palm and thrust it into the man’s throat. He then pulled it upwards causing the man’s head to split onto two halves.

Fear clenched the hearts of the other two men as they watched the mutilated corpse of their comrade fall to the ground. They got to their feet to make a run for it, but Aiden was too quick. At the speed of light he used the dagger to chop both of them into chunks of bone and flesh, piling them up in their tracks.

When every one of the men was dead, he tossed the dagger aside and walked back to where he had put his meat and herb, but unfortunately it had been spoiled by the blood of the men he had killed.

“I can offer you some food!” The nosferatu woman called out behind him.

Aiden turned to face her and threw his blood stained cloak back over his body, “go home to your family,” he rasped and began to walk away.

“I don’t have a family!” She called out making Aiden stop in his trucks. She inched closer to him and drew in a deep breath. This man was very intimidating and scary but he has saved her life, and for some reason, she was oddly drawn to him.

“I can offer you clean clothes as well,” she continued to speak, “and shelter. Please let me thank you.”

The prince looked down at his bloody clothes, they would definitely stir up trouble for him if he didn’t change them. And the sun was setting, he did need a place to spend the night. Aiden turned to face the woman and nodded, “I would be grateful, thank you.”

“Great!” The woman sqealed with joy and threw her arms in the air excitedly, letting the dress she was clutching peel open and expose her right breast. “I’m Theodora, and you are?”

Aiden looked at her breast with a flat face and pointed a finger at it, “you should probably cover that up so you don’t draw any more attention to yourself.”

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