May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 140

140 Chapter 140 : How Ivan met Elena

Ozias slammed Ivan back into his chair and kept a firm grip on him while rest of the men sat around him.

“Ivan you dog,” Odran spoke first. It was something all of them had wanted to say, “explain yourself!”

“Come on fellas I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Ivan responded in a sheepish tone, “don’t you think you’re all being a little too much right now?”

“Ivan we’ve watched you cheat on your wife religiously over the years,” Roland spoke in hushed tones, “and you’ve flirted with countless women!”

Ivan folded his arms over his chest and eyed his friends smugly, “and what’s your point?”

“Our point is that you have a wife who men would go to war for!” Beric responded much to everyone’s surprise. Beric was the timid and sweet one in the group so no one expected him to take part in this sort of conversation as well.

“What Beric is trying to say is..” Ozias added on, “why in God’s good name would you even think of cheating on a woman like that?! Are you blind?! That’s the kind of woman I’d apologize to after she offends me.”

“My sexual exploitats and the relationship I have with my wife is none of your business,” Ivan responded curtly. These men didn’t know what they were talking about, they wouldn’t understand the kind of situation he was in with this woman.

Roland grabbed Ivan’s shoulders and looked him straight in his eyes, “tell us or your beautiful wife will hear all about your little escapades while she was home waiting for you.”


That statement made Ivan’s heart leap in his chest and his breath hitched, “you wouldn’t dare..” he muttered while glaring at the beautiful blue eyed man.

“Try me,” Roland challenged him.

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Ivan finally relented and sighed in defeat, if his wife heard as much as a rumor of him being with another woman, she would chop off his cock and feed it to him for breakfast with a side of eggs. So what if his friends knew about his embarrassing little secret, it was better than angering Elena.

“Okay fine I’ll tell you,” Ivan mumbled, “I’ll tell you everything.”

It all started a while back when Ivan was still a young man in his prime. He was a good looking guy with the tongue of a bard, his words alone were enough to get any woman out her breeches and into his bed, and that is exactly what used to happened.

Ivan was a well known play boy and he was very happy with his title, wearing it with pride wherever he went. He drew fulfillment from knowing he could have any woman falling over herself just by the snap of his finger. The young man had no intention of settling down and marrying, no, why would he when the world was blessed with so many beautiful women. Sticking to just one would be an insult to the gods who took their time molding such beautiful creatures, he needed to appreciate them all.

One morning after the young Ivan had spent a long pleasurable night with the lovely blonde with big tits who ran a popular inn, he came across a blonde man who was putting up some posters on behalf of the crowned prince of their kingdom, prince Adam Burchard.

Ivan walked up to the man and inspected the poster thoughtfully.

“You think you’re up for it?” The blonde man asked, “the prince will be riding to the kindom of Baiviles in a few weeks and is looking for brave men who will accompany him.”

Ivan stroked his chin thoughtfully as he read all what would be required of him to join the prince’s party. Not only was the pay incredibly hefty, but being known as a war hero who conquered a kingdom by the prince’s side would surely rake in the ladies.

And besides, Ivan had practically been with all the beautiful women in Gavaria, maybe it was time now to have a little taste of the Baiviles beauties.

“Where do I sign up?” Ivan responded enthusiastically, he had convinced himself that this was what he wanted to do. He would join the prince on his mission of conquest.

“Just take one of these and report to the royal palace tomorrow,” the blonde man explained as he handed Ivan a small parchment. “Training starts immediately so don’t be late.”

Ivan took the parchment and nodded. He knew he came off as some weak man whose only conquests were women, but in fact, Ivan was really good with a sword and fairly skilled in archery, this would be a cinch.

“The name is Zander by the way,” the blonde introduced himself without even reaching out for a handshake, well he was very rude, Ivan thought,

“When you get to the palace ask for me and they’ll let you in,” the blonde man added on.

“Nice to meet you Zander, I’m Ivan-” but before he could complete his introduction the blonde man had already galloped away on his horse. “What a rude pompous man,” Ivan grumbled, “I hope I get the chance to spar with him so I can knock him down a peg or two.”

The next morning Ivan made his way to the palace after his daily visit to the pub, where he had charmed the women with stories of him joining the prince’s party to conquer Baiviles.

Just like the rude blonde man had instructed, Ivan asked for Zander and the gaurds led him to the back of the castle where there was a massive training ground with hundreds of men ready to accompany their prince on his mission.

A trumpet was sounded at a distance and the prince’s arrival was announced. All the men quickly took a knee as the young prince made his way into the training field. Ivan cocked his head up so he could catch a glimpse of the prince, he’d only heard of him by name but had never actually seen what prince Adam looked like.

“At ease men!” The young prince commanded and all the men got back onto their feet.

Ivan’s eyes widened when they caught sight of prince Adam. This man was absolutely stunning, and it infuriated Ivan to admit it. Thank goodness he kept away from the public eye, because if a man with such a face roamed the streets the women wouldn’t even glance in Ivan’s way.

Just like Zander had mentioned, the training started immediately and it was brutal. The young prince, even through having the looks of an angel, was a beast on the battle field. He challenged each and everyone of the men and only recruiting those who bested him at sword fighting. Long story short, out of the three hundred men who had shown up, only six were able to go toe to toe with the prince. These man were Ozias, Odran, Zander, Beric, Roland and by sheer luck Ivan as well.

“But your grace,” a tall man who Ivan assumed was the prince’s right hand spoke, “you can’t conquer a kingdom with just six men, you will all be massacred.”

“A coup needs brains not brute strength Chadwick,” the prince spoke with a smile on his face. Ivan was surprised by how this man was still standing and smiling after taking on three hundred men back to back.

“Stealth and infiltration is how we shall take Baiviles,” the handsome prince added on. He then turned to the six men and gave them a respectful bow, “will you all aid me in my mission?”

The men were a bit taken aback. This was the crowned prince of Gavaria, and he was bowing to them? They expected him to be smug and snobby especially considering his looks and strength, but he was the complete opposite. A deep respect for the Gavarian prince instantly imbedded itself in the hearts of the men, they knew then and there that they would go anywhere as long as it was to aid him.

The men placed their left hands on their chests and their right behind their backs as a sign of respect and a pledge of loyalty. Even Ivan who at first glance did not really like the prince felt a sense of loyalty to him, he knew great things would come with fighting beside prince Adam.

Two weeks later the group traveled to the land of Baiviles in disguise. The young prince had concocted an elaborate and detailed plan on how they would infiltrated the ranks of the kindom and eventually dethroning the current king. Ivan was impressed at how such a young man was so wise, little did he know that Adam had lived much longer than any of them anticipated.

It was in Baiviles that Ivan met Elena. At first glance she seemed like a timid, ridiculously beautiful woman. Just how Ivan liked them. He had spotted her at a bar in Baiviles where he was gathering some intel and decided to try and get her to bed.

To his surprise, the beautiful woman agreed almost immediately, which was shocking because usually he’d have to string along a lot more than just sweet talk to get a woman as attractive as Elena to go to bed with him. It must have been his lucky day!

Or so he thought...

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