May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 144

144 Chapter 144 : Return to Meria

Melissa felt her heartstrings tag as she gazed upon the familiar buildings. Meria was exactly how she remembered it. The bakery she frequented still stood and was as busy as ever, they had the best bread there. Even the book store that was run by old man McCoy was open and running, she missed visiting that book store, seeing it now brought back so many memories.

King Elric was fixated on the beautiful woman sitting in front of him, admiring her curious expressions as she gazed out the carriage window. He smiled to himself when the realization of his victory hit him. He had won. Finally after all this time he had won his wife back from that arrogant elven prince. Who cares if his feelings towards her were a little different, it was probably just because they had been apart for a long time, they would soon rekindle and Melissa would be laying in their bed naked next to him in no time at all.

“I have a surprise for you when we reach the palace,” Elric spoke to the woman.

Melissa trailed her blue eyes to Elric’s honey brown ones and narrowed them. “You already told me you’re holding my family captive Elric, it won’t be a surprise.”

The silver haired king chuckled at her feisty attitude. “I’d hardly call them captives my dear wife. I assure you they are all being treated with at most respect and comfort. After all, they are my wife’s family.”

Melissa rolled her eyes and leaned back on the carriage chair, “then what is it?” She asked curtly, she was not willing to be all buddy buddy with this sly man. He lied to and manipulated her enough for one lifetime.

Elric leaned forward and took the redhead’s hand in his but she instantly pulled away. He looked up at her face, smiled and then took her hands in his again, “you’ll see when we get there.”

Melissa dared not pull her hand away again, the way he had smiled at her felt more like a warning. It’s like he was telling her not to test him or she would be sorry. Plus there was a hint of dark aura that oozed from him. The beautiful nosferatu woman had never felt threatened by Elric before, this was the first time and she sensed it wouldn’t be the last.

“When we arrive we will have grand celebration for you my wife,” Elric spoke as he stroked her hand. The motion sent shivers down Melissa’s spine, but not the good kind. “We will show the whole kingdom that their queen has returned.”


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Melissa simply nodded and looked down. In this moment she really missed Gareth, she pursed her lips and drew in a breath as she wondered if he would ever come for her. She silently prayed he would, but at the same time she couldn’t risk Elric retaliating like he promised he would.

*Don’t waste your hopes my love*

Underneath her long lashes Melissa’s blue eyes shot towards Elric whose voice she had heard in her head.

*He will not come for you, he knows better than to challenge a man who has the strength of three quarters of the continent on his side*

The thought made Melissa’s heart sink, king Elric was right, Gareth wouldn’t be that stupid. But still, she silently prayed she would get to see him again, even once, she missed him dearly.


“Come in!”

Marceline walked into the room where Emma Morrell was sitting at her dresser brushing her hair. She walked over to her side and pointed at the sofa next to the dressing table. “May I?” Marceline asked Emma.

“Oh umm sure,” Emma responded and continued brushing her hair.

“That dress looks lovely on you,” Marceline commented. Emma was a very beautiful woman and didn’t look her age at all, it was shocking especially considering she was a mere human. Humans tended to age quickly from what Marceline knew, but this woman didn’t look a day over thirty.

“Thank you,” Emma responded as she continued to brush her hair.

“Did you hear?” Marceline continued, “Melissa and Edron’s son will be arriving today.”

“Yes I’m well aware,” Emma responded as she put the brush down on the dressing table and turned to look at the red haired woman. Every time Emma looked at Marceline she could see Melissa, the resemblance was a constant reminder that this woman was her real mother and she was here to take her place.

“King Elric ordered that a ball be held in celebration of her return,” Emma spoke. She then gave Marceline a small smile and said, “you must be excited. Reuniting with your daughter after such a long time.”

“As a matter of fact I’m more nervous than excited,” Marceline responded in low voice, a small nervous smile painting her beautiful face. “In as much as I have missed her dearly, ive played no part in my daughter’s life. I don’t know how she will take it, I sure wouldn’t be jumping for joy if I was in her shoes.”

“But the fact remains that you are her real mother,” Emma spoke, her gaze falling on the garden outside her window. “No matter what, that’s never going to change, no one can ever take her away from you.”

Marceline’s smile disappeared at the woman’s words. She knew Emma Morrell wasn’t a fan of this whole arrangement. Emma loved Melissa and it was very evident, she didn’t blame her for not being too fond of a woman just came in to claim her only daughter. This is why Marceline had decided to come and speak with Emma and reassure her that she wasn’t here to replace her.

“No one can stop her from being your daughter too Emma,” Marceline spoke, making Emma flatter her lashes. “Melissa is who she is today because of you, you carried her in your womb, bore her and raised her into a fine young woman.”

Emma scoffed, “yes, me and a few other women as well,” she responded, “according to your explanations she’s had quite a few mothers over the years.”

“That is true and I am grateful to them all.” Marceline looked at Emma and gently took her hand in hers, “you’ve done more for her than I ever have, and that is why I can never replace you in her life. I assure you l only want to be a part of Melissa’s life, not take your place.”

Emma’s smile broadened, she didn’t know that she really needed to hear that. Honestly she thought she was being replaced but now she was assured that she was not going to lose a daughter, but instead her daughter would gain a mother.

“Well,” Marceline spoke as she stood up, “I guess I will see you at the ball.”

“Of course..” Emma watched Marceline walk to the door but then called to her, “umm Marceline!”

The blue eyed woman turned around.

“That dress looks lovely on you too,” she spoke with a smile.

Marceline nodded and gave Emma a grateful smile, “thank you.”


Theodora opened the large wooden door and Aiden sighed. “Theodora how many times have I told you not to just barge in when I’m in the bath?”

The woman chuckled at the handsome red headed man who was soaking in the foamy tub and walked towards him. “And how many times have I not listened to you Aiden?”

Theodora trailed her eyes down the man’s wet broad shoulders and firm chest. Gods if he would just let her please him she would do it with all her heart and soul.

“Anyway I’m only here because I have news for you about our pretty little Melissa,” Theodora spoke, gaining the attention of the man.

“I’m listening,” Aiden muttered.

“Edron’s son has taken her from Ervelon,” Theodora explained, “they are in Meria as we speak. Won’t it be easier for you to get to her now?”

“It would,” Aiden responded, “but from what I’ve heard about the lycan Elric, he is a bit over protective of her. He may not let me have her so easily.”

“Why don’t you use the elven prince?” Theodora suggested, “he is making allies to aid him on his mission.”

“What mission?”

“He wishes to retrieve Melissa from Elric, it’s been a game of tag of war between the two for a while now over our little princess,” Theodora explained, “he is on his way to Lenora. You can intercept him and pretend to be an ally so you can get closer to princess Melissa. After which we can take her.”

Aiden was in thought for minute before nodding his head slowly, “that’s a brilliant plan.” He agreed, “go and prepare, let’s go and finally meet my little brother in law.”

Theodora rolled her eyes at the comment but stood up to do what she was told nonetheless. The woman had accepted the fact that no matter how much she loved Aiden he would never be hers. His heart belonged to Estel and he had made it clear that that was never going to change. But regardless, she would aid him in anyway he required if it would bring him happiness.

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