May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 148

148 Chapter 148 : who is Aiden?

Clovis was in a dazed state just blankly staring at his reflection in the mirror and listening to the sound of his own breathing.

“Julia..” he whispered to himself and ran both his hands through his silver locs. Why in the world was he feeling like this?! This was stupid! He was angry and irrational, something way out of character for him and he hated it. His mood had sunk ship the minute Julia had heisted in admitting that she had no feelings for Elric, and why? He had no idea. The sinking angry feeling only worsened when Theo informed him that Elric had arrived, why the hell did he feel threatened by his presence all of a sudden.

Clovis chuckled and looked himself in the mirror again. Could this be witchcraft? No! The man shook his head and dismissed the thought, Julia would never do that. He was probably just curious about her and had somehow gotten a little attached, nothing more.

A series of knocks at the door jolted Clovis from his reverie. The door cracked open and his brother, Jeffrey, the trouble maker of the family walked in. He made his way to Clovis’s bed and dove onto it, hands behind his head and legs crossed.

“Hello brother,” Jeffrey spoke, “aren’t you going to come down stairs and greet your king?”

“Has the concept of manners been tossed out the window where you come from Jeffrey?” Clovis responded in annoyance.

“What? At least I knocked this time..”

Clovis ignored his brother’s comment, he had a lot on his mind already he didn’t want his little sibling to get to him too. “I’ll see him at the ball tomorrow, I’m not feeling too well.” That was a lie, Clovis didn’t want to meet Elric because for some reason he felt like he would punch him in the face.

“Really?” Jeffrey sat up and studied his brother, “I’d expect a lame excuse like that from me Clovis, but not from my politically refined big brother, peacemaker of the bunch and the epitome of etiquette and poise.”


“Like I said,” Clovis repeated himself, “I am unwell right now and I will see king Elric at Melissa’s coronation ball.”

“You seem troubled brother,” Jeffrey uttered with a mischievous smile on his face, “should I get that little murderer Julia to come here and comfort-”

“She is not a murderer!” Clovis interrupted his brother. He had risen to his feet, kicked his chair back and was practically foaming at the mouth.

“There it is,” Jeffrey responded with a chuckle. He threw his head back and laughed in amusement as he watched his brother recompose himself. “I have to say Clovis, I really didn’t expect this from you.” Jeffrey rose to his feet and made his way to where Clovis was standing and placed a hand on his shoulder, “my my how the mighty have fallen. You know I suspected something was going on when I’d see you sharing tea with the dwarve princess, but now you’ve just confirmed it.”

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“What are you talking about?” Clovis spat back in an irritated tone, “there’s nothing wrong with being hospitable.”

“Oh ha ha Clovis, hospitable?” Jeffrey walked to Clovis’ front and smiled menacingly at him, “imagine what the people will say when they find out their prince is in love with the woman who murdered the queen.”

There was an almost venomous aura in the way Jeffrey spoke. Being the most mischievous one of the brothers, Jeffrey had always gotten the short end of the stick when it came to positions of national duty, and over the years that had made him bitter. Clovis was sure he was looking for an opportunity like this, to taint everyone’s name so they could all be on the same level.

“First Elric becomes a tyrant and now you fall for a traitor?” Jeffrey spoke in amusement, his index finger stroking his chin tauntingly, “oh wow I will have so much to tell father when we next see him. It will be absolutely titillating.”

Clovis watched as Jeffrey walked away and out the door, giving him a taunting wave as he exited.

“That little prick..” Clovis muttered. He picked up the chair he had kicked to the ground and sat back down. The words that Jeffrey spoke kept ringing in his head. ‘Imagine what the people will say when they find out their prince is in love with the woman who murdered their queen.’

Love? Did Clovis love Julia? The man pondered on the thought for a bit but then dismissed it. That was ridiculous, how could he love someone he had just gotten to know, and a dwarve at that. Jeffrey was just trying to get into his head, he wasn’t going to let him win.


Melissa couldn’t believe she was actually sitting and sipping tea with her family again. The whole experience was so surreal. In as much as the situation that had brought her back to Meria wasn’t a joyful one, she was at the least grateful she was here with her family.

“So why didn’t you come here with my father?” Melissa asked the red haired woman sitting across from her. “Is he..” she put down her tea cup dreading the question she was about to ask.

“No! Oh heavens no!” Marceline interrupted her daughter, “your father is very much alive and well.”

“Oh okay,” Melissa responded, weirdly feeling relieved. “So why isn’t he here?”

“Actually I’ve been meaning to ask you that,” Emma asked Marceline, “I just didn’t think it was appropriate at the time. I’m sure her father would have loved to see his daughter as well.”

Marceline pursed her lips nervously before opening her mouth to speak, “I uh.. well I didn’t tell him I was coming here.”

John Morrell rose from his seat and cleared his throat, “well would you look at the time,” he spoke in an attempt to excuse himself from the conversation that he sensed was getting personal, “I just remembered that there is something very important that needs tending to.” He turned to his sons and gave them a sign to follow, “come on boys I’ll need your help.”

Bharam and William got the hint immediately and rose from their seats as well, “exuse us,” they spoke in unison.

While the twins on the other hand remained plastered in their seats.

“Jonathan! Alexander! Please follow me..”

“I’m sure Bahram and William can manage father,” Alexander responded.

“Yeah, besides this conversation is getting good!” Jonathan added on.

Bahram walked over to his brothers and gave them each a smack upside the head.

“Okay okay we’re coming!” They whined in unison.

When the men had left and closed the door behind them, Marceline felt a little more relaxed. “The truth is me and your father haven’t really been seeing eye to eye these last few years.” She began to explain.

Melissa and Emma exchanged looks before asking her what was going on.

“You see I never wanted you to be a part of this,” Marceline explained, “I wanted you close to me on every step of your life Melissa, and your father knew that. That’s why he decided it was better to trick me into roping you into all of this. And honestly we haven’t been as close since.”

Melissa looked up at her mother and felt bad for her. She thought she would be upset with her for using her as a pawn in a game of war but now she could see that her mother deeply regretted it. She was about to say something when she noticed a faint bite mark on Marceline’s smooth neck. Gods! That was the mark of blood halves wasn’t it?! If her father had given her that mark it must have been torture for both of them to live like this. I mean Melissa had only been away from Gareth a little over a week, and if it wasn’t for her family she would have lost her mind completely.

“He’s the king right?” Melissa asked Marceline who wore a sad apologetic look on her face.

“Yes, he’s the kiser,” Marceline responded.

“Then I can only imagine how hard it was for him too to make that decision,” Melissa continued, “a decision between your family and hundreds of other families that look up to you.”

Melissa smiled at her mother making the woman’s blue eyes become even more misty, “I’m not saying I’m okay with what happened, but I do understand. I’m not angry at you, neither am I angry at my father, so you shouldn’t be angry with him either. He’s probably been miserable all this time without your affection, you should forgive him.”

Marceline and Emma were both at loss of words. Melissa was indeed wise beyond her years.

The nosferatu queen bowed her head and wiped a tear from her eye, “I’ve been absolutely miserable without him too,” she admitted with quivering lips, “many times I wanted to patch things up with him but when I thought of losing Aiden and now you, I just couldn’t do it. I was in so much pain.”

Melissa smiled but then quickly narrowed her eyes at Marceline, “who is Aiden?”

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