May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 151

151 Chapter 151 : With me

Melissa’s eyes shifted from left to right as she sat on Elric’s right hand side. What had this man done? The humans in this hall could be counted on her fingers, was this what it meant to overthrow humans? She thought that maybe all races would live in peace together but clearly that was not on the agenda.

King Elric reached out and touched Melissa’s hand, making the woman shudder slightly. “Lissa, what’s going on?”

The red head turned to look at the man who had a confused look on his face. “Nothing I’m just a little nervous.”

“I know,” Elric spoke in a low voice, his face continued facing the crowds but his attention was on her. “I’ve been calling to you for some time now but you couldn’t hear me.”

Now Melissa was the one who was confused, because other than the mellow music that was playing and the people who were whispering amongst themselves, the coronation hall was silent. She was sure she hadn’t heard Elric call her. “I’m sorry your grace, maybe I was a little lost in thought because I didn’t hear anything.”

Elric turned to Melissa and forced a smile, “it’s alright.” He whispered, “the ceremony is about to begin.” He stood from his throne and helped Melissa up as well. “Here comes the priest.”

Melissa took a deep breath and watched the elderly man approach them. A young boy was ahead of him carrying a golden tiara while two others followed him behind, one holding a thurible with burning incense and the other holding a golden cross. Normally the cross and crown were silver but hers was made gold, looks like Elric really took a few precautions.

The silver haired king was facing the approaching priest but his mind was on Melissa, he had been trying to speak with her telepathically but she seemed not be hearing him. What was going on? Had their connection fallen out that much that they could no longer communicate privately like they did before?

A breath hitching thought crossed his mind. The reincarnation curse, that was the one thing he and Melissa had in common and it was the one that made it possible to communicate the way they did. What if the curse had been broken somehow? And if so how? By who? If the curse was gone there would be no reason to keep Gareth from taking Melissa away. That curse was Elric’s only trump card to keeping Melissa to himself.


A gentle hand on his arm broke Elric’s trance and he looked down at the woman who apparently had been calling his name for some time. She cocked her head to the side and he realized that the priest was waiting for him to say something.

Sensing the king’s confusion the priest cleared his throat and repeated his words. “Do you King Elric, first of his name, declare princess Melissa as your queen, who will govern the people by your side, according to our respective laws and customs?”

“Yes.. yes I do,” Elric responded trying hard not to sound like he had zoned out just minutes ago.

“Will you heed her advice in your time and reign, as she will be your voice of mercy in judgement?”

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“I will,” Elric answered.

“Will you rule as one, using your power to maintain the laws of the gods and the teachings of the holy scrolls?”

“We will,” Melissa and Elric responded in unison.

“Then with my blessing as reigning priest of this great kingdom, take the crown and place it atop your queen’s head.”

The little boy who was holding the crown took a step forward and presented it to the sliver haired king who bowed before taking the crown in his hands. He turned to face Melissa and she turned to face him. This was it, this was the day he had been working towards, after this she would not only be his wife, but his queen as well, he was literally gifting her this entire kingdom. So what if they were not as intimate as they were before? So what if they couldn’t hear each other’s thoughts anymore? What mattered now is they were together, forever, everything else would eventually fall into place.

He placed the golden tiara on Melissa’s head and then bowed slightly to her before taking her hand and kissing it.

The priest turned to the masses gathered and rose his arms in the air, “the king and queen of the new continent!” He announced, “May they live long!”

“May they live long!” The crowd chanted.

Elric took Melissa’s hand and led her to the throne next to him and made her sit. This was was it, no matter what was happening, no matter what things were changing between them, Melissa was his queen and he was going to keep her by his side forever.


There was a big feast after the coronation with every important Lycan, elf, nosferatu and dwarve that inhabited the kingdom. There were a few humans here and there who were related to the important officials there. The whole thing was a fest for Elric’s followers, Melissa had never felt so out of place before.

“Isn’t this wonderful my queen,” Elric spoke as he gently stroked her hand. “I did all of this for you, I strived and worked hard to build a kingdom where you wouldn’t have to hide who you are from lowly humans. A world where you would be queen. Don’t you love it?”

Melissa kept her face down, “I appreciate what you’ve done Elric,” she spoke, “but I honestly don’t know if this is what I wanted.”


“I wanted a world where not only I can leave in peace,” she continued, “I wanted a would where we all could live in peace.” She looked up and Elric who had a shocked look on his face, “nosferatu, lycans, elves, dwarves and humans.. I want a world where we can all live in peace. Just how it was before.”

The king scoffed and tightened his grip on Melissa’s hand, ” I see..” he mumbled, “did Gareth plant those ideas in your head.” His grip tightened further making Melissa tense up. “I’m not too fond of my wife taking ideas from another man, especially after I’ve done so much to make sure she has a comfortable life. WITH ME.”

The red head’s breath hitched, there was that intimidating possessiveness that scared her. Melissa thought that Elric had changed after their talk in the carriage but he was so agressive again all of a sudden.

“Now let me ask you again my love,” Elric spoke, “don’t you love it?”

Melissa’s fear was mixed with anger and a little bit of resentment. She looked to the guests who where dancing and eating in the fully filled banquet hall and sighed, “yes your majesty, I love it.”

“I knew you would,” the king responded as he leaned down and gave Melissa a sweet kiss on her cheek. “Now let us enjoy the ball so that later on we can retire to our chambers and enjoy each other as husband as wife.”

The thought of being with Elric made Melissa’s stomach turn. She couldn’t bring herself to even imagine being in his arms.

Just then Melissa felt sick, her head started to spin and she felt very nauseated. She knew she wasn’t fond of Elric touching her but was it so bad that it made want to throw up.

“What’s the matter?” Elric asked the woman who he noticed tensing up. “Are you unwell.”

“I am,” Melissa responded feeling her nausea worsening, “I think I need to get some air and lie down.”

The silver haired king snapped his fingers and a maid rushed over to the couple’s side. “Yes your majesty?”

“Take my queen to our chambers?” Elric ordered, “make sure she’s rested and refreshed before I join her.”

“Yes your majesty,” the woman responded before curtsying before Melissa, “right this way your highness.”


Prince Gareth abruptly sat up in his bed, his breathing was heavy and his body was drenched in sweat. He had just had a very bad dream and it left him tight chested.

He had had such a dream once before, some time back when he had left Gavaria in pursue of her. And back then she was getting married to that bastard Elric, so he was sure that now there was something else bad that was happening.

Gareth slid off his bed and walked the the window with golden seals and looked out. He sighed when he realized all he could see was high rocky walls and dirt. Gods, he could have really appreciate a nice view and some fresh air right now.

He walked back to his bed and lay down, a sinking feeling tagging at his heartstrings. “Elric, if you as much as lay a finger on my Melissa, this time I won’t spare you. I swear it.”

In as much as Zander had assured him that Melissa probably wouldn’t let Elric touch her, he had the sickening feeling that bastard would still try something and it made him restless for whole night. Gods if he could he would just teleport and take Melissa back all by himself, he would. Waiting for Dvalin was torture. The more they waited, the more time they were giving Elric to make a move on Melissa.

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