May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 162

162 Chapter 162 : locked up

The angry king stormed down the hallway trying hard to not punch a wall, he was so angry and frustrated. Couldn’t Melissa see that he was trying everything in his power to be the perfect husband, trying everything he could to mend the rift that was drifting them further apart. He couldn’t stand not feeling the way he felt about her before that elf came into the picture, he couldn’t stand her not loving him the way she did back then. If he accepted that the relationship that they had built was crumbling, it would mean that Gareth had won, and Elric would be damned if that ever happened.

Carol who was walking down the hall to take Melissa some tea saw the furious king heading her way, was everything alright? Did something happen to his wife? The maid placed the tray of tea on a nearby table and turned towards the king. “Your majesty is anything-”

Carol yelped in both fear and shock when king Elric grabbed her by the arm and yanked her towards him. From close up she could see that he was midway into his transformation and his dreadly aura was pouring out of him like a dark mist. “You! Make sure my wife stays in that room and doesn’t get out!”

Carol was shivering, the silver haired king’s glowing eyes and sharpened fangs made her throat dry up.

“She is not to go in the gardens, she is not to visit the library, she is not to go anywhere until I return!” He roared at the shaking maid, “do you understand?!”

Carol wondered what Melissa had done to make the king so upset, but keeping her locked up like that wasn’t a good idea especially in her state. The king probably didn’t know she was pregnant and that was why he was being so harsh, she had to tell him so he could maybe soften his heart a little. “But your majesty, queen Melissa is-”

“If you let her leave that room I will look you up in the black tower and you will never see the light of another day!” The angry king shoved Carol aside and ran down the hall on all fours. Carol could only watch in fear as he disappeared around the corner towards the study. Gods, what had Melissa done?

The maid picked herself up, carried the tray of ginger tea and hurried down the corridor to the royal chambers. She hoped that whatever squabble the two had gotten into had not in any way affected the child Melissa was carrying. Carol knocked lightly on the door before pushing it slowly open, “your highness?” Her eyes widened when she saw Melissa sitting on the floor with her head bowed. “Your highness are you okay?!”

Carol quickly walked in, put her tray down and crouched in front of the red head. “Are you okay your highness?! Are you hurt?!”


Melissa shook her head.

“Please get off the floor it’s cold down here,” Carol spoke as she helped Melissa to her feet, she was about to lead her to the bed but upon seeing its condition she decided to seat her down on a sofa instead.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Carol asked the woman frantically, “are feeling any sort of discomfort?”

“I’m fine Carol don’t worry,” Melissa responded with a forced smile, “just had a little argument with Elric.”

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A little? Carol wondered as she looked at the mess the room was in, ‘little’ was an understatement, clearly they had had a big fight. “It’s alright your highness, the king will calm down soon enough,” she reassured Melissa, “he loves you very much, he just needs to cool off.”

Honestly Melissa couldn’t care less in this moment wether Elric was upset or not, she was tired, tired of living with him, tired of seeing his face, tired of everything! He was draining her emotionally and she didn’t know how much more she could take.

“I brought you your tea.” The maid rushed to get the tray and placed it by Melissa’s side, “drink it while I rush to get a doctor for you.”

“I don’t need a doctor Carol I’m fine,” Melissa responded, “Elric didn’t do anything to you.”

“Yes but emotional distress can have implications on-” Carol took a deep breath and gently rubbed Melissa’s shoulder, “please, I just want to be sure.”

Melissa nodded and smiled up at Carol, this little maid was so doting, she wondered why. “If it will make you feel better then fine, I’ll see a doctor.”


Clovis peeked into Julia’s room and saw her sitting on her bed smiling at him. “I thought you would have already left by now.” Julia spoke as she stood up and made her way to the prince.

“You know I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye,” Clovis mumbled.

Over the few weeks they had been getting to know each other, Julia had seen a side of Clovis she never thought he had. Before she always thought of him as uncaring and the kind of guy to keep to himself, but now she knew he was the complete opposite. He was so different from his brother Elric, even though they looked so much alike, unlike Elric, Clovis was soft spoken, a gentleman and very gentle.

Clovis moved forward and met the green eyed woman halfway across the floor. She seemed to be getting more and more beautiful as the days went by, she was so small and cute that Clovis had to chid himself every time as to resist the urge to hoist her up in his arms and kiss her all over.

“So are you going to miss me while you’re away?”

The question caught the prince off guard, he was actually going to ask her the same thing but she had beaten him to it. “You’re the only person I can talk to all day without wanting to saw my ears off Julia, of course I’m going to miss you.”

Julia smiled and lowered her gaze, the blush on her cheeks didn’t miss Clovis’ gaze, it made him happy that he could make her blush like that.

“I’ll miss you too,” Julia responded while nervously shifting in place, “so don’t be too long okay?”

Julia gasped when Clovis placed his arms on her shoulders and pulled her in for a hug. She was stiff for a few seconds, but she soon melted in his arms and wrapped her arms around his back. “I won’t,” he whispered before lowering his head and planting a kiss on the top of her head.

When he let her go both of them were blushing intensely, both wishing they could do much more than just a hug but both uncertain if it would be alright with the other person.

Clovis cleared his throat and nervously scratched the back of his head, “well then, I will see you when I get back.”

“Sure,” Julia responded in a whisper.

“Bye..” Clovis mumbled

“bye..” Julia mumbled back.

Clovis turned around and hesitantly walked towards the door, wow, was he actually having a hard time leaving Julia behind? All his life he couldn’t wait to get away from people and be alone, but with this woman, he felt like he was leaving a part of himself behind. He glanced back one last time and gave her a wave which she shyly returned.

Finally he walked out the door and closed it behind him, a dazed smile painting his handsome face.

“How sweet...” a voice mumbled that made Clovis jolt sideways.

“Jeffrey,” Clovis muttered, “what are you doing here?”

“I just came looking for you brother,” Jeffrey responded. He circled Clovis and stopped by his side, eyeing his his face intently. “I knew I’d find you here canoodling with that little murderer.”

Clovis grabbed Jeffrey’s arm and dragged him down the hallway with him. “Don’t call her that..” he growled angrily, “you and I both know that was an accident.”

“Alright alright stop being all grabby,” Jeffrey chucked and pulled himself out of Clovis’ grip. “The carriage is ready outside and the king is already waiting for us. He doesn’t seem to be in a particularly good mood today, so the trip will be a little bumpy.”

“What happened?” Clovis questioned as they continued their walk to the outside.

“I hear he had a squabble with his beloved Melissa,” Jeffrey replied, “I suspect it has something to do with her little elven boyfriend.”

“The one who kidnapped her during the wedding ball?”

“The very same,” Jeffrey responded, “I have a feeling that everything our dear brother has done till now is hinged on her, trying to impress her and keep her for himself. If anything like what happened at the wedding happens again, Elric might lose it.”

Clovis looked at his brother and shuddered at the sight, “why are you smiling about it? Matters of the heart are not ones to play with.”

“Of course you would know so much abouy matters of the heart Clovis,” Jeffrey chuckled. “It seems I’m the only one of the bunch who hasn’t been completely brainwashed by a woman, who would have guessed that the black sheep of the family would be the only sane one standing.”

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