May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 172

172 Chapter 172 : Ruler of Cenia

The breakfast table at the Aldos cottage was quiet and extremely awkward, the only thing that could be heard was the subtle clinking of cutlery on the ceramic plates as the four men ate their food. Usually all their meals were filled with sarcastic jokes and the occasional laughter here and there, but today, after the little spout the previous night, there was nothing but silence.

Bradely Aldos finished him meal first, put down his cutlery and rose from his seat. “Thank you all for your visit, I hope you have a safe trip back to the capital.” As the retired king turned to leave, Clovis stood up and called to him, “father a minute of your time?”

Bradley Aldos halted in his tracks and took a quick breath before turning around and facing his oldest son.

“Father, I apologize for last night,” Clovis began to speak. “I know how tough it is without mother and I know you’re hurting. You loved her so much and growing up you taught us how to treat a woman you love.” Clovis pulled back his chair and walked up to his father, “I know you want to avenge the woman you love by taking Julia’s life, but what happens when I in turn want to avenge the woman I love? Whose life will I take?”

Bradely’s anger slowly melted away into sadness. So Clovis really did love that woman? Why did it have to be her?

“Its unfortunate that the woman I fell in love with is also the same one who took my mother’s life,” Clovis spoke as he closed the gap between him and his father even more, “I don’t know what to tell you except I’m very sorry you’ve had to go through this. But please, don’t hurt Julia, for my sake.”

The retired king looked into his son’s eyes, there was a mixture of emotions there, love, sadness and a lot of anxiety. “You will be responsible for whatever she does in this kingdom from here on out Clovis. Ensure she never crosses me ever again.” Bradley turned and left the dinning hall without uttering another word. When he was out of sight he leaned on the hallway walls and clenched his chest. A tear ran down his face but a smile painted his face, “did you here that honey?” Bradley muttered to himself while facing the ceiling, “we taught them how to love. I’m sure that brings you more happiness than it would have spilling someone’s blood.”

Back in the dining hall Elric walked to Clovis and pat his shoulder, “that’s as much of a blessing from father as you will ever get,” he spoke with a slight smile, “now let’s go back home and you can finally profess your love to her.”

Jeffrey also rose from his seat and walked passed his brothers, “let’s get a move on, all this sentimental stuff is giving me a headache. I was expecting scandals and rivalry and yet I get this? What a waste.”



This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Melissa woke up feeling sick the next morning, even after taking her usual lavender bath and ginger tea she was still feeling incredibly noxious and dizzy.

“I’ll go get your drink your highness,” Carol spoke as she set the bowl of porridge Melissa had barely eaten side.

“The pig blood?” Melissa asked with a frown on her face.

“Yes your highness, we need to make sure you’re well fed,” Carol responded with a smile. “Besides, the king will be returning tomorrow, we can’t have him find you in such a state.”

The redhead sunk into her blankets and pouted, she really wasn’t in the mood to deal with Elric especially after the argument they had had before he left.

“Keep yourself warm, it’s quite cold today,” Carol addd on as she stood up.

Melissa sighed and nodded, she didn’t want to put Carol in trouble because she knew that Elric would blame the maid for her sick state even though she hadn’t been all that well for a while now. Was her body reacting to the coming winter or something? Suddenly a thought popped up in her head, she jolted upright and turned to Carol who was about to leave the room.


The maid stopped and turned back, “your highness?”

“what is the day today?”

“it’s a Tuesday your highness,” Carol responded. “Why do you ask?”

“No, what is the date?” Melissa asked in a mini panic.

“it’s the eighth day of the second month your highness,” Carol responded now looking a bit worried herself. “Is everything okay?”

Melissa lay back in her bed and shook her head, “no everything is fine, thank you.”

“Well alright, I’ll be right back with your drink.”

When Carol exited the room and closed the door, Melissa grabbed her pillow and screamed into it. Gods how could she be so dumb, it was now adding up. She had been so occupied emotionally that she didn’t even notice that she hadn’t bled in over two months. So the sickness she was feeling, it was morning sickness, the weird peak in appetite, her moodiness, it all added up.

“Oh gods,” Melissa sighed, “Gareth where are you?”


Gareth was sitting on his father’s right hand, his mother on his left, and Finwe, Dvalin, Zander and the others were at the table with them as well.

“So you see father,” Gareth continued explaining, “our strategy doesn’t involve bloodshed unless it will be absolutely necessary, we just have to show Elric we have the advantage of number and propose a truce. The conditions of that truce will be that he first and foremost returns Melissa to me and Julia to her father, and secondly, end his tyranny.”

“And you’re sure this will work?” Queen Margret asked, “what if he uses Melissa against you like he did when he attacked Ervelon?”

“Thats where our bluff comes in,” Finwe responded.

“Bluff?” King James turned to his son with a questioning look on his face.

“Yes,” Zander explained, “we will claim that we found a way to break the reincarnation cycle, if Elric believes he can no longer be reborn then his suicide threat will hold no weight anymore.”

“Plus we will have king Dvalin on our side to vouch for us,” Finwe added on, “he was there when the reincarnation was initiated so his word will be very credible.”

“I understand him being afraid to kill himself,” James replied, “but what if he tries to kill Melissa, or Julia?”

“He can’t kill Melissa because.. umm well..” Zander turned to Gareth as if asking for permission to say what he was about to say.

“Just say it,” Gareth muttered with a pout on his face.

“Elric can’t kill Melissa because he loves her,” Zander added on.

“As for Julia, we know Elric is a smart man who depends on allies to fuel his rule,” Finwe explained, “him killing the crowned princess of the dwarve throne will only cause him unnecessary trouble. And he knows this.”

“It seems you’ve thought through this entire plan,” James Burchard responded with a proud smile, he was happy to see that his son could strategize with his men like this. Coordination and tactic were important aspects to have as a ruler. “I guess I have no choice but to lend you some of my men, on one condition.”

Gareth turned to his father, “a condition?”

“in order to have my army at your disposal Gareth,” the king explained, “you will have to take up the title of king.”

“But father, what about Ervelon?” Gareth replied.

“I’m not asking you to give up the Ervelon throne son,” James Burchard explained himself, “I’m merely telling you to take your place as king of Gavaria. Besides, aren’t we all citizens of one continent? What’s so wrong about ruling both?”

“Actually,” Dvalin spoke up, “before the continent was divided into kindoms the rulers of each race worked hand in hand to govern it. Your father is wise Gareth, you should pay heed to the words he says.”

“Well if king Dvalin is vouching for you,” Gareth spoke to his father with a nervous chuckle, “I guess I have no choice but to oblige.”

Moments later the door to the study swung open and Aiden walked into the room casually towards Gareth and stood beside him. “My dear brother in law, may I speak with you for a second.”

“I think whatever you have to share with Gareth you can share with us,” Finwe spoke out, “I mean we’re all comrades here, why keep the rest of us out of the loop?”

Aiden looked at Finwe with a flat expression and sighed, looks like Finwe had already lost trust in him, he better not add to the already existing suspicion.

“Alright then,” Aiden responded as he straightened his posture and placed his hands behind his back. “I would like to help with your cause,” Aiden explained, “I stand here and promise you a hundred soldiers to march to Meria by your side.”

Finwe rose from his seat and eyed Aiden, “a rogue prince promising men? What army do you command Aiden? Please stop spouting nonstop.”

“I Aiden of the nosferatu, am ruler of Cenia.”

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