May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 184

184 Chapter 184 : Drugged

Cassandra closed the door and walked towards where Melissa was sitting, and next to the beautiful nosferatu, lay an unconscious lycan king. The curvy woman set the tray of food down and smiled at Melissa.

“Why are you helping me?” Melissa asked. The curvy maid had mentioned that her name was Cassandra and that her brother had asked to help, but she wanted to know the details, how was he able to pull this off when he was locked up in Meria.

“May I?” The blonde maid asked while pointing at the sofa on the side of the table. Melissa nodded and Cassandra sat down and began serving the food. “Lord Bahram is lord of Guria, I’m sure your aware of that. And now that he is away, his wife, lady Astrid is executing his duties on her husband’s behalf.” Cassandra handed Melissa a hot bowl of rabbit stew, and the woman gratefully accepted it. It had been a long journey and she was starving.

“Did Astrid send you here?”

“Yes your highness,” Cassandra replied, “at your brother’s command of course. He sent a letter by raven, he cares a great deal about you.” The curvy woman turned to look at the prince who was laying motionless on the bed, “I won’t allow a man you don’t love to touch you your highness, no woman should go through such a demeaning thing.”

Melissa glanced at Elric and then back to Cassandra. The maid could see that she had worry in her eyes.

“Do not worry yourself, he isn’t dead,” Cassandra responded with a giggle, “just heavily sedated. It’s a trick I learnt working at the brothel a few years back, there were men who were to unruly for when a prostitute to endure, so I would drug their wine , strip them of their clothing and convince them they had a pleasurable night with me.”

Melissa’s eyes beamed with both admiration and shock, she could never have guessed that a woman who worked in a brothel could be so cunning. She finished up her soup and placed the bowl back on the tray before smiling gratefully at Cassandra. “Thank you so much.”

“You’re most welcome.” Cassandra got to her feet and walked to the side of the bed where Elric was passed out, “could you give me a hand, we have to make it so it looks like he got so drunk that he can’t remember bedding you.”

Melissa slipped off the bed and helped Cassandra push Elric to the center of the bed. The curvy maids then grabbed the jug of wine and sprinkled it on his face, his hair and clothes. She then turned to Melissa and gave her a questioning look.

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“What is it?”

“I’m sorry your highness, but both you and the king have to be naked and in the same bed when he wakes up,” Cassandra explained as she poured out the rest of the wine and placed the empty jar and a cup on Elric’s side of the bed.

Melissa tensed up, being naked with Elric, that sounded very uncomfortable. But it did sound better than actually sleeping with the man.

“Shall I undress him or will you?” Cassandra asked the woman.

“No don’t worry about it, you’ve done so much for me already I think I can take it from here.”

Cassandra curtsied and picked up the try, “if you need anything, anything at all, I’m in the opposite room. Good night your highness.”

When the door was closed shut, Melissa inched closer to the unconscious man and sighed. She began by unbuttoning his shirt and peeling it off him, then she removed his shoes, and finally his trousers. Melissa then tossed his clothes all over the room befor proceeded to taking off her own coat and dress. When she was about to remove her chemise she remembered that if indeed her and Elric had engaged in sexual relations, he wouldn’t have been so gentle.

She slipped off the chemise and sighed, it was one of her favorites but she had no choice but to sacrifice it. With all the strength she could master. She ripped the beautiful undergarment in half and tossed it on the ground. Then carefully she climbed onto the bed and covered both their naked bodies with the thick soft beddings.


When morning came, the silver haired king groggily opened his eyes. His memory was completely befogged and his head felt like it weighed twice it’s size. Gods what had happened last night, all he could recall was having a glass of wine before tending to Melissa... wait! Melissa!

Elric whipped his head to the other side of the bed and sighed in relief when he saw his beautiful peacefully sleeping there. He reached for her and gently stroked her shoulder and that’s when he noticed that she was completely naked. Elric pulled up the covered and peeked in, he too was completely in the nude. Had they..? No.. but he couldn’t remember anything.

He slowly sat up and rubbed his sore head before swinging his legs to the side and walking out the bed. He locked down at the floor and noticed an empty jar of of wine, a cup and both his clothes and Melissa’s all over the floor. When his eyes fell on his wife’s chemise that was ripped in half, he had no doubts left in his mind that he had made love to his wife the previous night and remembered nothing.

Elric groaned in frustration, how could have been so stupid as to get so drunk and not remember a night as important as that?! He hadn’t been intimate with Melissa in months and now that it had finally happened he could remember a thing?! Bloody hell!

The man’s groaning woke Melissa up from her slumber that she had strangely been enjoying. She sat up in the bed and saw Elric cupping his head and swearing colorfully under his breath. When she noticed he was completely naked she almost averted her gaze but realized that would seem suspicious, if she had to maintain the lie, she needed to put her discomfort aside for a bit.

“Are you alright?”

Elric turned around and saw his gorgeous wife looking at him concerned. “Lissa..” he walked slowly to her side and cupped her cheek gently. “Last night..” Elric didn’t even know what to ask. Was last night any good? Was I too drunk? Did you hate it? Did anything happen at all?? “How was last night?” He finally managed to say.

“It was good,” Melissa responded and forced a smile.

“Oh thank the gods,” Elric sighed in relief. “I assume I was very drunk, I myself can’t remember anything at all.”

Melissa chuckled, Cassandra was really a life saver indeed. “Don’t be embarrassed, I enjoyed my night. Honestly I did.”

Elric smiled and leaned towards Melissa for a kiss but the woman gently placed her hand on his chest to stop him.

“I’m sorry,” Melissa spoke sheepishly, “you were a little rough last night so I’m still a little sore, can we do this another time?”

“Of course my queen,” the silver haired lycan took both Melissa’s hands in his and kissed her knackles. “Besides, I have a lovely day planned for us..”

Melissa didn’t like the sound of that, Elric was talking as if they would live the inn. The inn is where Cassandra was, the only person who could help her keep her grabby husband at bay.

The man walked to wardrobe and pulled out a robe that he secured around his body. “I will fetch the maid so she can prepare a bath for us. You’re going to love the day I have planned Lissa, I just know it.”


Back in the mighty kingdom of Gavaria, the day of the coronation had arrived. Everything was ready, Gareth’s outfit had been tailored, the masses had gathered in the palace grounds, and all Gavarian nobility of every race were waiting for the event to begin.

The two maids who had helped Gareth try on his outfit the previous day finished dressing him up and smiled at him. “You look amazing your grace, truly an attire made for a king.”

Finwe had grown tired of rolling his eyes at the compliments the two women had been throwing him the past half hour, could they at least pretend not to be desperate?

“Thank you ladies,” Gareth responded, “I can always count on you in matters of the wardrobe.”

The two women giggled before curtsying ans making the way out of the prince’s chambers. Gareth turned to Zander and Finwe who were waiting for him. “Anything about Mel?”

Zander glanced at Finwe, ans Finwe looked away. The two were having a silent battle on who was going to tell Gareth the information they had Gathered.

“Well?” Gareth asked the two men as he inched closer to them, “did something happen to her? Is she alright?”

“Umm brother can’t we speak of this after the coronation?” Finwe mumbled while nervously scratching the back of his head.

“No, I need to know now!” He turned to Zander who averted his gaze. “What’s going on?”

“Well Umm, we did hear back from our spy in Meria,” Finwe explained.


“Turns out Melissa is in Guria with king Elric.”

“Guria? What are they doing there?”

“They may or may not be on honeymoon.”

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