May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 188

188 Chapter 188 : Merely friends

Cassandra held her breath as she felt the mattress beneath her wobble up and down, she was more afraid of the lycan figuring out that she wasn’t his wife than she was afraid of him ravishing her. She prayed that the dim lights and the scented oils would musk her true identity, at least until the man had had his fill of her and fell asleep.

A hand trailed down Cassandra’s bare hand and immediately her smooth skin was riddled with goosebumps. His touch was hot, literally hot, his body temperature felt like he had just stepped out of a hot bath.

“I know the past nights have been a bit unruly my wife,” Elric bent over and gave Melissa a gentle kiss on the shoulder, when the smell of lavender filled his nostrils all he wanted to do was bury his face in her hair. “But tonight will be different, bedding you in a drunken state was an insult to you and I apologize.”

The silver haired king gently pulled up Melissa’s dress and trailed his hand up her leg to her thigh, “allow me to make it up to you tonight.”

The man began gently kissing the redhead’s shoulder and up her neck, he then nibbled on her earlobe making the woman quiver.

“Why do you not look upon me?” Elric asked as he tugged at the woman’s clothing, “was I that belligerent with you that my touch frightens you now?”

Cassandra nodded and she heard the prince sigh in disappointment. For a man who had forced a woman into marriage, he sure seemed to care for her quite a bit.

“Please forgive me Lissa, I’m ashamed at my behavior,” the king wrapped his hand around her waist, “please, let me redeem myself to you.” When his hand made contact with her belly he froze for a second. What was going on? Every time he held his wife right around this area of her body he always felt a rash of happiness course through his lycan veins, it was the reason he always went to sleep laying on her stomach, but right in this moment, he felt absolutely nothing.

“Lissa..?” When the woman did not answer he gently grabbed her shoulder and lay her with her back flat on the bed.


When he crawled on top of her, Cassandra immediately covered her face with her hands and squealed.

“Lissa I won’t hurt you, please look at me..”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Cassandra moved her hands slightly and exposed her blue eyes, she had never been so grateful for having such an eye color like she was now.

“Your eyes show fear,” Elric spoke, his voice sounded almost hurt and a little disappointed. “Are you uncomfortable with me?”

Cassandra darted her eyes to the side to avert the man’s gaze, he was making hating him very difficult when he was staring at her with those honey sad sorrowful eyes.

Without warning, Elric pried the woman’s hands frome her face and leaned in to kiss her, Cassandra had to use every ounce of her willpower she had to stop herself from screaming and pushing him away. Luckily for the woman, the kiss was quick, when the king pulled away he slid to one side of the bed and drew the woman into his embrace.

Elric stroked her hair gently as he enjoyed the smell of lavender wafting into his nose, he couldn’t bring himself to do it, he couldn’t sleep with Melissa when she clearly wasn’t willing to. He must have been rough on her the past few days and hurt her, he felt terrible about about it. The man planted a kiss on her forehead and whispered to her lovingly, “sleep Lissa, we can do this another time. I love you.”

Cassandra stifled a sigh of relief, honestly she didn’t know how sleeping with this man would go, the thought of it was nerve wrecking. But now that she was sure sex was off the table for the night, her nerves calmed down. Now all the woman had to do was to wait for the king to fall asleep, and then she would sneak out and switch places with the queen. By morning king Elric would not know what was what and they would be soon on their way back to the capital.

Melissa was sitting on the bed feeling restless, gods why had she agreed to this crazy plan?! What if Cassandra had been caught? What if Elric had her tied up right now and was waiting for Melissa to reveal herself so he could toture them both for playing him for a fool.

When the door creaked open Melissa leapt to her feet, she suspired in relief when Cassandra walked in. The red head rushed to the maid and inspected her body frantically, “are you okay? He did not hurt you did he?”

“I’m okay your highness don’t worry,” Cassandra responded with a reassuring smile, “in fact, I didn’t even have to sleep with him, he changed his mind for some reason.” Cassandra made her way to the bed and plopped on it, she felt exhausted and desperately needed to sleep. “For a man who dragged you into this marriage your highness, he seems to have a soft spot for you. Use that to your advantage.”

When morning came, Elric was feeling overwhelmed with a certain bliss he would only experience when he was laying on Melissa’s tummy. When the foggy clouds of sleep dissipated from his mind, he realized that his arms where wrapped tightly around his beautiful wife’s waist and his face was comfortably plastered on her stomach. This was the feeling he loved, this was the feeling that gave him hope that he really was meant to be with Melissa, because if he didn’t, why else would he feel this way when he held her.

He cocked his head slightly and glimpsed at his wife’s sleeping face, true that this honeymoon had not gone like he planned, but in a way he has achieved all this intended goals. He has successfully made love to his wife on several occasions, and he felt they had bonded a bit more during this time, otherwise why would she have her hand in his hair as she slept.

Elric planted a soft kiss on her belly and smiled, he silently prayed that the gods would bless them with a child, oh how he would love if they had a son of their own. Children had a way of bringing parents closer together and that is what he hopped for.


The enchanting smell of pine cones and earth filled Julia’s nostrils, she didn’t have to turn around to know who it was who has entered her room and was now standing behind her.

“Good morning..”

His voice, deep and smooth like the mighty ocean echoed in her ears making her gasp involuntary. Just a few weeks ago Julia almost feared this man, but now his presence made her feel safe and protected.

“Good morning Clovis,” she responded while trying to tie her hair up.

“Where is the maid who helps you with your hair and clothes?”

Julia shook her head, “I’m not the lady of this house Clovis, I’m barely a guest here,” she turned to the man who was listening to her words with much interest. “I’m lucky enough to have someone who brings me clean clothes and food, I can’t ask for more.”

“But you’re my woman.” Clovis caged Julia between his arms and looked into her eyes that gazed up at him through the gaps of her thick lashes, “and you should be treated as such. I will have a maid assigned to you immediately.”

Julia shook her head again,” it’s alright, really it is, you don’t have to.”

“It is not Julia, how you are treated here reflects back to me.”

“I’m equivalent to a mere friend at the stage that we are at Clovis,” Julia tried explaining to the man, though knowing Clovis’ stubbornness he probably would not listen. “You can’t have the servants treat me like a wife when I’m not.”

Clovis knitted his brows at Julia and his reaction made her nervous, had she offended him? The expression on Clovis’ face slowly melted into a sly smile.

“So you feel like you and I are merely friends?”

Julia didn’t know how to respond, he had a smile on his face that told her that whatever answer she gave would have consequences.

Clovis crouched down and swiftly swept Julia off the the ground into his arms. And within a split second, Julia was being dropped onto her bed while Clovis closed and locked her door.

“Clovis whats-”

The silver haired prince crawled his way to Julia on all fours like a wolf stalking it’s prey. Julia move back but was stopped by the pillows behind her. Clovis brough his face close to hers and smiled, displaying his white smile and a pair of now elongated fangs.

“What are you doing?” Julia’s voice was cracking and her face was starting to burn.

“I want to show you that you and I Julia...” the prince placed his nose in the crook of her neck and inhaled her intoxicating fragrance, “..are not merely friends.”

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