May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 191

191 Chapter 191 : Le brouillard

“Good morning beautiful..”

The feel of a gentle kiss on her forehead made Julia flatter her eyes open, when her vision cleared, she could clearly see a fanged smile flashing at her and traces of silver hair loosely sweeping over a handsome face.

Clovis lovingly cupped her sleepy face with his hand and stroked her cheek with his thumb. “Did you sleep well?”

Did she sleep well? That was a good question, she didn’t feel herself fall asleep last night, it was more or less like she blacked out rather than merely falling asleep. After Clovis and her had-

Julia’s eyes widened as the memories of last night’s events resurfaced, she gazed up at the man laying next to her and immediately became flashed. Last night this man had taken her maidenhood, and in the most mind numbing, most spell binding way.

When Clovis wrapped his arm around Julia’s naked body and drew her closer, she noticed that some parts of her body were a little sore, especially the delicate fold between her legs. She hissed in response to the abrupt interaction making the prince pause.

Even though his honey brown eyes showed concern, there was an amused, almost proud smiled tugging his lips. “Does it hurt?”

Julia nodded and sunk into the covers in embarrassment, she had enjoyed every second of their love making last night, well except the beginning which was very painful, but after her small body had grown accustomed to his size, it was a one way road to euphoria, so why was she sore?

Clovis moved closer to Julia and intertwined his legs with hers, still stroking her cheek he placed an apologetic kiss on her forehead, “it was your first time so I should not have been so rough,” he apologized, “I’m sorry my love. You’re so small and delicate, I should learn to restrain myself.”


Julia was about to say something when two knocks came at her door and immediately after the maid who would prepare Julia’s bath walked into the room. “Good morning lady-”

The woman’s words lodged in her throat when her eyes fell on the two people in bed together naked. She quickly turned around and began to mumble apologizes, “I’m so sorry your grace i had no idea you were in here!”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Julia who was burning red from embarrassment tried to pluck herself out of Clovis’ embrace but the man only tightened his hold and pulled her even closer. He looked up at the maid who now had her back to them, “what is your name?”

“Fridah your grace!” The woman responded, it was evident that she was terrified of what punishment may come her way after this incident.

“Do you always barge into my woman’s chambers like this Fridah?” Clovis questioned the maid, “is this any way to treat the future wife of the royal governor?”

Both Julia and Fridah gasped at his words. Julia who had her face against his chest looked up at him expecting to see a joking demeanor but Clovis wore a very serious expression.

“I asked you a question Fridah..”

“No your grace it is not!” Fridah responded, she was now visibly shaking. She always had a feeling that prince Clovis liked Julia but she never thought he would actually formalize things with her. I mean she was practically the enemy of the kingdom of Meria after killing the queen, at the least Fridah thought the prince would just make Julia his lover, not his wife.

Julia shook Clovis gently making him lower his gaze to her, immediately he looked into her eyes his intense glare melted into a loving gaze.

“Don’t be so harsh on her,” Julia whispered, “she is a good woman and the only one who agreed to cater to my needs when everyone else refused.”

Clovis nodded before looking back up at Fridah who was shaking like a leaf, “as a punishment for gazing upon the governor’s déshabillé, you will be lady Julia’s personal hand maiden. You are relinquished of all other duties in the palace and your sole role will be to cater to her every need. Your pay of course will come from me directly, and it will be fairly handsome if you please my lovely lady.”

Fridah was taken aback, that sounded more like a promotion than a punishment. From what the maid had heard, Clovis didn’t have many servants in his manor, but the ones he did have were living quite well.

“Is that understood?”

“Yes your grace,” Fridah responded with a curtsy which looked a little ridiculous since she had her back to the couple.

“Alright now please arrange to prepare some hot water for us, we would love to bathe.”

“At once your grace!” Fridah responded before scampering out of the room and closing the door behind her.

Julia gasped when Clovis pinned her onto the bed and growled hungrily at her. “Clovis I can’t, it still hurts a little.”

The silver haired prince planted a soft kiss on her lips and began moving down to her jaw, her neck all the way to the sensitive area between her thighs. “I know it is, hence why I want to sooth you before our bath is ready.”

“Sooth me?..”

What Clovis did next made the woman bite hard into her lip, cutting it slightly. She was both in shock and utterly invigorated, she had no idea one could use their mouth to stimulate another’s privates, and she has no idea it would feel so good.

“Oh gods!”


“Here’s your food for the day.”

Renly arched a brow at the nosferatu woman as she placed the bowl of food on the small table, “I thought I already had my meal for the day,” the man inquired.

“Look, do you want this food or not?!”

Of late, Theodora had been acting a little more caring, but also she was yelling and cussing at Renly a bit more than usual so sometimes it confused Renly on how she was truly feeling. Was she warming up to him, or did she hate him?

“Thank you,” Renly responded with an amused smirk.

The woman sat down on a chair and crossed her arms over her chest, “the elven king is contacting the Merian king today, meaning you’re running out of time Renly. Once Aiden makes contact with his sister he plans to go looking for Estel, and if that happens before you give him the information-”

“He will kill me becuase he will no longer have need for me,” Renly responded. He took a spoonful of the food and placed it in his mouth.

The expression of surprise on Renly’s face as he ate made Theodora tense up, “what?! What’s wrong with the food?!”

“It tastes different,” the man responded flatly.

Theodora marched to the bowl and was about to yank it away when the man grabbed her wrists. “Let me go!”

“Did you make this yourself?”

Theodora paused and averted the man’s gaze. She had been feeling bad for only giving the man one meal a day as instructed by Aiden, but she couldn’t get more food from the palace kitchen because the nosferatu prince would know. So she got some supplies from the market and cooked him a meal herself, why she did what she did was beyond her.

Renly rose to his feet and inched closer to the woman, he studied her face and smiled in amusement making Theodora knit her eyebrows in irritation.

“Did you make this?” Renly repeated his question.

“Why? Is it that terrible?!”

Renly couldn’t understand why her words to him were so harsh but her actions always said something completely different. “It’s delicious,” Renly responded before relinquishing the woman, taking the bowl of food in his hands and eating it wholeheartedly.

Theodara sat back down and pursed her lips as she watched the man eat, if this was pity she felt for Renly, she didn’t like the ways it was affecting her. Suddenly the thought of him being tortured or hurt, which before elicited no reaction from her, now made her feel a little sad and sometimes a little upset.

And it wasn’t only that, now she actually enjoyed the time she would spend with him, she enjoyed talking to him and whenever he closed the distance between them, she found herself feeling uncomfortable, and not entirely in a bad way. Theodara didn’t like this, she didn’t like this at all.

She sat there quietly as he ate her food and finished it, so he really thought her cooking was delicious? That made her happy for some reason.

Renly put down the plate and smiled gratefully at Theodora, “thank you, I haven’t had a meal quite like that before.”

Theodora lightly blushed and looked away, “well don’t get used it, and don’t eat a stranger’s food so heartily, what if it was poisoned?”

“Well that wouldn’t be such a bad way to go.”

The two sat in silence for a moment, with Theodora trying hard to hide her blush, and Renly fixated on the strange woman in front of him.


The nosferatu turned to Renly, he suddenly had a serious look on his face rather than his usual annoying smirk.

“It is called the castle le brouillard, the castle of the mist,” Renly explained with his gaze fixated on her face. “That’s where you will find Estel.”

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