May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 193

193 Chapter 193 : The master’s son

“You don’t have to ask I already know what you want,” Melissa spoke as she sat down on one of the garden chairs across from her brother.

“Do you now?” William responded tauntingly.

“You and everyone else, you want to know how the honeymoon went don’t you?”

The young night rose his arms in front of him and grinned, “you’ve got me.” He then leaned forward and studied his sister carefully, “can you blame us though? You were out there alone with psychopath you call a husband, we worried sick.”

“Well as you can see I’m perfectly fine,” Melissa responded. “Besides, didn’t the lot of you some up with that outrageous scheme with Astrid? I shouldn thank you for that actually.”

“Oh so Astrid received the letter! Oh that’s a relief, I was worried that deranged husband of yours had his way with you for sure.”


William knitted his brows and studied his little sister, “well what Melissa? You don’t let me him give it to you did you?!”

“No of course not! And could you lower your voice please people can hear you!”


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William leaned back on his chair and shook his head, “the gaurds usually stationed here all ran off to the meeting hall, if my hunch is right, I’m sure your husband has received word from Gareth.”

“What? How are you sure of that?”

“He is the only one who elicits such a reaction from Elric,” the knight chuckled lightly before putting his arms behind his head, “if that’s the case then he’ll be coming for you soon, so i sincerely hope you didn’t let Elric touch you. Because it’s going to bring a lot of confusion, especially with that baby you’re carrying.”

Melissa shot her hands to her stomach and stared at her brother in astonishment, “you can tell?” Her voice trembled slightly from nervousness, if William could tell she was pregnant then anyone else could as well, including Elric.

“I can, I realized it before you left for the honeymoon,” William explained, “I guess you can say I have a keen eye, unlike your husband.” The man could see that Melissa was a little panicked at his words, he had to assure her that her secret was safe, even for William it was more or less a hunch until she confirmed it just now. “I’m very surprised that a man as meticulous as Elric hasn’t noticed you’re with child. But all the more reason I hope you is not have relations with him, because of you did he will think that baby you’re carrying is his and now you’ll really be stuck with him.”

Melissa lined her lips and lowered her gaze, “well about that..”

“You didn’t sleep with him did you?”

“Of course not I already told you that William!” She drew in a quick breath and nervously toyed with her hair, “but he thinks he slept with me.”

“What?” William was confused, Elric thought he slept with her but didn’t? How was that possible.

“The woman who Astrid assigned to help me drugged Elric for a few nights,” Melissa explained, “and then when he woke up he would find me laying next to him giving the impression that he had relations and he was just too drunk to remember.

William cupped his face in his hand and sighed, “damn Bahram, he should have been more precise when giving Astrid instructions on what to do.”

Melissa watched her brother sit quietly lost in though for a few minutes before he stood up. “Where are you going?” She asked.

“If Elric thinks you two had coitus he will be expecting a pregnancy soon,” William explained, “hence we are working against the clock. We need to contact you little elf boyfriend.”



Rebly looked up at Theodora who looked equally as confused as he did.

“Why did you suddenly tell me where she is?” Theodora asked the man sitting on the bed in front of of her. “Didn’t you say you made some sort of vow to the man who saved your life?”

Renly scoffed and looked away, “I don’t know the answer to that either,” he mumbled. After all his interactions with Theodora, after hearing her story and what she went through, after hearing about what Aiden went through, Renly realized that they all had something in common. They were all suffering because of unnecessary racial hatred.

The way Theodora described her people, they didn’t sound like the dangerous blood sucking monsters who were out to extinguish humanity, they sounded nothing like what the master had described them. They actually sounded a lot like everyone else, innocent people hurt and killed by propaganda.

True even amoung the nosferatu, the lycans, the dwarves and even the elves there were those with ill intent, the selfish ones who prioritized their own agendas, but there were also good people, people who regardless of the hell that they had endured at the hands of others still bore compassion and loved in their hearts, people like Theodora. And if the world the master wanted to create was one where people like Theodora would have no place and constant live their lives in fear, then Renly didn’t want to be part of that world.

“Thank you...”

The dark haired man looked up at the nosferatu woman surprised, “why are you thanking me?”

“im just thankful that you chose to live,” Theodora responded simply. Renly could see that her eyes were misty and she was holding back a smile, “Aiden is not an evil man, but o was afraid he would hurt you if you didn’t comply, I was so worried I thought you were willing to die to keep this information hidden. I’m glad you realized you wanted to live.”

Theodora gasped when the man grabbed her arms and brought hos face closer to hers. “I didn’t do this because I don’t want to die...”

The woman slowly opened her eyes and met Renly’s gaze, his eyes could show that he had seen a lot of pain and hardships in his life, but at the same time they were still kind and warm.

“The why...?” She whispered. For some reason her voice shied away from the man who was only inches away.

“I did it because I don’t like to see you worry and stress over me,” Renly responded, “I’m not choosing life and neither am I being noble, I’m choosing to see you happy. My intensions are selfish, all this is for my satisfaction.”

Renly loosened his grip on the woman and began to pull away when Theodora reached for his sleeve and stopped him. The looked down at her hand that was holding his sleeve ans then trailed his eyes to her face.

Theodora flushed red, what was she doing?! Why had she even stopped him?

“You should go relay this information to the man you love,” Renly spoke with a small smile, “you want to see him happy don’t you. Well here’s your chance.”


“There is no question about it your eminence, it has been far too long that Renly has been gone,” Kazan spoke to the man who was laying motionless on the bed, “they must have intercepted him I can just feel it. We have to take precautions in case he reveals-”


Kazan shut his mouth and took a step back from the man who had gone into a coughing fit after yelling at him. “Renly took an oath , he will not betray us.”

“But master-”

“I raised that boy so don’t you dare question my judgment of him!” The man coughed some more, this time wetting his palm with traces of blood.

Kazan pulled out a clean cloth from his pocket and gave it to the old man who wiped himself clean before continuing to speak. “Renly is a grounded young man, I molded that mind of his myself, I know him like the back of my hand.” The man turned to Kazan and gave him a serious look, “Renly would rather die than go against me, I made sure of it.”

Kazan bowed respectfully before leaving the room and closing the door tightly shut behind him. He respected the master and his wishes and instincts but the old man had always been a little biased when it can to Renly.

Ever since he brought Renly into the ranks all those years back, the way he treated the boy was always different. Giving him the most difficult training, entrusting him with sensitive tasks and even using magic to heal his ailments and giving him the ability of flight. The master would always say he was only doing so to toughen the bot up since he was the youngest of the group. But every one could see it, the master had a soft spot for Renly, what he was doing was molding him into the next mage in line to take over in case something happened.

The old man was doing a terrible job at concealing his true intentions and why he was doing it. If he wasn’t careful sooner or later, everyone would find out that Renly was the master’s son.

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