May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 198

198 Chapter 198 : Run

Kazan’s eyes widened in both fear and shock after he took a good look at his attacker. Those elven ears, those nosferatu teeth and wing, this was the child Estel had been claiming wasn’t growing, this was Damien.

The mage threw his gaze to Estel and gnashed his teeth, “you deceitful little-” Kazan was about to zap the woman with his magic when Damien smacked him with wing and sent him flying through the door that broke on impact.

“Don’t you dare touch my mother you peice of human filth!” Damien roared and made his way out the shattered door towards the mage who had tumbled down a few stairs.

Kazan hissed in pain after his fall, he gripped his stomach and groaned as he pulled himself off the floor, but before he could get a good balance a kick landed right in his jaw and sent him plummeting to the bottom stairs. Blood oozed from Kazan’s mouth and he could feel his vision blurring out, this man was very strong, too strong, if he didn’t get out of there quick he would probably die.

Damien hovered towards the and grabbed him by the throat, he lifted him up towards his face and glared at him angrily. Kazan began to swing his legs wildly and chocked, Damien was using his magic to draw out the air from the mage’s very lungs. So this was the power of a high elf.

Damien had nothing but rage flowing through his veins, he had endured enough from these humans and today he would finally rid himself of them. He could feel the last whisp of breath leaving Kazan’s body when his mother’s voice reached his ears.

“Damien stop!”

Damien looked back at his mother, ans those few seconds he was distracted were enough for Kazan to cast a teleportion spell out of the man’s grip.

“No!” Damien roared:


But the only response he got back was the echoing of Kazan’s voice. ‘You should have killed me when you had the chance boy...”

Almost immediately Damien knew trouble was brewing, he turned to his mother and grabbed her by the hand. “We need to go, now!”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He rushed back to the room, grabbed a cloak for his mother and him and rusheshed back out. “Come!” He spoke after securing the cloak around his mother.

Estel was in a panic, Damien was being reckless, they were just the two of them, how were they going to take on god knows how many mages were out there. “Damien wait!”

“Theres no time to waste mother! We have been compromised!” He pulled her into his arms and carried her, “it’s do or die now, and I’m not letting you die!” He floated off the ground and dove down the spiral of stairs. His hopes hinged on the slim chance that Kazan had not called for his friend yet and they could find the exit before they run into anyone.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs the dark hall was empty, Damien whipped his head from left to right wondering which way was the exit. His ears perked up when he heard some voices coming from one end and decided the other way was his only choice.

Damien glided though the hallway, his mother rightly held in his arms. All he needed to do was find an exit, any exit at all, but the long dark hallway had no windows whatsoever, if it wasn’t for Damien’s nocturnal eyes he wouldn’t be able to see a thing.

“This way!”

“I heard a noise down the hall! Don’t let them escape!”

Damien was growing tense as he glided theough the hallway. And to his dismay he reached she end of the hall and growled. “Don’t worry, I will get us out of here.” He turned to his side and saw some stairs that were descending and there was some sort of light and the end of it and it seemed Damien had no choice.

He raced down the dark steps towards the light and emerged into a large room with a number of vials, potion bottles filled with different liquids, roots, soaked seeds and disembodied parts of small animal.

The door behind Damien closed shut making him turn back.

“So it is true,” a voice rasped behind him.

Damien tightened his hold on his mother ans turned to face whoever was speaking. He came face to face with a frail old man draped in a black robe and supported himself with a cane.

“I have Waite for many many years for you Damien, and now you’re here...” The man took a step forward and by instinct, he threw a gust of wind towards the old man who deflected it without even raising a fingers

“Bind him..” the man instructed.

Upon hearing those words, Estel pulled herself out of her sons arms and used her magic to create a veil around them.

A Group of men in hooded cloaks gathered around Estel and Damien, formed a circled and started chanting in a strange unknown language. Estel kept the veil up and kept glancing at the mages who were chanting around them, she had to be ready for anything, any attack they would throw at them her magic veil would deflect it. But for some reason, they all stood in place and kept chanting.

Estel began to panic when she noticed her son behind her had become awfully quiet. “Damien?” She turned around and found the Damien’s eyed had turned completely black ans his entire body had gone tense. She rushed to him and cupped his face, “Damien! What’s happening?!”

She looked back and noticed that the old man’s eyes had also darkened and this made her panic even more. “No! No stop!” She shook her son in an attempt to snap him out of it, “Damien! No!”

Estel could see that her son was trying to fight it from the flickering of color in his eyes. His eyes kept flashing from purple to black, ans his muscles were cording. With all the self control he could master, Damien mumbled a few words to his mother. “Run...”

“What?! Damien no I’m not leaving you-”

He grabbed his mother with one hand and pointed at the wall on his right, “mother... run” a large beam of bright light flashed from Damien’s hand, it obliterated the men who were in the direction he was pointing and crumbled the wall behind them. The outside was exposed and with a scary amount of strength, Damien threw Estel out of the hole on the wall and yelled, “run!”


Back in Gavaria, Theodora was standing nervously outside Renly’s door. She had avoided seeing Renly ever since the incident with Aiden, her actions that day had proved that she most definitely felt something for the man, but did he feel something for her as well? She hadn’t stuck around long enough that day to find out.


The woman jumped back and awoke from her reverie. Renly was standing at the door looking at her curiosly. “You have been standing there for a few minutes now, is something wrong?”

“I was just umm, well...” she had no excuse to give, why exactly was she here? She would have lied and said she was bringing him food or something, but now Renly was no longer a prisoner, in fact, Aiden treated him a little like an ally. So unlike bringing food to him, Aiden would call Renly to his chambers privately while discussing Estel.

Renly grabbed Theodora’s hand and pulled her into the room. She rammed her face into his chest and heard the door close behind her. For some reason her heart started drumming.”


“What happened to ‘little bird’?” He teased the woman in his arms.

Theodora pushed him away and glared at him, her gesture indicated that she was upset and frustrated but the blush on her face said something else. “Stop it okay, all this is confusing to me.”

Renly took a step forward and studied the nosferatu woman, “what’s confusing?”

“All these feelings, they’re confusing..”

Renly took another step closer, “what feelings?”

Theodora looked up at him thinking he was merely teasing her but his expression was genuinely curious. She had forgotten that Renly was just like her, neve knowing love or affection, so what she was saying must sound like gibberish to him.

“The...ones that I have for you,” she mumbled under her breath.

Renly moved closer and now he was mere inches away from her. “What feelings do you have exactly? Do I make you angry?”

“What no.. I mean sometimes, but that’s not it.”

“Do I worry you then?” Renly asked again.

“Sometimes, but that’s not what I’m talking about.”

“Then tell me, describe what you are feeling,” he encouraged the woman.

“Well I...” gods was she really doing this? But maybe if she spoke her feelings out it may help her navigate them as well. “I care about you obviously, and I don’t want to see you get hurt. I also like it when you are happy or when you smile, and sometimes I get embarrassed if I see you shirtless.” She looked up at Renly who was listening to her every word carefully. “I also feel safe around you, in more ways than one, but I also want to protect you. You make me so happy, but also so upset it’s confusing.... do you maybe have any idea why I feel this way?”

Renly cupped Theodora’s face in her hands and gazed longingly into her beautiful eyes, “I do not, I’ve never felt those things for anyone befor.”

Theodora felt a little hurt at his words.

“I’ve never felt that way until now..” he pulled her in and crushed his lips on hers. Never had he done something like this before, but something within him just told him to do it, so he kissed her.

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