May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 204

204 Chapter 204 : The battlefield

Estel and Theodora raced out of the outter shires of Gavaria towards the trail that leads to Meria.

“Why is the king of Gavaria riding to Meria?! Estel yelled against the wind. The last she remembered, Meria and Gavaria were both two very big and very powerful kingdoms who barely interacted with one another. So what could have possibly happened that could cause the two kingdoms to clash?

Theodora stifled a chuckle at the woman’s question. She could already the shock when she would find out how everyone was connected. She would be stupefied to know that the king of Gavaria was her brother and that he was raging war with Meria because of Aiden’s sister.

“It’s a long and complicated story!” Theodora responded, “you’ll understand in due time!”

“How far untill we reach them? When did they leave the capital?!” Estel question the woman riding slightly ahead of her. She was hoping that maybe they could catch up with the men before swords clashed and blood was spillled.

Theodaora was hoping the same, it would be difficult to find Aiden or get his attention in the middle of battle. “I have an idea!” She turned slightly to the women beside her and gave her a reassuring smile, “you just have to trust me!”

“What are you planning on doing?!”

“I’m going to try and teleport us to where Aiden is!” Theodora had never done something like this before, she had never teleported herself to somebody else’s location. In fact, she hadn’t even perfect teleportating someone else to her, the evidence was clear in the way she had failed to bring Melissa to Aiden several times. But this time she had to try, she had to concentrate and put in her all. She couldn’t fail this time.”

The nosferatu woman drew in a deep breath and closed her eyes, by the time she opened them, they were glowing, she mumbled some incoherent words repeatedly while pointing her fingers towards the path ahead.


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And just like that, a rip formed in front of them that grew bigger and bigger as they moved towards it. Estel was amazed at the woman’s abilities, she thought that only elves could conjure portals. She turned to Theodora and gasped when she saw a little trickle of blood from her nose.

“Youre bleeding!” Estel screamed feeling concerned. Was her ability taking a tow on her?

“Don’t worry about me?!” Theodora yelled and pointed towards the portal. “Just go through the portal before it closes! Quickly!”


“I’ll be right behind you!” Theodora called back, “you need to reach Aiden quickly. Go!”

Estel whipped the reins of her horse and dashed towards the portal which seemed to be shrinking with each passing minute. She shit her eyes tight as she jumped through the portal and out the other side.


Melissa walked to the front of the nosferatu army and and took a deep breath. She wondered why she hadn’t done it before, she shouldn’t let these two men decide her fate, she should tell them how her fate would play along.

She spread her large beautiful scarlet wings and leapt into the air. The nosferatu army spread their wings and followed her closely behind, the sight was like non the Merian citizens had ever seen, all who saw their queen flying overhead could only watch in awe.

Kaiser Stefan looked at her daughter proudly before spreading his own back wings and taking his wife’s hand in his. “We made her, can you believe that?”

Marceline giggled and planted a kiss on her husband’s cheek. “We did, and now we have to help keep her alive, now come on.”


Aiden zoomed in ahead and caught sight of king Elric up ahead. Why was he already there? And why did he only have a handful of men? This had to be a trap, he had to turn around ans warn Gareth.

Just as Aiden was turning back, he saw a portal opening not too far from where the men were marching.

“Oh no, what is Elric-”

Before the man could complete his statement, a woman flew though through the portal on horseback and pulled her reins to stop. She whipped her head around as if looking for someone, when the wind blew her hair away from her beautiful face, Aiden almost fell from the sky in pure shock.

Was that? No.. it couldn’t be.. was that Estel?

The man’s heart was racing so fast that he felt it would burst out of his chest, his blood went cold and the very air in his lungs gushed out making him light headed.

“Estel..” Aiden mumbled, unable to make his voice launder that that. He began to decend slowly to the ground, his eyes never leaving the blonde elven woman, the woman he had searched for for almost a century. It all felt like a dream.

Suddenly a loud screech echoed through out the sky making everyone around halt in their tracks. What was that gruesome spine tingling sound.

Aiden looked up at the sky and saw the darkness, like a veil covering the light of the rising sun and the very sun itself. The he saw it, a being moving towards them up in the air, with two large wings and a dark aura trailing it, it looked like a demon. The screech came again making all the men on the ground turn towards the sky.

When the nosferatu prince saw the legion of humanoid creatures flying behind him, his instincts immediately sensed danger and all his attention went to the elven woman below. No, he couldn’t lose her again, he couldn’t fail to protect her again, not this time.

“Estel!” Aiden swooped down from the sky at a speed he never knew possible. “Estel!”

The elven women heard her name being called by an all too familiar voice. She looked up and saw Aiden flaying towards her with his arms open. “Addie...”

Not to far from there, king Gareth knitted his brows as he looked up at the flying being. “What in the gods is that?”

Just in that moment, Zander galloped by his side and was breathing rather heavily, “your majesty! It’s Elric, he’s already waiting with the royal gaurd ahead, I think it’s a trap!”

Gareth furrowed his eyebrows, that would probably explain why that sly lycan didn’t concede to his warming, he must have had an ace up his sleeve all this time. Gareth had anticipated that at most Elric would try to ambush them and try to capture him, but he didn’t think they would summon whatever creature that was.

“That bastard!” Gareth growled and tightened his hold on the reins of his steed, “tell everyone to stand their ground! We may have a problem!”

On the other far side of the terrain, Elric gnashed his teeth as the screeching from the sky reached his sensitive ears. Jeffrey and Clovis rode to his side and looked up.

“What the hell is that thing?” Jeffrey mumbled in a voice of worry. He could fell the creature’s dark power from here, and those things that were flying behind it didn’t make the situation any better either.

“Do you think this is the elf king’s doing?” Clovis spoke as he glanced at Elric who looked infuriated.

“It has to be, that bastard will stop at nothing to take my wife away.” He turned his royal gaurd and held up a folded fist, “prepare for battle! Do not, and I repeat, do not falter!”


Melissa flapped her wings with all her mighty with her father and mother by her side, she had only used her wings a handful of times but she didn’t feel the weight of them at all. She could glide ans control like it was second nature.

A few moments later,down on the terrain below in front of them, she saw the two armies. “There you are..” she was glad that the fighting had not started yet, it would be much easier to knock some senses into both of them at this point.

But when she looked up, she saw something that made her hurt leap, good gods what was that? The very aura of the creature with large wings flying ahead of her towards the two armies was enough to riddle her skin with goosebumps.

Her keen eyes could clearly see how that creature looked human in some way but had wings of a nosferatu, only larger, and it also exhibited ears like that of an elf, skin as pale as parchment and eyes as black as the night sky.

Suddenly, Melissa heard her father’s voice yelling out her name, “Melissa watch out!”

The woman saw a spear of dark light racing towards her, she moved to the side but unfortunately the spear was able to graze her leg. Blood dripped from her wound and she felt the would burn as in she had been cut with a hot metal rod. She stopped mid air and looked at her bleeding leg before throwing her sights on the creature ahead that was summoning another spear readying to launch it towards her.

“Damn it!”

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