May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 207

207 Chapter 207 : The mystery mage

As Aiden plunged his dagger through the last of the creatures, he spotted a portal opening on the ground not too far from him. A sigh of relief escaped his lips when he saw Theodora walking through the portal. Even though she looked physically exhausted, Aiden knew she was the game changer. Theodora was gifted in magic for a nosferatu woman, particularly dark magic, if there was anyone who could help pull his son out of this predicament it was her.

Theodora scanned the battlefield until she heard her name being called out from above, it was Aiden, he flew to her side and held her shoulders firmly, a relieved smile tugging his lips.

“Thank the gods Theodora,” Aiden sighed, “my son, can you help him?”

Theodara looked up at the elven king who had entrapped Damien in a ball of air that he was now lowering to the ground. She had forgotten that Gareth was a high elf and that he was powerful.

“I can try,” Theodora responded before rushing to were Gareth had now landed.

After rendering the hybrid unconscious, Gareth disrupted his veil of air and let Damien fall onto the grass. “I don’t know how long he’ll be out for, it’s best that you do whatever it is now!”

Theodora rushed to Damien’s side and studied his body. Back when she was locked up, she would see the humans carrying out experiments where they tried to merge their souls to those of powerful nosferatu, elves, lycans and even dwarves in an attempt to gain their abilities and prolong their life spans. They had actually tried that very same experiment on her as well but failed, apart from the excruciating pain she had experienced during the process, she had also gained magical abilities, and she hopped they would come in handy in this moment.

The nosferatu woman hovered her hands over Damien and closed her eyes, first she had to envision the soul that had taken over Damien’s body before pulling it out. She chanted a few words and focused, and before long she saw him, it was a frail old man, the same man who was in charge of experimenting on her people, this monster was the one who had taken over Damien’s body.

“I found you you bastard,” Theodora mumbled and began chanting an extraction spell. This would take a lot of her energy and strength but she had to be strong and pull through, she couldn’t fail.



Elric morphed back into his human form and scanned the terrain, where was she? Where was his beautiful wife?! He marched to one of his nosferatu guards and grabbed his shoulders. “You! Where is she?! I asked you to protect her so where is she?!”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Your majesty.. I’m sorry but she was injured in battle,” the nosferatu mumbled, “we were all injured in battle..”

Elric growled and glared at the nosferatu. He bared his fangs ready to maul off his neck before another guard walked to him. “Your majesty! Her highness is safe, she was rescued by the elven king Gareth. They are tending to her wounds right now.”

Elric was aware that the man was trying to make him feel better by telling him Melissa was doing fine, but the only thing he had heard was that she was with Gareth, and that infuriated him.

“Where are they?” Elric growled.

“Excuse me your majesty?”

“Where is that elven bastard and my wife?!” Elric roared making the man jump back.

“They’re over there by the rocks.” He stummered. “Her mother and hand maiden are there as well..”

Elric shoved the gaurd aside and rushed to the rocks, why is it that when things started going well between him and Melissa this elf kept barging into their life?! Well now he was going to put him in his place, he was going to tell him that Melissa was pregnant with his child and have him stay as far away from her as possible.


Aiden and Estel held their breath as they watched Theodora chant with her arms over Damien’s body. A purplish light glowed around his body as Theodora’s chanting became faster and faster, the brightness of the light intensified and when Estel looked up at Theodora she gasped.

“She’s bleeding..” Estel muttered and tried to reach for Theodora but Aiden stopped her.

“The spell is taking a tow on her,” he whispered, “but if we distract her now she won’t be able to save him. If I sense she cannot handle it I’ll stop it myself.”

Estel looked at Aiden and nodded, it was clearer he cared for this woman, so it would be wise to trust him.

Not long after, Renly made his way to where Aiden and Estel were and saw Theodora chanting with her hands over a man. From the blood that trickled from her ears and nose he could see that she was in pain but continued regardless.

This was the man the mages had been trying to get their hands on wasn’t he? This was Estel and Aiden’s son. “Please step aside,” he asked the elven woman and the nosferatu prince before getting down on his knees and putting his hands above Theodora’s.

This spirit that had possessed Damien’s body was obviously his master, and it would take more than just one magic user to get him out. He closed his eyes and began chanting his own spell.

“What are you doing?” Aiden asked the man.

“I want to lend Theodora my magic,” Renly responded, “we will need a lot of it if this spell is to succeed.” He chanted more and more and the purple color intensified.

Estel moved towards the duo but Aiden held her back by the arm. “Estel...”

“He is my son Aiden,” Estel responded, “I’m a magic user, I can help him.” She placed her arms over Damien’s body and began to chant as well, the purple light glowed even more.

Aiden was taken aback by the sight, a human, a nosferatu and an elf coming together to save a life, was this a sign that things were starting to turn around?

Moments later, Damien opened his eyes and his body started jerking, he screamed and toiled around clearly trying to resist the extraction spell. This was bad, if he managed to overpower them, they would not be able to save Damien.

But the thought flattered away as quick as it came when a bright blinding white light made Aiden shut his eyes. By the time he opened them, a strange man in a white cloak was squatting by Damien’s head.

The man placed a hand over Aiden’s head and began chanting, the purple light around Damien became so bright that it was almost blinding. The hybrid screamed in agony as his mortal invading soul was ripped out of the body. The mage in white then waved his hand and pulled the departed soul into a small conch he was holding.

Soon after the purple light disappeared, and everyone who was chanting fell back in exhaustion. Renly rushed to Theodora’s side and held her in his arms while Aiden held Estel.

When Renly looked up at the mysterious mage who had appeared, his face paled slightly. This was the man who had attacked him in the woods not too long ago and told him to stay away from Melissa.

“Who are you?..” Renly mumbled.

“Do not worry little bird, you are now a friend and not a foe..” he then lifted the conch and waved it, “I will make sure your father rests easy. In the meantime, I have a brewing dispute to settle.”

“My father?” Renly was in shock, was this man saying that the master was actually his father? But how? He turned to the mage in a white cloak but he had disappeared already leaving Renly with so many questions. If the master has been his father all along, why had he never said anything?

Renly also noticed that the calcification on his left hand had disappeared as well. Who was that mysterious mage?


After making sure Melissa’s wound was cleaned and badaged, Gareth lay her down on a cloak that was spread out on the ground and cupped her hands in his. She smiled weakly at him and he smiled back, he was relieved nothing had happened to Melissa or the baby, he would have completely lost it if anything did.

But like every time when Elric was within the vicinity, the beautiful moment between Melissa and Gareth did not last. The lycan king marched to where Melissa was laying while the elven king got to his feet and met him halfway.

“Move it elf, my wife needs me..”

“Mel is already taken care of dog, now step back..” Gareth spat back.

“it’s Lissa.. and she is MY WIFE, and the mother to MY CHILD.. now step aside!” Gareth roared.

Garrth scoffed, “oh you pathetic lycan, you think Mel is carrying your child?” Gareth took a step forward and sized Elric up, “that child Melissa is carrying is half elf.”

“Step aside Gareth!”

“Stop it both of you!”

The two men turned to Melissa who was holding her side and breathing heavily, “I’ve had enough of your bickering and senseless wars!” She yelled.

“But Lissa...”

“But Mel..”

“I am talking and both of you will listen!” Melissa snapped making the two men shut up.

She then winced and squeezed her side, looks like she wasn’t fully in the condition to go off on the two men and had stretched the stiches on her wound.

Melissa suddenly felt a gentle hand on her shoulder and saw a man in a white cloak squatting beside her. “Perhaps I can help clear this mess..”

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