May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 209

209 Chapter 209 : Reunion

Clovis paced his tent nervously while trying to rack his brain on what the hell was going on. His brother had just run off into the forest and even after hours of searching they could not find him, not even a trail, nothing! What had happened that made him run off like that? And that look he had in his eyes when he left, Elric looked like he had lost his mind completely.

Clovis had sent one of his generals to call for Gareth and speak to him about his brother. Whatever had caused Elric to behave the way he did must have had something to do with Melissa.

When the flap of his tent opened, Clovis rushly turned around hoping someone had come with some good news about Elric’s whereabouts.

“Jeffrey..” Clovis walked to his brother and grabbed his shoulders. “Have they found him?”

Jeffrey slowly shook his head, “I’m sorry,” he responded sadly, “we searched everywhere, every inch of the forest as far as the eye can see but could not find him. It’s like he just disappeared.”

Clovis cursed and continued his pacing, what in the world were they going to tell their father. First they had lost their mother not too long ago, and now his favorite son?

“Any word from king Gareth?”

“The Gavarians are still a bit wary of us considering there was initially supposed to be war between us,” Jeffrey explained. “But a message has been sent to their side of camp regardless.”

Clovis sighed and gave his brother a nod, “thank you.”


“You do know what is supposed to happen now don’t you?”

Clovis looked up at his brother, “what do you mean by that?”

“Elric specifically said if he does not make it back from this war, you must take the throne-”

“He is not dead!”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Jeffrey nodded apologetically, “I’m sorry, I was not insinuating that he was.”

“No I’m sorry,” Clovis responded, “I’m just incredibly stressed. Can we not talk about succession for now, can we at least wait a while and look for him?”

“Of course..” Jeffrey bowed and left the tent. He too was worried about his brother, where on earth had he gone? Was he alright?

Suddenly, Jeffrey found himself bumping into a big man who made him stumble. “What in the-” when he looked up, his words scurried back down his throat.

“We meet again,” Roland spoke with a smile, “good to see you’re still alive.” He pat Jeffrey on the back, his strength making him stumble forward.

“What are you doing on our side of camp?! This is trespassing!”

Roland pointed to Gareth who was standing behind him, “I believe you called for us, or did we receive the wrong message?”

“Well... I... move out of my way elf!” Jeffrey shoved Roland aside and stormed off leaving the two elves confused.

“Friend of yours?” Gareth asked.

“Barely,” Roland replied, “he seems to hate my guts for some reason.”

“What did you do to him?”

“Well... I saved his life.”


Jeffrey rushed into his tent and ran his hands through his dark hair. What in the world was this?! Why did that blue eyed elf always seem to pop out of nowhere and get him so worked up?!

Why was he even so worked up to begin with?! So he had saved his life, so what? So he had those deep blue eyes and perfect cheekbones so what? So he had the strength of ten men so what?

Jeffrey paused and sighed in frustration, why was he even thinking about this bloody elf to begin with?! He had more pressing issues to deal with like the disappearance of his brother.


Clovis held open the flap of his tent and let Roland and Gareth walk in. “Thank you for meeting with me,” he spoke calmly, “I understand this is quiet unusual.”

“indeed it is,” Gareth responded, “we are after all on two opposite sides of the battlefield.”

Clovis gestured the men to take a seat on the furs of the floor and sat across from them. “Yes about that, both our armies have suffered great loss with a lot of our soldiers wounded. Using words like ‘battlefield’ is unsettling.”

“If it is not the war that you wish to discuss,” Gareth responded, “the one your kingdom decided to follow through on by the way, then why am I here? I already have what I wanted.”

“It’s my brother, he has not been found yet. I have a feeling whatever made him run off has something to do with Melissa, do you perhaps have any idea where he could have gone?”

“I do not,” Gareth spoke, “he went mad and tried to kill Melissa when he found out the child she carries is not his.”

Clovis looked to the floor, now he understood. Elric had been in love with Melissa, no.. he had been obsessed with Melissa for years. Not only was he overprotective of her and their relationship, but this whole war was waged on the sole fact that Elric thought Melissa was carrying his child. News like that must have broken him.

“I see..” Clovis mumbled before standing up and giving the elven king a respectful bow. “Thank you for the information, and I apologize if I have caused any inconvenience.”

Gareth and Roland rose to their feet as well, before leaving, Gareth asked the lycan prince a question.

“Will you people leave me and Melissa to be together in peace now? After all the events of today?”

“We will never bother you again,” Clovis responded to the elven king who nodded before exiting the tent.


In another tent far from both the Gavarian and Merian camps, Aiden sat beside his son who was as laying unconscious in some furs on the floor. He still couldn’t wrap his head around how this man was his son, Aiden had missed out on so much of his childhood and life. The nosferatu prince had often dreamed of the day he would reunite with his son, but now that he was laying in front of him, Aiden didn’t even know how to feel.

Estel walked into the tent and smiled when she saw Aiden still watching over Damien. “You have not eaten anything,” she whispered and put a bowl of food beside him. “He will be fine so don’t worry too much.”

Aiden studied his son’s face, he looked like the perfect cross between him and his mother, he still couldn’t believe this was his boy, the one he thought he had lost all those years ago.

“How was he,” Aiden began to speak, “when he was a child?”

“He has always been quite the trouble maker. Though we were confined to the tower, he found so much happiness in the little things.”

Aiden felt his heart break a little at Estel’s words. It both angered and pained him that his son had to have such a demeaning childhood, a time of his life when he was supposed to outside playing and running. But instead he spent it locked away like a prisoner.

“He was also very curious, and a little clumsy,” Estel placed her hand on top of Aiden’s and smiled at him. “Just like you.”

“I failed him as a father..”

“You searched for us everyday for almost a century Addie, you failed no one.”

Aiden looked to the beautiful elven woman and smiled, he had really missed admiring her beauty and listening to her sweet voice. “I could not sit while knowing there was a chance you were out there something, and I would have spent the rest of my days searching the earth if I had to. The only thing that would have stopped me from seeking the two of you would be my death.”

Estel smiled before pulling Aiden in for a kiss, with misty eyes she placed her forehead on his and stroked his cheeks. “I missed you so much..”

“As did I my love...” he kissed her again before pulling her onto his lap. “As did I.”


Vivian grabbed the hair at the back of Zander’s head and gnashed her teeth in pure bliss and pleasure.

“Never put yourself in harms way like that.. ever... again..”

Vivian couldn’t even find the constitution to respond, she was too lost in the sea of euphoria that had enveloped her body as Zander made love to her.

“You.. had me.. worried.. sick!” he groaned

She moaned and arched her back in response to his powerful thrusts. She couldn’t tell wether he was angry with her, had missed her, or both. But she really didn’t care, he had never pleasured her in such a way before and she was enjoying every moment of it.

Moments later Vivian felt her entire body shudder as she reached her peak, and as if responding to her orgasm, the blonde elf spent himself generously within her, consequently falling into her arms exhausted.

Vivian wrapped her arms around the man on top of her and gently ran her fingers through his silky hair. “Are you still angry with me?” She whispered in his ear.

The elf looked up at the smiling woman and knitted his eyebrows. “You are lucky the war has taken a tow on me.”

“And I missed you too,” Vivian responded with a chuckle.

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