May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 216

216 Chapter 216 : Finally

Clovis walked slowly around the camp as his men packed up their belongings to return to Meria, yes these were his men now after his brother had practically disappeared and could not be found. Even though the sudden shift of power happened on such a sad note, Clovis would take it up as best he could just like Elric would want him to do. Clovis stopped and looked at Dvalin who was also supervising his men and telling them about the change of plans, meeting the dwarve king was definitely an unexpected turn of events but he appreciated it because this would be Clovis’ chance to get his blessings to marry his daughter.

But seeing how stubborn the dwarve king was, there was no doubt in Clovis’ mind that he was in for a tough time. Dvalin turned to look at Clovis and the prince gave him a kind wave that Dvalin completely ignored and continued speaking with his men, yes, indeed Clovis was in for a tough time indeed.

“Yout majesty-”

Clovis put his hand in front of the man , “it’s your grace, the coronation has not happened yet.”

The lycan general nodded and bowed “my apologies your grace, but our men are ready to depart.”

Clovis sighed and nodded, “alright, check on the dwarves as well and let me know when they get themselves together.”

“At once your grace...”

Clovis looked up at the sky and ran his fingers through his silver hair, “Elric where in the bloody hell are you?” He looked back at his tent and decided he better get packed up as well, he had a lot awaiting him back in Meria.



When the sun rose Melissa was already up, in fact she had been up for hours already, unable to get any sleep, today was the big day after all. Finally after all these years she was finally going to marry the man that she loved.

The elven Princess trurned around when the door to her chambers opened and curtsied when queen Tauriel walked into the room with a smile on her face, the woman had apologized for everything that had happened a few months ago and Melissa had agreed to forgiving her, but it was still a bit of a challenging warming up to her completely.

“You’re already awake?” The elven queen walked into the room and opened the door wide allowing three female elves into the room. “You need not to miss him anymore, he arrived the previous night while you were asleep.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Melissa took a step forward and clutched her chest. “Gareth is here?!”

The nosferatu Princess had spent about a month in Gavaria with Gareth and it was honestly the best month of her life. He spoiled her rotten with affection and the occasional expensive custom made jewelry here and there. She loved the moments he would just lay on her now slightly protruding tummy and speak to their baby for hours on end, usually earning himself a scolding from Zander about sidelining his royal duties.

Speaking of royal duties, Gareth was absolutely loved by the entire kingdom including the people in Baiviles. He was a just king who insured all races lived together harmoniously and we’re treated equally and many adored him for that, but just like any other ruler, there were those who hated Gareth for his just ways, those who thought themselves superior and felt they needed special treatment, those who were in favor of Elric’s way of rule.

When Gareth proposed, Melissa and the former king were absolutely ecstatic but queen Margret had her own reservations about their marriage, claiming it was unwise for a king to marry a woman who had been married before and could possibly be carrying the child of her former husband. Margret’s view of Melissa created a rift between her and her son, and ultimately she blamed Melissa for it.

Tension in the palace was rampant, so much so that Gareth declared the wedding would be held in Ervelon rather than Gavaria which made Margret Burchard even more resentful.

To prepare for the ceremony, Melissa had gone on ahead to Ervelon so she could be prepared as was the custom of the elves. She had to learn of how elven weddings were carried out, what the bride would wear, and the processions that happened on the day, and it was all so tiring especially that the redhead was now four, almost five months pregnant. Gareth on the other hand was taught all he needed to know by Zander back in Gavaria.

Melissa had missed Gareth dearly, especially because she was in Ervelon without him, even though her brother and Estel had been nothing but good to her, she hated going to bed without her future husband.


“Didn’t he come and see you?” Tauriel completed Melissa’s sentence before making herself comfortable on a chair next to the woman. “Oh he tried believe me, on several occasions. He was making a racket the entire night demanding he be allowed to see his wife.”

Melissa chuckled at the thought of Gareth throwing a fit over her.

“I had to fortify this entire hallway with magic so he doesn’t make it to your room..” Estel waved her fingers at the elf maidens who went on doing their duties to prepare Melissa for the day. “As you know, in our culture it is bad lack for the groom to see his bride before the wedding.”

Two of the maidens got busy filling Melissa’s bath and fortifying the water with scented oils, while the other prepared her skin ointments, hair accessories and all the make up accessories she would need to get ready.

“And for the dress...” Tauriel mentioned and got up to walk towards her future daughter-in-law. “Will you be matching with Estel?”

Melissa and Estel were to be married on the same day to each other’s brothers, what were the odds? The nosferatu princess had seen the form fitting dress Estel had picked out and knew instantly it wasn’t for her. Her hands went to her stomach and she pouted, she didn’t want to walk down the isle looking like she had just eaten a whole barrel of rice.

The elven queen lowered Melissa’s hands and gave her a reassuring smile, “don’t worry about it, our royal tailor can do wonders. Though Gareth did insist we make your baby bump as visible as possible.”

“Are you really going to take advice on dressing from a man?”

Taurile chuckled and tucked a loc of Melissa’s hair behind her ear, “I think I have an idea that will make both of you very happy.” The queen clapped her hands and the maidens rushed to Melissa to help her out of her sleeping gown. “Now get ready, I’ll go check on Estel while you prepare. I’ll come back and check on you in a bit.”

Melissa watched her future mother in law walk away and giggled giddily to herself. She could not believe this was actually happening, by the end of this day, Melissa would be married to Gareth, the mere thought of it made her heart flatter and her face flash.

“My lady, right this way to your bath..”

Melissa nodded and followed the elves to the tub, gosh, she couldn’t wait to start her happily ever after.


Gareth jumped to his feet when he saw his mother walk through his doors. “Mother..” he looked behind his mother but did not see the beautiful face he was longing to see. “Where is she?”

“Oh calm yourself Gareth you will see her walking down the isle in a few hours..” Tauriel walked to her son and straightened his collar. “Your father would be so proud to see you now, he too wore this when he married me.

Gareth was wearing a long black jacket lined in gold, a silk golden shirt within, and a pair of black leather pants and boots.

“Thank you mother.”

“All our guests are almost here, we are just waiting for king Clovis and the others from Meria and we can start the day.” Tauriel spoke before cupping her son’s face and smiling at him, “I am so proud of you, both of you. I can’t wait to see my babies getting married.. if only Finwe could put down the sword and pick up a woman.”

“I heard that..” Finwe mumbled as he walked into the room. “The only reason I would get a woman is so another man could fight me over her like my dear brother over here.” He pat Gareth on the shoulder and chuckled.

“Are you still upset that I picked Zander over you as my right hand man for the wedding dear brother?” Gareth taunted Finwe.

“Of course I am,” Finwe responded without hesitation, “and I will never let you live it down.”

Both men gave each other a taunting smile before embracing each other in a quick hug.

“Congratulations brother,” Finwe mumbled, “it’s about bloody time.”

“Alright.. alright..” queen Tauriel pulled her sons apart and gestured them to follow her out of the room. “Come now, I need both of you present as we receive our guests, I hear the Merians will be arriving soon.”

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