May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 258

258 Chapter 258 : Surprise

Jacob was scanning the ballroom, when a hand tugged the sleeve of his shirt.

“come on Jacob, let’s find somew to sit,” Janis pulled her brother towards a table that had a few empty seats. “we will have better luck at recognizing Eira if we are sitting down.”

“I would rather stand,” Jacob replied sternly, “i’m not letting Eira slip right through my fingers a second time.”

“good gods! Your voice sounds awful underneath that mask,” Janis pointed out, “I can hardly tell that it’s you under there.” The blue eyed woman let go of her brother, and creased down the skirt of her beautiful yet provocative dress. “very well, do what you want. I am going to the bar to get myself a drink.”

The dark haired elf watched his sister walk towards the table where the wine glasses were displayed, tonight was about Eira and no one else. He would not let anyone distract him from his goal.

As Jacob was about to turn and go looking for his red haired princess, a soft voice that made his heart flutter with his ears.

“Hi..” Eira mattered as she tugged his sleeve gently. “Looking for someone?”

Jacob turned around to look at the woman speaking to him, and immediately his eyes fell on her, he felt his heart lodge up in his throat. if there were any doubts of Eira’s beauty in the past, all those doubts had been completely shattered in this moment.

The princess was wearing a body hugging lacy dress, that accentuated her beautiful figure. The lace of the dress showed off the skin on her arms and a little bit of her legs. Her red hair was elegantly tied in a bun and hidden behind the glorious mask she was wearing. Beneath the mask, red cupids bow lips moved so gently as she spoke to him. Even without seeing her face, Jacob was at loss for words at the beauty radiating from this woman.


“Eira, it’s you...” Jacob spoke in a strained voice. It took a lot more than he thought it would to formulate sentences in front of the beautiful princess. “you look absolutely stunning.”

Eira immediately blushed at the men’s words, since when had this sly lycan become so charming? She looked away and nervously fidgeted with her ear lobe before muttering a low ‘thank you’.

The redhead’s blue eyes trailed back up to the man’s face, he looked a little different wearing a mask and formal clothing. “I thought you wouldn’t come,” she mumbled nervously, “especially after our last encounter, I should probably apologize about how things turned out.”

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Jacob brought his hand to his lips and bit his nail nervously, “yes about that, I am sorry if I made you feel a certain type of way. Sometimes I can be a bit straightforward with how I’m feeling, so you need not apologize for your reaction, it was understandable. But I do hope however, that I can make it up to you tonight.”

The elf took a step forward and held Eira’s hand gently in his. “It is your special day today is it not? I hope that I can be the one to make it a little bit more special than it already is.”

Eira felt her heart leap within in her chest, why was Elric being so forward all of a sudden? Did he maybe consider the fact that their connection meant they were mates? Just like she had considered them being blood halves?

“Yes it indeed is my birthday today,” The redhead responded in the low tone, “it falls on the first day of winter, how did you know?”

“How could I not know the birthdate of the most important woman in my life?” Jacob responded as he took another step forward.

“Most important?” The princess’ words could barely be heard, she was a nervous wreck at this point.

“But of course,” Jacob responded with a smile, “no one can hold a candle to you Eira.” The elf placed the redhead’s arm around his. “would you grace me with a dance princess?”

“sure...” Eira responded apprehensively.

Jacob smiled widely, he couldn’t believe how easy this had been so far. He actually thought Eira would ignore him the entire night, but instead, here she was on his arm more than willing to dance with him. He must have been the luckiest elf in all the kingdoms.

Back at Eira’s table, Isabella smiled at Zhelimir as he sat down next to her.

“Leonard is having a bit of trouble with his cravat,” the blonde spoke, “but he will be out in a minute.”

“You know, when Leonard gets here he will want to dance with me.”

Zhelimir looked at the blue eyed woman and raised his eyebrows, “yes, and so?”

“Won’t you feel lonely sitting at this table alone?” Isabella asked the blonde.

“I am quite alright,” Zhelimir responded, “I am not much of a-” the blonde’s words wedged when he saw Janis walking towards the bar. On nothing but pure instinct, he stood up and gulped as his eyes raked over the lovely dress Janis was wearing.

“Janis?” Isabella asked Zhelimir with a chuckle.

“Yes... isn’t she the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?”

When Isabella’s laugh reached Zhelimir’s ears, he blushed intensely upon realizing what he had just said out loud.

“Well what are you waiting for? Get your hybrid rear over there and ask her for a dance!”

The blonde tugged the neckline of his shirt nervously, before nodding his head and walking towards the beautiful Janis.

‘confidence Zhelimir...’ The blonde thought to himself. ‘For all she knows, you are just another handsome guest at this party. This is your chance to sweep her off her feet, and after she’s realized that she has feelings for you, you will reveal your true self.’

“Umm excuse me..” Zhelimir spoke and gently tapped Janis’ shoulder. “I have to say, of all the women I have seen tonight, your beauty shines the brightest.”

Janis Turned to look at the man who was speaking to her and smiled. “Well aren’t you the sweet talker?”

“Might I trouble such a beautiful lady for a dance?”

Janis chuckled and nodded her head, “it would be my pleasure.”

Zhelimir couldn’t believe it! He had finally mustered up the courage to ask Janis to dance, and she had actually said yes.

The blue eyed woman wrapped her arm around Zhelimir and smiled up at him. “Shall we?”

As the two turned towards the dance floor, somebody almost bumped into them.

Zhelimir grabbed the man’s shoulder and gave him a stern look. “Watch where you’re going, will you?”

“Forgive me,” Elric responded, “I am in a bit of a rush, I did not see you. Please accept my sincere apology.”

The lycan watched the couple walk towards the dance floor, before going about his own mission. Where could she be? He didn’t feel comfortable being within the Gavarian palace for this long. He needed to find Eira before somebody recognized him in this place.

Back on the dance floor, Eira was feeling a bit uneasy. Elric was acting a little different from how she remembered, and for some reason she was getting the same uncomfortable feeling she got whenever she was around Jacob.

“What’s the matter beautiful?” The Elven man asked the red haired princess. “Tired already are we?”

“I ... I think I need some air.”

Jacob stopped swinging the princess around and looked down at her, “are you all right? Did I do or say anything wrong?”

“No! Of course not..” Eira gave the man a small smile, “it’s just a little stuffy in here. I should go get some air out in the garden.”

Not too far from where Eira was, Elric picked up a familiar scent, Eira’s scent. He turned around and saw a woman in a laced dress heading towards the garden door. Her familiar smell and the glimps of her red hair assured the lycan that that was the woman he had been looking for all evening.


The lycan pushed his way through the crowd, keeping his eyes on the woman so as not to lose sight of her.

“Eira!” He called out, but the music and the chattering people around him drowned out his voice.

He saw her exit the ballroom through a glass door that seemed to lead into a garden, and walked briskly towards the doorway as well. He exited the ballroom into the cold night and scanned the area until he finally saw her. There she was, standing underneath a willow tree next to a small bench.

With a half relieved smile, the lycan walked towards the princess. “There you are, I was beginning to think you did not show up at the party.”

“Please go away,” Eira murmured without turning to look at who was speaking to her. “I am not in the mood for company right now.”

“Still the spoiled little princess I see,” the lycan scoffed.

That voice. Eira knew that voice. She turned around to look at the man who is speaking to her, he sounded a lot like Elric. But that could not be, she had just been with Elric a few minutes ago.

“Who... Who are you?” she asked the strange man in front of her.

Elric lifted his mask slightly, flushing his fanged white smile and honey brown eyes. “surprise.”

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