May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 260

260 Chapter 260 : I didn’t lie to you!

As Elric spun Eira around, he caught sight of a man walking towards him in haste. Almost immediately, the lycan knew exactly who the man was. That silver hair and commanding stride could not be mistaken for anybody else, that was his brother Clovis.

The honey brown eyed man looked down at the woman in his arms, leaned forward and whispered in her ear. “Do you remember when I said there are people here who do not want me around?”

Eira gasped slightly before nodding her head. “What happened? Has someone recognized you?”

“I should believe so,” Elric responded while keeping his eye on Clovis who was pushing through the crowds most likely to reach him. “Do me a favor and hold on tightly to my arm.”

The redhead could do nothing but comply, she nodded her head and wrapped her arms around the silver haired man’s bicep. “What are you planning to-”

Elric wrapped his arm tightly around Eira’s waist and hoisted her up slightly. And as swiftly as a whirlwind, the lycan moved through the crowd and out through the glass door that led to the garden.

When they were outside, Elric relinquished the woman and walked hastily towards a water fountain nearby. Without hesitation, he jumped into the water and splashed some of it over his body.

Eira walked towards him feeling a little confused. “What are you doing?” She asked the man.

“My scent,” Elric replied as he washed his face thoroughly with the water. “That is the only way he could’ve known it was me. I need to find a way to tone it down or entirely mask it up.”


The redhead walked towards Elric and grabbed his hand. “I think I have a plan, follow me.”

Back inside the ballroom, Jacob had just witnessed a strange man hoists Eira up and run out with her into the garden.

“What in the hell?!” he mumbled to himself before making his way towards the glass door.

“Jacob?” Janis muttered as she watched her brother suddenly rush towards the crowds. “Jacob where are you going?!” She called out to him.

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“It’s Eira!” The dark haired elf responded, “I think she’s in trouble!”

Janis, Zhelimir, Isabella and Leonard all gave each other concerned looks before getting up and following Jacob.

The elf exited the ballroom into the garden. And just as he turned, he saw Eira teleporting away with a man bearing silver long hair. Jacob’s eyes widened at the site, wasn’t that the same man who had kidnapped her back at the party?!

“Eira!” Jacob ran towards the two just as they were teleporting away. “stop!” He yelled, “unhand the princess!”

But the elf was a little too late. Eira and the Silver haired man disappeared from sight, leaving him breathless and gnashing his teeth together.

Not long after, the rest of his friends joined him in the garden. Zhelimir pulled off his mask, tossed it to the ground and walked towards where Jacob was standing.

The blonde hybrid grabbed Jacob by the shoulder and spun him around. “What the hell happened?! Where is Eira?!”

“He took her!” Jacob yelled in agitation. “He took her again and I wasn’t able to save her!”

“What do you mean ‘took her’?” Zhelimir questioned the unnerved elf. “Who are you talking about?!”

Jacob did not respond, instead his head and eyes kept shifting from side to side as if looking for something that wasn’t there. Zhelimir grabbed both his shoulders and shook him a little.

“Jacob snap out of it!”

“We should go get the king,” Isabella suggested in a panic. “If Eira is in trouble her father should know!”

“No wait!” Janis spoke firmly. “In case you have not noticed, there is a ball happening in there with hundreds of people from all over the six kingdoms. Alarming the king now, will only cause widespread panic.”

The Elven woman walked towards her brother and grabbed his arm. “Get a hold of yourself Jacob! You panicking will not help the situation.” She put his face closer to hers and looked him dead in the eye. “Was it him? The man who took Eira, was it the same man from the party?”

Jacob nodded his head, and when Zhelimir saw his response, his panic subsided a great deal. Eira had told Zhelimir about the man from the party, and from what she had told him, she trusted him a significant amount. If that was truly the man Eira had left with, and she had gone with him willingly.

“Hold on a minute,” Zhelimir Spoke to his friends who were clearly in a panic. “This man you speak of, did he have long silver hair?”

Jacob narrowed his eyes at the blonde hybrid. “How did you know that?”

Zhelimir picked up his mask from the ground and dusted the blades of grass off it. “We have nothing more to worry about,” the blonde spoke, making everyone gasp in surprise.

“What do you mean we have nothing more to worry about?!” Jacob yelled. “Are you in cahoots with this man? Are you trying to kidnap the princess so you can ascend the throne?!”

“Don’t be ridiculous Jacob,” Zhelimir spoke. “The man Eira is with, he is a friend. So there is nothing more for us to worry about.”

Isabella sighed in relief. “Oh thank goodness, she really had us all worried there for a second.” The big smile on her face returned as she took Leonard’s hand in hers. “Now where is that dance you owe me?”

The shy elf blushed before intertwining his fingers with Isabella’s and leasing her back towards the ballroom.

Jacob watched Isabella and Leonard walk back hand in hand and knitted his eyebrows together. He watched as Zhelimir Walked towards his sister and offered her his hand.

“I suppose the jig is up,” The blonde chuckled nervously.

Janis gave him a sly smile before placing her hand in his. “Oh please Zhelimir, I knew it was you the entire time.”

“Will everyone just stop!” Jacob yelled and marched towards his sister and the blonde. “So all of you are going to go back in there and couple up, while Eira is out there with some strange man?! Are you all bloody demented?!”

“Jacob calm down,” Janis spoke. “You heard what Zhel said. She is not in trouble so there’s no need to worry.”

“To hell with all of you! I am going to find Eira myself!”

Janis watched her brother stomp his feet back into the ballroom and sighed. Why the hell couldn’t Jacob read the room? Had he always been this insensible?


Eira teleported herself and the lycan to her bedroom chambers. She let go of the man, and rushed toward her dressing table where she opened a drawer that stored her scented oils. Carefully she pulled one out, and walked towards the silver haired man who was looking at her intensely.

“You can try this,” She spoke as she offered the man the small glass bottle. “This should be able to mask your scent significantly, so that the people who are looking for you cannot find you.”

Elric stood there looking down at the woman, not in the least bit paying attention to the small bottle she was offering him. He pulled off his mask, letting his silver hair fall down his shoulders and back. The look in his eyes was unnerving, he looked both angry and hurt at the same time.

Eira lowered the small glass bottle that she was offering him and took a step back. “Are you alright-”

“You are the princess of Gavaria?” Elric asked in an icy tone.

Eira felt her throat dry up at his words. She was hoping that Elric had not heard Jacob call her ‘princess’ a few moments ago. Or at the least, she hoped he thought it was just a nickname given to her, but it seemed the cat had finally been let out of the bag.

The redhead looked down and nibbled the inside of her lip. “I...”

“You lied to me..” Elric cut her short. “You are Gareth and Melissa’s daughter aren’t you? You’re a hybrid, half elf and half Nosferatu.”

Eira looked up at Elric’s honey brown eyes, she saw the pain that she had seen in them before back at his cabin. “I did not lie to you! I just simply didn’t tell you the whole truth!”

“Oh really?” Elric responded sarcastically, “well then that changes everything!” He turned around and began to head towards the door.

The redhead grabbed his arm and stopped him, “Elric wait!”

“let go of me,” The man spoke in a tone that made chills run down Eira’s spine.

“It was not my intention to lie to you,” The princess tried to explain. “I am a princess, I cannot just tell anyone I meet who I am, it could be dangerous! I didn’t know who you were, I couldn’t trust you!”

Elric turned around and gave the princess a look that made her heart skip a beat. “Well I trusted you enough to open up to you princess,” he spoke in a tone beaded with hurt and anger, “but just like the rest of your family, you are nothing but a liar and a manipulator. I want nothing to do with you or your family ever again!” The lycan roughly pulled away his hand from Eira and stormed out of her room.

The princess stood there, not knowing what to do or say for a few moments. She then dropped the bottle of scented oil and run out the door to chase after Elric. But when she entered the hallway, it was completely empty.

She was about to call out his name, when a familiar voice reached her ears.

“Eira?” The Elven king walked towards his daughter and placed his hand on her shoulder. “Princess are you alright? You look a little troubled?”

The redhead princess looked around the hallway a second time, and when she saw no one she sighed and run into her fathers arms. Gareth was a bit stunned at her behavior, but he embraced her nonetheless.

“Are you feeling overwhelmed by the party?” Gareth asked his daughter.

Eira nodded her head and buried her face into his chest. “Is it alright if I spend the rest of the evening with you father?”

The whimper in Eira’s voice, made Gareth stroke her hair gently. “Of course my little princess, anything for you.”

Behind one of the pillars, Elric watched as Gareth and Eira walked back towards the ballroom. His hands folded into fists, and he cursed colorfully under his breath before running towards a nearby window and jumping out.

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