May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 82

82 Chapter 82 : Spellbinding [PG18 warning]

The caravan moved in slow gallops along the narrow dirt path within the woods, with Zander who knew the terrain best at the front, followed by Adam and Ella, then Ivan, Beric, Odran, Ozias and Roland at the end. Night had fallen and the temperatures had dropped tremendously to the point that all the men were shivering whenever a cold breeze blew past them.

Ella sneezed for the fifth time since they had entered the woods and sniffled. “Hold the lead line,” Adam instructed the redhead. The woman was a bit hesitant but eventually took hold of the horse. The prince took his cloak off and wrapped it around Ella.

“Adam it’s freezing, you need your cloak.” Ella spoke to the man who was securing the garment around her.

“I’ll be fine,” he responded softly and kissed the top of her head. “If you’re going to keep me safe we need to keep you from getting sick.”

Ella blushed lightly before chuckling and sneezing again. Adam pulled her into his chest and looked up at Zander. “Didn’t you say the camp site was just an hour away?!”

“I guess my memory is a little hazy your grace,” Zander responded.

“It’s getting cold Zander and the horses are tired,” Adam spoke while gently rubbing Ella’s tummy with one hand to warm her up.

“If you’d prefer sleeping in the trees like a bunch of apes please be my guest and stop,” Zander spoke curtly. He too was cold and tired, he didn’t need to be reminded. “We can’t set up camp without a clearing.”

Adam furrowed his eyebrows when Ella sneezed again. He stopped his horse, blocking the path for the others. “We’ll camp here.”


The men stopped and looked to their sides at the thick woods in shock. The woods were so thick that someone as big as Ozias wouldn’t even be able to walk through it, so how on earth did prince Adam expect them to camp here?

The elven prince hopped off his steed and helped Ella down. “Stand clear, I’m about to clear some trees.” Adam walked towards the trees and touched one of them, he then closed his eyes and took a breath. A few dark marks appeared on his forehead and the ground started shaking. Before everyone around could contemplate what was happening, a number of trees began to shrivel away, reducing in size until a large circular clearing was formed.

Adam stepped back, cupped his forehead and winced, he still hadn’t gotten a grip of the amount of energy using his magic required. Ella rushed to his side and put his arm around her shoulders, she smiled up at him and helped him walk into the clearing.

[What would you do without me?]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

~I ask myself that question everyday~

Ella helped Adam sit on a rock near some trees and looked at the men who where unpacking and preparing to erect the tents and start a fire. “I’ll go help them,” she spoke, “you should rest.”

When she turned to leave, Adam grabbed her by the hand and pulled her onto his lap. “I thought you’re here to help me..” Adam spoke in a boyish tone. He trailed his hands gently over her slacks making the redhead blush.

“Adam stop it,” she whispered to the grinning man, “they can see us.”

Adam lay his head on Ella’s bosoms, “I know that, I just don’t care,” the man responded, a little too loudly for Ella’s comfort. He wrapped his arms around her waist and snuggled his face into her chest. “I’ve waited decades to do this Ella, let me have my moment.”

Ella was completely flushed. Adam had his face between her knockers and she could clearly see the men taking glances at them and smiling sheepishly to themselves. All except Zander who was sulking and trying to light a fire.

“Adam stop..” Ella nudged the man, gently trying to push him away while putting on a poker face for the men setting up camp.

The elven prince looked up at Ella, his face still snuggled between her breasts with a puppy pout on his face. “I’ll stop if you kiss me.”

Ella’s heart jumped and her blush spread all the way to the roots of her hair. Adam’s purplish brown eyes glistened in anticipation. She couldn’t just kiss him here, everyone was watching. “I will, just not here,” she responded in a hushed tone. “Now let go.”

“Fine, then I’ll just be here till you’re ready to kiss me.” Adam plunged his face back into Ella’s chest. He lowered one hand to Ella’s bum and gave it a light squeeze making the redhead yelp in response.

“Adam don’t be so shameless!” She scolded him in whispers.

“Kiss me and I’ll let you go,” the man responded, his words and warm breath ticking Ella’s chest.

“Why you-” Ella pursed her lips and pouted, making the elven prince grin in pleasure.

“Doing that only makes me want to kiss you more,” he whispered mischievously, “I’ll sink my teeth right into those perfect pouting lips of yours.”

Before Ella could respond, Beric walked towards them and cleared his throat. His face was a little flashed after watching the prince snuggling up to Ella. “Ummh your grace, your tent is ready,” he spoke sheepishly, “maybe you’d like to take your business with lady Ella to the tent instead?”

Ella flinched at Beric’s words, “there’s no business!” She retaliated.

“We made sure to place your tent far from all of us because we can’t sleep with all the arousal

in the air whenever you two are together!” This time it was Ivan who was yelling at Adam and Ella as he tried to warm himself over the fire they had lit.

“Take pity on us your grace,” Odran complained, “we haven’t been with a woman for almost two months now, hearing your sexual banter with lady Ella is torture.”

“Eh?! There’s absolutely no sexual banter!” Ella screamed. She was so embarrassed she felt like digging a hole and jumping in.

“To be fair lady Ella,” Roland spoke as he poked the fire with a stick, “our prince hasn’t had any relations with a woman for as long as we’ve known him. Throw the man a bone.”

Ella was about to stand up and give the men a peice of her mind when Adam whisked her up into his arms. “You’re right men,” Adam responded, his perfect white teeth flashed in a slightly crooked side smile. “We’ll head into our tent. Do call us for dinner, we may be a while.”

Ella’s lungs collapse and her legs turned into rubber when her brain processed Adam’s words. What did he mean they’d be a while? A while doing what? Ella felt like fainting as Adam carried her briskly to their tent which truly the men had positioned a bit further than the rest.

When they got in, Adam gently placed Ella on her sleeping fur and crouched over her, “Why are you all red like that beautiful?”

Ella looked to the side and crossed her arms over her chest, “next time I want my own tent,” she responded curtly making Adam chuckle. She was so cute when she was like this, her pouting made her beautiful soft lips fuller and so alluring.

Unable to control himself any longer, Adam grabbed Ella’s arms and leaned in for a kiss. Ella’s eyes bulged when his lips crushed into hers, but soon enough she closed them and her delicate hands made their way to the back of his head. Kissing and holding Adam felt so sensual, so fulfilling and so goddam right. When she parted her lips and the elf slowly slid his tongue into her mouth, butterflies flattered within her stomach.

She pulled him closer and the two ended up falling back onto the fur. Adam broke the kiss and looked down at the beautiful woman with a surprised look on his face, he grinned before releasing a muffled “fuck” and diving into the kiss once more.

Ella’s fingers raked through Adam’s dark hair and his hands held onto her thighs as they kissed passionately. It felt like they had waited an eternity for this moment, a moment of intimacy between them, and they both wanted to savor every second of it. They both knew the pain of living without the other, so they appreciated this moment together greatly.

Adam broke the kiss again and looked down at the gorgeous woman beneath him lovingly with just a hint of lust. He wanted to take her, ravished her and explore her amazing body till the break of dawn, but he wanted to ease Ella into it. Build up the sexual desire until he felt the time was right. So he moved downward to Ella’s lower half and began to unbutton her slacks.

“Let me show you what true intimacy feels like,” Adam whispered in the most seductive tone Ella had ever heard. Even after years of being apart, her attraction to this man had not wavered, in fact, it run deeper now.

Adam gently slid off Ella’s slacks and gulped when he saw the tiny fabric that was standing between him and his target. “Should I take these off, or just pull them to the side?”

“What do you mean pull them.... aaah!” Ella had to cover her mouth when Adam pulled her panties to the side and licked her private area. She had never felt a sensation quite like that before.

“That.. or should I take them off completely?” Adam questioned her again, his eyes droopy and his voice heavily sedated with arousal.

“I.... I....” Ella could not put together words, her body was still in shock after what Adam had just done to her. He had licked her.. down there! And it felt... absolutely spellbinding.

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