May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 90

90 Chapter 90 : Gareth and Melissa

Ella slowly shook her head in response, “no I’ve never heard of that before.”

Vivian arched her back forward, rested her arms on her legs and smiled briefly to herself, “well have you heard of the term ‘mate’? Like in wolves?”

“Yeah, I read about it some time back,” Ella responded, “once a wolf chooses a mate they’re together for life...” the woman narrowed her eyes at her so called cousin suspiciously, “why do you ask?”

“Well you see princess,” Vivian responded, “the same way wolves and lycans have a mate, us nosferatu have blood halves. But unlike lycans who can basically pick anyone at random and mark them, it’s very different for us. Finding your blood half is an extremely rare occurrence, so rare that many nosferatu have died without ever finding one. It is only with your blood half that you can bare children, why do you think our population growth rate is snail paced.”

Ella’s eyes circled in astonishment, this was very intriguing indeed. In fact, it was actually something very beautiful, to only be able to bare the child of the person you’re truly meant to be with. “I thought the concept of ‘there’s someone for everyone’ applies to everybody,” Ella spoke with much interest, she even half forgot that she was supposed to be playing possum. “So are you telling me that some people end up dying without ever being in love or getting married?”

“Oh no people get married all the time,” Vivian responded, “just not to their blood halves. The whole concept is very mystical and no one has really ever found an explanation to why things are the way they are.” Vivian leaned closer to Ella and gave her a serious look, “but what I do know is that if you get the chance to find your half, letting them go is incredibly stupid.”

Ella gulped and looked down at her furs, “why are you telling me this?”

“You’re the only remaining heir to the nosferatu throne princess Melissa,” Vivian spoke sternly, “the only one who can sire heirs and keep the royal bloodline going.”

“I don’t understand....”


“Do you know how the bond between blood halves is marked princess?”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Ella shook her head.

“Tasting the blood of your half...” when Vivian’s fingers landed on Ella’s smooth neck it sent shivers down her spine. “After that, there is a bite mark right about here that never fades... EVER.”

Ella drew a sharp breath and tried her best not to look overwhelmed by the information. She had tasted Adam’s blood and her fang marks on his neck had not cleared even after two weeks, and despite his magical healing abilities. Could this mean that Adam was her half? But that couldn’t be. She was a nosferatu and he was an elf, it was physically impossible for them to have children, was it?

“Vivian..?” Ella looked up at the woman sitting beside her, “can a blood half be someone from another race? And if they are, is it even possible for them to... well you know.”

Vivian couldn’t hold back her smirk. The woman had seen the marks on Adam’s neck and she hadn’t failed to notice the burning passion in the man’s eyes whenever he looked at the princess. That raw overprotective sense of ownership over her, the way he hovered around her, all the signs pointed to the fact that Adam was indeed the princess’ blood half.

This would be first time in a long time that a blood half was found from another race. The controversy that would rise from this relationship would be mad, especially after what happened to Aiden. Gods this was getting more and more exciting and Vivian would be damned if she missed out on all this fun.

“Princess Melissa, cousin,” Vivian placed her hand gently over Ella’s and smiled sweetly at her. “You’ll never know unless you try.”

Ella was shocked at Vivian’s answer, had she had a suspicion that Adam and her were blood halves? Did she know about their plan to run away later that night or was this all just a coincidence?

Vivian lightly pat Ella on her shoulder and stood up to leave, “I’ll ask Adam to bring you some food,” she spoke, “you should eat a lot so you get better soon, you have quite the journey ahead of you.”

Ella may have been imagining things but she could have sworn she saw Vivian wink at her. When the woman left, the redhead lay back on the furs a sighed heavily. Tonight her and Adam would leave the team behind and go their own way, they had decided to go around Lenora, move through the suncrest mountain range and reach the kingdom of Cenia and settle in the small town of Mirine. It was a small almost desolate town where Ella and Adam had first gotten acquainted, it seemed like the right place to go. And according to Adam’s analogy, Cenia was a peaceful kindom with barely any military defenses, chances are that the silver haired prince would not think to venture those lands anytime soon. Besides, Cenia was very close to the snowlands, Ella’s supposed homeland, if they couldn’t seek refuge in Ervelon for now, Wintershold would be their next best option.

Ella’s blue eyes trailed to the opening of the tent when the tall handsome elf walked in and settled down next to her. “So did she buy it?” Adam questioned Ella.

She wanted to tell him that not only did she buy the whole sickness ploy, but Vivian had seemed almost like she knew what they were up to and was surprisingly supporting it. But instead Ella just nodded and smiled at the man.

Adam inched closer, kissed Ella’s forehead and embraced her lovingly in his arms, “I promise you all of this will be behind us soon enough,” he spoke reassuringly, “we’re going to get our happily ever after okay?”

The redhead’s eyes landed on the bite marks that still etched Adam’s neck, she pursed her lips and buried her face in his chest. She now knew why she loved this man so much, and why she felt like she would die without him. It wasn’t coincidence that he was the only man she had ever fully given her heart to in all her many years on this earth. He was her blood half, the man she was destined to spend the rest of her life with.

“I love you..” Adam whispered into her ear making her insides melt. Hearing those words roll off his tongue always brought a surge of euphoria withing her every vein, every time he told her he loved her, it nourished her very soul.

Ella nuzzled her face deeper into his chest and inhaled his deep tropical aroma, “I love you too.. prince Gareth of the elves.”

Adam pulled away and looked down at the woman who was smiling at him, “are you trying to turn me on? Because it’s working.”

Ella chucked and amorously pulled the elven prince closer by gently tagging his shirt. She gave him a quick sweet kiss on the lips and as she was about to pull away the man pinned her down onto the furs and hovered over her like a a tiger about to stupefy its prey. “Are you trying to seduce me...” the elven prince gently kissed Ella’s neck making her gasp lightly, “because if you are, I will respond accordingly.. princess Melissa of the nosferatu.”

The redhead looked up at the man and drunk up all his gorgeous features with her eyes, “you like that name? Melissa?” the woman asked the aroused looking man.

“I prefer Mel,” he responded in a rumbling tone that made the woman’s chest heave up and down. “Besides, it will be safer if we ditch our names, they’ll only attract attention when we’re out on the road. What do you think?”

“I think you’re smarter than you look Gary..” the woman spoke tauntingly.

The dark haired prince grinned in amusement at the little nickname she had given him, gosh he loved this woman so much. And looking at her now, he wanted nothing more than to take her and explore her beautiful body like he had done many times in his fantasies. He wanted to caress all the smooth curves and nooks of her skin with his mouth, to drink up all her fluids, to feel her warm insides and please her the way a woman like her deserved to be pleased, long and passionately.

The blue eyed woman cupped his cheek gently and looked into his extremely sexy hooded brown eyes, “what are you thinking about?”

“All the ways I’d love to suck, nibble, lick and make love to you Mel..” he leaned forward and gently kissed her full lower lip. “That’s what I’m thinking about.”

Mel puled a moan and trailed her tiny hands down the prince’s strong arms that had her caged beneath him. “Then why don’t you?” She whispered shamelessly. The intoxication in her eyes made the elven prince’s manhood twitch in his pants.

“Because if I do, you won’t be able to walk,” he leaned forward and gave her another sweet wet kiss on her lips, “and I need you to be in great shape for our journey tonight.”

Prince Gareth rolled off her and pulled her over him so she was laying snugly on his his chest, “but I assure you beautiful, the moment I’ll be presented the chance, I’ll make love to you in ways you never thought possible.”

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