Me! Zombie! Summoned to Another World!

Chapter 11: Can Broken Materials Still Be Used?

Chapter 11: Can Broken Materials Still Be Used?

The movement of the Wild Boar King was so loud that even the ground shook, so it was just natural for the Ghoul to detect its presence.

It slowed down its pursuit and turned around.

It wanted to see what it was that had made such a big movement.

When it looked, it was simply shocked.

It saw a huge wild boar charging toward it at full speed.

It also recognized the head of that wild boar.

It was the wild boar overlord of the territory that was connected to its territory.

Upon seeing that the wild boar overlord was determined to kill it, the Ghoul was startled.

It hurriedly stopped in its tracks, opened its hands, and crouched its legs, ready to receive the incoming attack.


A true king of the graveyard would never be afraid of any challenge!

I, who was lying in the pit, heaved a sigh of relief when I saw that the Ghoul had finally given up on dealing with me and was prepared to fight the Wild Boar King.

I thought to myself, 'When the two of them start fighting, I'll take the opportunity to run away.'

'I'll quickly leave this place.'

'Don't even think about refining some mighty Ghoul.'

I watched as the Wild Boar King stomped its four limbs with all its might, bringing up a cloud of dust as it charged toward the Ghoul.

The Ghoul also appeared as though it was prepared.

I raised my head, wanting to see the outcome of the collision between the two 'behemoths'.

Seeing that the two of them were getting closer and closer, I narrowed my eyes.

"Bong! ! !"

A loud sound came from the place where the two of them collided.

Hearing this loud sound, I thought to myself, 'Even if an RPG launcher were to explode beside my ear, it would probably sound the same!'

I widened my eyes and looked at the two 'behemoths'.

I wanted to see if the Ghoul and the Wild Boar King were alright under such an impact, okay?

However, the impact of the collision between the two fellows was too great.

A thick cloud of smoke and dust covered the scene.

I couldn't see what was happening inside at all.

Strangely, there wasn't any sound coming from inside.

I looked at the smoke curiously.

I thought, 'Why is there no sound? Could it be that the two guys had finished fighting? Or was it because the impact was too strong that the two guys killed each other?'

About half a minute later, the smoke finally dissipated.

After seeing what's happening inside, I finally understood why there was no movement from the two guys just now.

It turned out that the two fellows were in a deadlock.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I saw two giant beasts confronting each other about ten meters in front of me.

The Ghoul had grabbed both of the Wild Boar King's left and right tusks.

The Wild Boar King didn't feel jealous, as its two thick hind legs kept on pushing forward.


The Ghoul palm that was the size of a banana leaf started to exert force on both sides of the Wild Boar King.

After feeling the pain, the Wild Boar King also struggled desperately.

One struggled hard, the other one also struggled hard. 


In the end, one of the Wild Boar King's tusks broke down from the impact of two forces!

"Crack, crack"

The Wild Boar King's tusk was pulled out. Under the intense pain, it struggled even harder, and its movements became even more intense.

In the end, it still managed to struggle away from the Ghoul's hands.

After the Wild Boar King broke free from the Ghoul, seeing one of its tusks missing, the anger in its heart grew even more.

It didn't care about territory or laws anymore.

It only had one thought in its mind now.

That was to kill this son of a b * tch!!!

It slowly moved its hind legs, leaving room for acceleration.

Lowering its head and using its only remaining fang, it aimed at the Ghoul in front of it. 

Slowly, it moved its four limbs, then increased its speed into an unstoppable force.

From what I could see, the Wild Boar King's charge had changed from a small car to a large truck.

The large truck was accelerating rapidly as it crashed into the Ghoul.

This time, the Wild Boar King didn't slow down.

It directly rammed into the Ghoul at its fastest speed.

"Bong! ! ! !"

There was another loud sound, louder than the previous one.

This time, the Ghoul was directly rammed into the ground.

When it got up, I even saw a trace of unknown brown liquid flowing down from the corner of its mouth.


The Ghoul quickly stood up and charged toward the Wild Boar King.

It raised its palm that was the size of a banana leaf and slapped the Wild Boar King's head.


I swore I had never heard a slap as loud as that in my entire life.

I, who was standing on a rock, even trembled when I saw the Wild Boar King being slapped.

The two fellows went completely crazy.

They started to face each other and attack each other.

You give me a punch, I'll give you a hoof.

You give me a slap, I'll give you one back.

Moreover, it's also because the two fellows were both strength-type players.

Every time they attacked, there would be a lot of movement.

Even I, who was hiding in the pit, could feel the trembling of the earth.

When I saw the battle between the two gigantic beasts, I could only cover my head with both of my hands and tremble in the pit.

If I become involved in their battle, I would definitely die on the spot.

When I saw the shocking battle scene between the two gigantic beasts, I dispelled the thought of escaping secretly.

I just obediently stayed in the pit and watched the two of them battle.


Finally, after the two 'behemoths' fought for nearly an hour, the battle ended.

The Wild Boar King finally lost to the Ghoul, collapsing down on the way to a charge.

Its head was split open by the Ghoul.

However, the Ghoul also paid the price with both of its legs.

The Ghoul's legs were smashed into pieces by the Wild Boar King, and it couldn't stand up anymore.

When I saw this situation, I immediately thought that my chance had come.

I walked out of the hole where I was hiding and picked up the weapons and arrows that I had discarded.

For the sake of my arrows' accuracy, I slowly approached the Ghoul.

I knew that the Ghoul that had lost both its legs was just like a dish on my chopping board.


After the Ghoul saw that I was slowly approaching it with a weapon in my hand, it started to roar furiously.

However, at this moment, there wasn't the slightest fluctuation in my heart.

I only knew that my next undead was about to arrive.

"Whoosh" "Roar"

"Whoosh" "Roar"

Standing less than three meters away from the Ghoul, I shot several arrows consecutively.

Each arrow hit a vital point.

At last, after sacrificing two Corpse Eaters, I finished off this powerful Ghoul.

Looking at the corpses of the two 'behemoths' in front of me, my heart was filled with satisfaction.

Although I had lost two Corpse Eaters, I exchanged them for even more powerful materials...

It was worth it!!!

But just as I was looking at the two 'behemoths' on the ground with satisfaction, I suddenly discovered a problem.

When these two fought, they were too fierce.

The Ghoul's legs were already crippled. The bones were so shattered they couldn't be reattached properly.

The Wild Boar King's head was also smashed.

Both materials were defective.

Neither of them could form a complete undead...

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