Mercenary Black Mamba

Chapter 678 - Chapter 63 Episode 14 Asura

Chapter 678: Chapter 63 Episode 14 Asura

“Hey, even the blood of a villain is red.”

Black Mamba intentionally was surprised. Kamuge clenched his teeth and memorized the spell.

“Dambala Uddi Amule Amule Wica Tuab!”

The blood that was pouring out stopped suddenly.

“Huh, that’s amazing. How good it is to work in a society without borders with that good talent.”

The wind was a compression type of resonant wave. Since hydrogen was separated from the water molecules that form living tissues, there was no room for coagulation factors such as thrombin and fibrin to act. It was normal for blood to pour endlessly, like a hemophilia patient, out of a neatly drilled hole.

“Damballah is great. I’m not the one to fall for the devil’s tricks.”

Kamuge’s eyes lit up with original text.

“Uh huh, is it! The shaman is a scarecrow if he stops just his snout.”

The Black Mamba picked up fist-sized gravels. [Uung] – The ultra-vibration heated gravel to the ground.

“Didn’t you say that you put hot gravels in your mouth and treat it according to the laws of the desert? I keep my promise tightly.”

“Oh no, party power Ruhe Le and Nyorita~off!”

Kamuge, who was caught by the neck, screamed. [Crack] – The heated gravels smashed his teeth and locked him in. [Chiiii] – Salta’s meat odor spread.

“Turn it off~ Curse~”

Even as Kamuge breathe his last, his ferocious eyes flashed.

“Hehehe, the name is Houngan. Is it the order to enforce the law of the desert as promised?”

Rousseloufe’s evil eyes and Apadombe’s gruesome scene passed by. Thousands of human ashes, the guy who throws humans alive as food for Ouma, the guy who used the uterus of an innocent woman as a container for the maturation of Rousseloufe, this man was not human, he was not human now, and there was no possibility of being human in the future.

“Damned bastard, you don’t have to keep that promise.’

Kamuge shook his head fiercely, with a runny nose of tears, Black Mamba’s eyes were cold.

“A beast that refuses to be a human brood does not deserve humane treatment.”

He dislocated his shoulder joint and hip joint and threw it away. Mu Ssang was really weak, but Black Mamba was a ruthless creature.

“Wakil, what the hell is that monster?”

Ssamdi carried the bubble wrap on his shoulder and walked in a big stride. It would take time to find a normal body, but there was no impediment to movement.

“I came and picked it up.”

Black Mamba answered uninterestedly.

“Did you say you picked it up?”

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Incredible Ssamdi asked a different question than usual.

“Do you remember Ange Sikager?”

“Yes, you mean deep blue stone, right?”

“Ange Sikager sure is Garura.”

“Huh, do you say that the stone turned into a monster?

Surprised Ssamdi shouted. [Kururu] – Garura glared at Simon D with unpretentious eyes.

“Hush, Garura understands human language. Call it chicken.”

“Huh! Chicken?”

Ssamdi flinched. Dino understands human language as well. He was not surprised that they understand the words, but he was shocked by the name chicken. He tilted his head fully and looked up at Garura. The figure grasping Gori and Leela with one leg and standing still was the same as the legendary Garura.

Did you say that guy is chicken? Chicken was a small bird that Jin Soon removed hairs and put in a cast iron pot, put a handful of garlic, a handful of jujubes, a handful of green onions, and a handful of unnamed twigs, and boiled them thoroughly. If this guy was a chicken, then the real chicken was a mayfly.

Ssamdi’s imagination was poor to connect a small hill-sized monster with a chicken. Did you say whole chicken soup? The soft flesh, the white broth, and the glutinous rice glimmered in front of their eyes. His saliva was dripping with gurgling. After all, he had starved for five days.

“Wakil, how about a gorilla barbecue?”

Samdi has lost his appetite.

“Those are bad foods. Take the shaman and walk away. Chicken is likely to awaken.”

Garura easily held Gori and Leela who were he grasped and put them between the horns. Ssamdi put aside all his doubts and dragged Kamuge out of the authority. If the owner would do, then that was it.

[Uwhoa whoa] – Leela, who had a hunch about fate, wept sadly. Gori fully grimaced and raised the middle finger upright. Only Gori himself would know whether the target of .... was predator Garura, or the shaman who couldn’t protect, or ruining normal arousal Black Mamba.

[Zuzuzu] – The station master surrounded Gori and Leela and turned around. [Aaaaa] – The death cry scratched the eardrums. The rogue Rousseloufe melted like ice cream. [Biiing] – The microlattice tissue caused magnetic field excitation. The rock was cut like a planer and the sand was blown away.

“So you started!”

The liquid that was Gori and Leela permeated into Garura’s outer skin like vapor deposition. [Woong woong] – Colorful lights whirled and lightning flashed. [Howling] – A loud howling exploded so that Black Mamba covered his ears. [Puang] – Sand and gravels were swept away at one time.

[Dung] – In a place where elegant (?) Garura has disappeared a black giant 100m long, 60m high, with a metallic luster appeared. It grew about five times its size, and its feathers changed to a metallic shell.

“Is it a mirage? Do I have to believe this?”

Strong-hearted Ssamdi also opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth. Its original form was also brutal, but the giant body with thunder and red eyes that spit fire was terrifying. After the owner, the black person, and the big brother, the existence of irresistible increased one more.

“Purple chicken has transformed into a silky fowl!”

Black Mamba calmly criticized.

“Is that monster a silky fowl?”

Ssamdi looked at the owner with wide eyes as if it was ridiculous. Even after seeing great scenes and great things (?), as much as he was saying over and over silky fowl! Ssamdi shook his head nervously. The owner was a real monster truly.

“Hakiki!(King of Bodoon!)”

Kamuge looked up blankly at Garura. Hakiki was an ancient Atlantic word that means something that kills and eats Bodoon. Kamuge was the great shaman who was following the Kingdom of Dahomey’s descendant Houngan’s legacy. Snakes, spiders, and crocodiles that held each Yoruba people, Pong people, and Ebe people of the Kingdom of Dahomey as an angel were True Bodoon, Rousseloufe (embodied angel).

The Great Master Odam prophesied.

[The king of Rousseloufe, Hakiki, is buried deep underground where lava is boiling. If Mahaduraka(Asura)was alive, Hakiki would wake up. If we do not stop the manifestation of Mahaduraka, the spirit that rules the world will disappear, and the legacy of the great Voodoo will be cut off.]

Kamuge was out of power all over his body. Not only Rousseloufe but also all spirits and Ouma in the world were the prey of Hakiki. Even Rousseloufe, whom he had sacrificed everything to get was nothing more than prey to Hakiki.

“It’s over!”

Kigoma was right. He was not a bad guy, Petro, but he was an irresistible Mahaduraka. Bansiri, who ran with Kikali was nothing more than a mayfly. As long as Destroyer Mahaduraka and Hakiki manifested they must have struggled to become a typhoon in a teacup. It was nothing but a poor writhing.

The basis of magical powers was will. When the Voodoo Shaman lost his will, vessels of the soul would break and the spirit would leave. [Puss] – Unbelievable for his age, his skin, which had a smooth flow of luster, changed like the bark of an old tree. The gun-shimmering eyes turned dull gray and the black hair turned white. His stiff back was bent and stooped.

“Hey, what’s wrong with him?”

Black Mamba’s eyes got bigger.

“It’s a kind of magic, isn’t it?”

Ssamdi, who suffered from Kamuge’s magic for five days, did not dispel his suspicions.

“Is there a self-harming magic, too?”

“Is the law of the desert a little terrible? You want to live surely even if be ruined, rather than being eaten alive by the bald-head eagle.”

“No. Human life is a series of perseverance and patience Perseverance is the self that withdraws and bears, patience is the self that wants a better world. Together, these are called endurance. Endurance presupposes hope. When hope disappears, the meaning of life disappears. The one, who has lost hope and meaning of life, is truly a zombie.”

“It’s terrible.”

Ssamdi trembled. Yes. Zombies were not zombies otherwise. Zombies were beings that only would live, with no meaning or hope. That was straight his appearance in the past.

“The present is the result of the past. You should call it your own karma.”

“Shall we enforce the law?”

“Kamuge has already received a punishment scarier than death. Can you simply give me the pain to torment me? Garura, return to nature.”

A flash of light flashed. [Paaaah] – Kamuge’s body evaporated after being hit by a beam cannon. Not a single ash was left on the floor, which had turned into a glassy one at high heat. Houngan Kamuge, who dreamed of a voodoo world and terrorized eastern Africa, ended in vain.

Various elements making up Kamuge oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, iron, sodium, nitrogen, and calcium have returned to nature. The scattered elements combined into another inorganic and organic matter. Some would be born into life, some would float as matter, and some would be energized. There was nothing mine in this world. It was just staying for a while. So true life is not a shape that is a combination of matter, but a memory.

“Huh, is it a midsummer night’s dream?”

Ssamdi scratched his head.


“It’s difficult!’

The black Mamba looked up at the towering head from distance. It grew too big. Even if one cast fearless steps to polar, can’t jump 80m. Climbing Amy Rope on foot was also out of shape.

[Dude, head frog!]

[Heh heh heh! Short legs.]

[Pat] – His head touched the ground.

“Spoiled guy!”

Black Mamba grumbled and jumped up. The moment he sat between the horns, which were reserved seats, his body was sucked in.


Scared Black Mamba spat out his bodyguard. The concept of space disappeared. There was no space, even though there was no problem in sitting and standing, arms outstretched, and legs stretched out.

“Huh, can it be!”

Although there were no special devices, the outside was clearly visible. It was not the front either, but the front, left, right, up and down, all at a glance. Suddenly, his field of vision widened several dozen times, and he felt dizzy.

[Chicken, what is this?]

[It’s a four-dimensional world. With human expression it is a space that is absent while it is present and it is present while it is absent.]

“Good. There will be no freezing or barbeque.”

Black Mamba thought comfortably. He got a hypersonic mount of Mach 20, so he had the luck of the devil. Beings living in the 3D world had to roll their heads to understand the 4th dimension, and only their minds would become violent.

[Is the voice transmitted to the outside?]

[Four-dimensional space is the space of will.]

“Ssamdi, I’m going to Novatopia.”

“Wakil, where is he?”

“He is inside. Let’s go!”

Ssamdi jumped up. [Pat] – Metallic outer shell greeted. Ssamdi looked around. There was no door to go inside.

“Wakil, there is no door.”

“Ask the chicken.”

“Chicken, open the door!”

Ssamdi shouted.

[It’s a one-seater!]

Children would resemble their mothers. Small-minded Garura didn’t forget what Ssamdi said that deep blue stone became a monster. Garura activated the anti-gravity device. [Shuaak] – Garura, who had the owner inside, speeded up without hesitation.


Scared Ssamdi grabbed its horn and hung it up to die.

[Heh, he might bear to Mach 10.]

Garura was not without sympathy either. He could accelerate to Mach 50, but he understood the situation.


“Keep altitude 4,000!”

Mach10 was the speed beyond imagination. In an instant, Garura, on the border of Novatopia, lowered the altitude. He could see the lush trees, the road stretching all over the place, and the well-manicured green fields. Could he imagine a barren desert with endless sand and gravel just 5 years ago!

In the distance, the blue Lake Yoa came into sight. [I envy your mother] The handwriting Edel conveyed her heart became more blue and clear.

“I’m sorry!’

It made feel sad. After a hot night at Yoa House, he couldn’t find Novatopia. Ethel wasn’t even the type to be violent, but she was quietly tight. The Black Mamba of Heaven was just a Korean man who was afraid of his wife.

Unlike idle Black Mamba, it was a mess on the ground. A huge aircraft that could not even be detected by radar suddenly appeared over the metropolitan area. The Capital Defense Force’s Peshmer Brigade, which was preparing for the Rüppell invasion, immediately started an anti-aircraft fire.

“Ahh! Wakil, those are anti-aircraft guns.”

Ssamdi made a fuss.

“Hmm, you’re quick to respond. Training went well.”

Black Mamba, who had been immersed in thought, opened his eyes. On the ground, black flashes flashed countless times. It was a natural reaction. It was abnormal to not react when a bizarre aircraft that was not receiving communication entered the airspace. To see the anti-aircraft defense capability, the stealth function was killed and it flew 4,000 meters above the ground.

“Missile missile!”

Ssamdi was restless. If they survived overwhelming with shards and tyranny, they were not zombies, but tardigrados.

[A big guy makes a fuss like a human woman! Will it disappear?]

[Just hit the shield. Ssamdi will die.]

[Bzzt] – A strong magnetic field covered the fuselage. [Bang- bang- bang] – [Pow pow pow] – Large and small shells frantically pounded the shield frantically. [Shuak] – Dozens of exceptionally bright flashes accelerated.

“It is Mistral. So Bonipas used his impressive power. Aww, even Crotal!”

Black Mamba admired everything. Mistral was a portable missile employing a solid two-stage rocket. It was the latest version that has not yet been deployed to the French Army. The Crotal was also a new medium-range missile with a warhead weight of 14 kg.

[Whoosh] – [Bang-bang] – Dozens of missiles and 88mm anti-aircraft guns rushed in like a swarm of bees, hitting the shield, but Garura glided effortlessly without moving. The anti-aircraft batteries on the ground were crazy.

Mistral surface-to-air missile

Crotal surface-to-air missile

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