Mercenary Black Mamba

Chapter 680 - Chapter 63 Episode 16 Asura

Chapter 680: Chapter 63 Episode 16 Asura

“Why are you happy?”

“Because I can be worrisome. If I die, even I cannot be worried. I am happy to be able to share my worries with my master. If die while protecting what I must protect, at least my death is not meaningless.”

Aishe replied.

“Because you, my master have given me hope. My struggle to live well has turned the desert into fertile soil, and my children are freed from oppression and threats. There is no loser in Novatopia who refuses to have children because they do not want to pass on poverty to their children.”

Afwerki answered.

“Yes. The opposite of happiness is not unhappiness but giving up. Because you have not given up, you created today’s Novatopia and became a Nova Schwarze (noble) in power. When power is directed toward me, it becomes a bad odor, and when it is directed toward others, it becomes hope. If you are worried, our people will be relieved, if you die, our people will live, if you are awake, our people will sleep comfortably, and if you are happy, our people will be happier. That is Nova Schwarze’s duty and right. You and I will die someday too. Even if you die when you die, you must live happily and die with dignity.”

“Tubai Burpa said. Let’s live happily and die with dignity!”

Humans infected with the Tubaiburpa virus shouted. His eyes, looking around the meeting attendees, stopped at the person at the end.

“Vice Minister Sang Cheol, I know you have had a hard time. Haven’t you?”

A Korean who was sitting in the last seat jumped up. Lee Sang Cheol who is a lucky man who has settled in Novatopia by taking care of the grave of Mu Ssang’s father’s tomb. Who would have known he became a high-ranking official in Novatopia from who had worked on an electronic component assembly line in Gumi Industrial Complex?

“It’s not hard. Every day is rewarding and enjoyable. Thank you for giving a glorious opportunity to a humble little boy. “Thank you, Tubai-Burpa-Ester-Abek-Nou!”

“You’re welcome. It’s all thanks to my relationship with you. Jamal!, I heard that you beat all of Ruppel?”

“Oh, it is not a big one, it is only 45 Ruppels were shot down.”

Jamal laughed softly.

“Ruppels have a high-flying altitude and a very fast speed. If you catch that much with a Barrett with a large rebound, you can be called a master of Barrett.”

Jamal’s mouth was torn with a big smile because of his praise.

“Mohammed, I heard that you had a hard time in Iturbi?”

“I’m sorry. I have only bothered you, Master.”

Mohammed waved his hand.

“No. you showed the Schwarze spirit as a director. It was very helpful. Nezema, how many stages have you practiced for the Ogeumyeon- Nobeop (skills of making Korean masks)?”

“Yeah, my talent of the disciple was not excellent so, I finished it on the stage of Samsung.”

“You work hard. If it’s your level of skill, you are deserved to pass on the skill of Jeon-Lyun-Sib-Pal-Bag.”

“thank you. I will do my best until I die.”

“Sun Woohyun!”


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Have you improved your skills?”

“Well... That is…”

Sun Woohyun’s face turned bad.

“It’s Engie. Engie (NG)!”

someone whispered A giggle of laughter spread across the left, and Sun Woohyun’s face turned into like a rotten pig liver. Sun Woohyun challenged Ahmad ten times trying to raise his rank but lost ten times. When Dino who Sun Woohyun had seen as the easiest one, took the challenge, Sun Woohyun exclaimed, “This is not right!” So, his nickname was NG.

“Sun Woohyun, the desire to become a master is not greed, but the desire to become a master without effort is greed.”

“I will do my best.”

Sun Woohyun answered with an unfriendly answer. Master praised others every time, but only pushed and scolded him.

‘Damn it!’

Sam-D widened his eyes with angriness. Sun Woohyun quickly changed his expression to terrifying.

“Where did Ibraham go?”

“We are controlling the Odham Allied Forces on the Ennedy border.”

“Hmm, Ibrahim is good at armored tactics. He has a lot of suffering at his old age.”

Black Mamba took care of and congratulated the participants of the meeting, including Nova Schwarze. The gap in time disappeared and the atmosphere relaxed.

‘Wakil has become an old veteran. On the contrary, I think you really miss the days when you were a clumsy youngster.’

Om-Buti smiled warmly.

“Edel, don’t overdo it. If my wife collapses, who will take care of the house, and who will warm my bed?”

“Heh, the closer Dino is warmer than before.”

Ethel pursed her lips and cast her eyes.

“Oh, so am I going to be a Ruppel egg that fell into Lake Yo-A? Is that so?”

“I’m not going to lock the bedroom door because of my mother.”

Ethel chuckled. A wide smile appeared on the faces of Nova Schwarze, including Om-Buti. When Tubai-Bur-Pa appeared, the female leopard turned into a cat in a short period of time.

“Let’s live well!”

Black Mamba spoke out at the first.

“Let’s die with dignity!”

Nova spoke out at the latter.

“Okay, Mohammed! report the situation of the war.”

The noisy crowd became quiet for a moment. Mohammed projected a map onto the screen.

“The total number of Odham Allied Forces is estimated at 45,000 men. International terrorists and sympathizers gathered by the ANO leader in Bansiri, the Chad rebels gathered by the Prolinat’s leader in Kigali, and 10,000 shamans and VooDoo religious bodies gathered by Kamuge are the core forces. In addition to 30,000 refugees and criminals who have left their hometowns because it is difficult to live here, there are approximately 5,000 child soldiers around the age of 10 who were forcibly conscripted in Sahel and Darfur villages. There are a lot of anti-government soldiers and poor people in Sahel. They absorb them and continue to grow their power.”

“Shit him!”

Black-Mamba muttered softly. The Novatopia immigration office is strict. Refugees and criminals who have left their hometown simply because it is difficult to make a living are not accepted. The Odham Allied Forces absorbed them and raided the village to increase their troops. This is a typical method for Prolinat to grow its power. Their dirty behavior hasn’t changed at all.

“Refugees are all over in Sahel, so It’s kind of make sense the military force was grown. But there must be someone behind it because it’s in such a short time to grow their power, right?”

“That’s right. A pig Hussein is providing food, a butcher Assad and KGB are providing weapons. Sarin and VX sprayed on coffee plantations are also behind Assad and KGB. The amount of poison gas flowing into the Vachilkile Valley is enough to kill 50 million people. Bonifas-Nova is suspected of anthrax flowing.”

“Anthrax! Why did KGB intervene by taking risks?”

“They want to get the abundance of water. Chad, Sudan, Egypt, Niger, and Libya surrounding our country are all water-scarce countries. It seems to be a great trick to attract neighboring countries to allies using water as bait and to increase the voice of the UN.”

Mohammed’s explanation was convincing enough. A desert is a desert because there is no water. The reason that the Odham Allied Forces had not taken their power despite the abundant manpower is because of the lack of water.

“The armed level of the Odham Allied Forces is… The most dangerous weapons are tanks and infantry fighting vehicles(IFVs). They have recently significantly increased their armor strength. The Gazelle can take down the T55 and the BMP1, but the problem is surface-to-air missiles… Ruppel is still a problem. If they drop bombs and poison gas bombs indiscriminately from high altitude, Mago’s magic defense will not work either. So~”

“Don’t worry about Ruppel. Kamuge is dead.”

“Oh, Shit! He was it finally”

“You are the best, master. The biggest enemy is gone.”

Shouts exploded out.

“Sam-D, give him to MarGo.”


Sam-D came in with Oma that is dark red and bigger than Grizzly on his shoulder. The mighty power of Oma was trapped in a web as thin as a spider’s web and could not move.

“Oh, that’s him!”

Jamal was startled. This is Captain Ruppel that I have ultimately failed to sniper.

“I captured this guy alive because I thought it would be useful, Margo!”

“Yes, sir!”

“This guy is Kamuge’s tamer. Will you be able to remove the shadow of Kamuge and take over the soul?”

Margo placed his hand on Oma’s head and looked into his eyes. Kieek——- Oma screamed. The red eyes that spit out flames were terrifying.

“It is an evil some.”

Mago stabbed Oma’s head with a Pangue without mercy. Kick—— Oma’s madness disappeared from his eyes. Oma secretly avoided Margot’s eyesight.

“It’s a great evil some. The girl can take control of a psyche, but she needs a tamer to communicate freely.”

“I have to bring a baby.”

Black Mamba clicked her tongue.

“Sir, I want to hang out with this guy.” The girl said.

Margo was excited like a child who received a Lego block as a gift.

“You can go away, Margo. Dino, help Margo.”

Dino, who was constantly yawning in the seat next to Ethel, said he liked it, and bit Rupel and followed Margot.

“Currently, Ibrahim-Nova is holding the Odham Allied Forces in check at the border of Ennedy. Local clashes between the 2nd Peshmer Army and Odham’s Army became more frequent. The Mobile Force is ready to mobilize at all times, and the 1st Defense Force is~”

“Sir, this is an urgent report. It is said that an armored force led by Bansiri suddenly appeared 10 km ahead. In 15 minutes, we will collide with Peshmer. It seems that our allies have been broken by the shaman’s tricks.”

reported by the Ombouti.

“These guys slap me when I want to cry. When I couldn’t use my asymmetrical power, they rushed out. If a simple terrorist group is a poisonous mushroom, they are malignant cancer cells that are a collection of Islamic extremism, vicious voodoo groups, and outrageous Prolinats. Cancer cells can spread from place to place if not removed immediately. This is a good opportunity to dispose of the rotten dates before they mix with the good ones.”

“That is a reasonable statement. , It is a tedious fight if the enemy infiltrated the vulnerable in neighboring countries and absorbs dissatisfied forces. We will leave the defense and security to the National Guard, and we will mobilize all the mobile forces to push them.”

Everyone nodded at Mohammed’s words.

“Okay, I take the lead.”

“Master, if you push an eagle off a cliff, it will rise through the air. If it’s not poison gas and ruppels, only the mobile force can crush them. There is no need for you, master go to the battlefield yourself~”

Black-mamba opened her palms wide. Dozens of green, red, and blue magnetic tactical symbols that Mohammed marked the enemy’s advance path, the enemy’s vacuum direction, and force were sucked in by the suction wave.

“Now is the time to show strength. The hyenas aiming at Novatopia are not just the Odham Allied Forces. The real threats are the neighboring countries of Novatopia and the Soviet Union. I plan to use the Odham Allied Forces as a victim. I’m going to smash the enemy to scare the hyenas, so they don’t dare drool. I will show you that no conspiracy or tactic is useless in the face of overwhelming power.”

Pagjak——- When they clenched their fist, the magnetic pieces turned into powder. Authority and ambition swept the conference room.

“Your will come true.”

The Ombuds and Novas bowed their heads in unison.

“Sam-D, lead the mobile forces and move forward at full speed. We have the Ennedy Plateau in our hands. If we build a radar and missile base on the Ennedy Plateau, Gaddafi and Ross will not dare to cross Novatopia.”


“Oh Oh!”

Nova shouted in unison. It’s wonderful what the Tubai-Burpa had to do with restraining its power.

“There is no time. I introduce you to a new family member.”

As Black-mamba left the conference room, Simon-D followed. Nova, who had not received Ahmad’s message, followed Chulezule without knowing anything.


Duwoong——— The space opened like a stage curtain was lifted. A jet-black giant revealed its majesty.



The civil servants slumped down, and the hammers who had gone through everything before and after childbirth opened their mouths wide. The workers who were working on the renovation of the palace looked at the huge monster in awe. The Black Mamba jumped over Garuda’s head.

“I would like to introduce you to Garuda, King Yeongjo, who is a member of the Tubai- Burpa and will protect Novatopia.”

Kuwo——-woah —— A shout announcing the existence shook Yoa Palace.



A shout broke out.

“Garuda will crush the enemy’s armor and main force. Simon-D and Hammer clean up the garbage and take control of Ennedy.”

“Yeah, I will obey your orders.

“let’s go!”

Sho—–a—– Garuda became a dot on the dot and then disappeared from view. Sam-D opened the communicator.


The troops moved in unison. 22,000 Novatopia Mobile Corps, mounted on armored transport vehicles and high-mobility vehicles, were driven towards Ennedy with 40 AMX30 tanks and 120 AMX-10RC long-wheeled armored vehicles. It was the beginning of the Battle of Ennedy, which historians later called the Six-Hour War by comparing it to the Six-Day War, the Third Middle East War.

If the 6-day war was a swift action by a preemptive surprise attack, the 6-hour war was a brutal battle in which Novatopia, who received a surprise attack, crushed the invaders with overwhelming power with the ultimate weapon.


“It’s already started!”

Hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles were entangled in a hazy sandstorm. The A-MANCE, which used a 105mm steel cannon, and the T62, which adopted a 115mm smoothbore cannon, were second-generation tanks with similar armor and striking power. The AMX-10RC armored vehicle and BMP1 are also rivals. Both sides were equipped with large-caliber main guns capable of destroying the side armor of the tank, not like an armored car. Whether it’s a tank or an armored car, it means that the one who looks and shoots first has an advantage.

The life of tank warfare is maintaining a formation as planned. In a platoon unit battle, 3 units attack and 1 unit cover, and in a company unit battle, 2 platoon attack and 1 platoon back up. Mobility can be seen as a necessary factor for maintaining a formation rather than a 1:1 confrontation. The Yom- Kippur tank battle showed the fact clearly that if the line collapsed, no matter how many numbers there were, they were defeated.

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