Meteorite Jade Scandal

Chapter 65 - Wang's Art Gallery

King Feu'er had not set foot in that room.

A room that makes his chest tight every time he enters. However, now King Feu'er ventured to enter it.

There is a bed with a bright red bad cover, the curtains are gold with rattling beads on each side.

Even though King Feu'er had never entered these luxurious rooms, the ladies-in-waiting kept cleaning them. This was his former room with his empress, Zarius' mother.

King Feu'er gently touched the pillows neatly arranged on the bed. Flashes of his past were vivid in his mind.

A moment later his gaze changed, his gaze sharp as sharp as a sword. He threw everything that was near him.

"I will become the ruler of these 3 realms! You will regret leaving me, Zenko! Huwaaaakh!" King Feu'er shouted so that it might be heard outside the room.

Who is Zenko really? What was the previous conflict between King Feu'er and Lord Jack? Why did the two great Gods clash for hundreds of years?


Zhang Sifeng and Zhang Yushen were still enjoying ice cream on a park bench. Sifeng started the conversation.

"Yu Gege?"

"Hmm?" Yushen replied casually, he was enjoying his ice cream.

"Does death hurt?"

"Cough! Cough!" Yushen coughed loudly. "What do you mean by that question, A-Feng?!" Yushen snapped. He really didn't like it when his brother talked about death.

"Hahaha, why are you always sensitive when I talk about death, um?" Sifeng said casually. However, the smile on the corner of his lips depicted a smile full of mystery.

"A-Feng, I used to say 'we come and go from this world alone, don't need brothers or anyone', but I realized that right now I need you, little brother. So, don't talk about death anymore. Everyone will die." Yushen spoke quietly.

"Sigh, brat! How could you possibly need me, Yu Gege? You haven't even contacted me in months!" said Sifeng.

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Yushen glanced sharply at his brother, annoyed. In fact, Yushen spoke seriously, but Sifeng still thought that his brother's words were joking.

Sifeng instead showed his ice cream smudged lips at his brother.

Telolet telolet telolet!

A ringing tone interrupted their conversation.

"Hahaha, what kind of ringtone is that, A-Feng? Why is it as weird as you, huh?!" Yushen teased.

"Hey, this ringtone is going viral in various countries you know!!"

Sifeng now answered the call, "Yes, Manager Huo. Alright, I'll be right there," Sifeng replied to the person on the other end of the phone.

"You're already leaving, A-Feng? Why so soon, huh? You said you missed me, but why are you leaving again so soon, um?" Yushen asked.

Yushen actually still wanted to spend time with his sister. They have been really busy with their respective activities these past few months. Yushen manages the holding company, while Sifeng manages the 'Robort Theme Park' project on Hainan Island.

"Stay a little longer, A-Feng! We can have lunch before you leave," Yushen asked. He wanted to say too that he missed Sifeng, but he was too shy to reveal it.

"You are weird, Yu Gege! When I asked you whether you missed me or not, you were silent. But now you are holding me back from going back to Hainan. Don't worry, Yu Gege! Next week I will take a day off, and we will spend some time together, together when I'm on vacation. There's something I want to finish in that Realm of the Gods." Sifeng's gaze turned hateful as he said 'God Realm'.

"It's up to you, A-Feng! But, remember this, A-Feng! Don't work too hard and pay attention to your health! Papa already reminded you to check up regularly, right? Did you do that?" Yushen's advice.

"Ahahaha ... I'm fine, Yu Gege. Why should I always check up on Er Shu," said Sifeng, refusing every time he was asked to check his health on their second uncle.

"But, please keep your health!" Yushen warned back.

"Alright, Yu Gege! Before leaving, I'll go see Papa and Lian Jiejie first," said Sifeng as he hugged his brother with one right hand.

I don't know since when Sifeng did this habit. In fact, in the past they used to fight more often than hugging like that.

Yushen, who usually protested Sifeng's disgusting attitude, was now getting used to his brother's often strange behavior.


One week later ....

Today is Madam Wang's biggest day. Yes, today there will be a big exhibition at her 'Wang's Art Gallery'.

Madam Wang was tired of her failed plans. A plan to kill her husband's illegitimate child. Now, Madam Wang wanted to forget about her revenge mission for a moment.

Lian Ji also helped her mother. Even though Lian Ji doesn't live with his mother anymore, Lian Ji still cares about his mother.

Several works of art and antiques from various countries are neatly displayed on each side of the exhibition room. Both two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art.

Two handsome men entered the exhibition hall casually. They wore black tuxedo suits of the same color.

They walk casually as if walking on a catwalk. However, Madam Wang's expression turned sour when she saw the two handsome youths approaching her.

"Who invited you guys, huh?!" snapped Madam Wang as she passed the two handsome young men. Well, they were Sifeng and Yushen. Only the two of them always made Madam Wang furious.

"Tell me! Who invited you!" snapped Madam Wang back.

The two handsome young men did not answer. Sifeng and Yushen only smiled faintly at Lian Ji, who was to Madam Wang's left.

However, before Lian Ji was hit with anger by his mother. Lian Ji fled first. Lian Ji walked towards some of the guests, avoiding her mother's truly deadly gaze. It was indeed Lian Ji who actually invited Sifeng and Yushen to come to this exhibition.

Without hesitation, Sifeng immediately hugged Madam Wang. Like a child who misses his mother very much. And now the child releases his longing by hugging his mother.

"Mama! I miss you so much, Ma. Don't you miss us, your two handsome princes, um?" said Sifeng, still hugging Madam Wang even though Madam Wang continued to struggle to be released.

Next to Sifeng, Yushen was smiling as coolly as usual at his little sister's silly behavior. Their intention was to make Madam Wang furious. Moreover, Sifeng who often plays it.

Madam Wang was very upset to be hugged suddenly like that. Especially by the child she had hated.

With all her might, Madam Wang pushed Sifeng to the ground with a bang.

"I'm not your mother! How dare you touch me, huh? What are you here for?!" cried Madam Wang, looking very frustrated.

"Mother, you have so much heart for me. I only made a small mistake, but how much do you hate me, Mama?" said Sifeng playfully, making all the invited guests pay attention to them.

"Tch! Just you wait, I will never let your life rest in peace!" said Madam Wang quietly, but very threateningly.

Then, Madam Wang left her 2 stepson. Madam Wang was so annoyed that she didn't notice her steps.

Madam Wang almost fell into the woman-shaped statue that was worth tens of millions of yuan. Her steps were full of emotion.

Yushen and Sifeng laughed at their flustered stepmother.

"Hahaha, you've gone mad, A-Feng!" Yushen stretched out his hand towards Sifeng who was still sitting on the floor.

"Hahaha, I really like Mama's expression, Yu Gege," said Sifeng as he grabbed his brother's outstretched hand.

After that, they walked hand in hand, enjoying the beauty of various kinds of art objects that were neatly arranged there. However, Sifeng's steps were stopped when Sifeng crossed a painting hanging on one of the walls.

Yushen noticed the strangeness of Sifeng who suddenly stopped his steps.

"What are you doing, A-Feng? Are you feeling dizzy again?" said Yushen, full of panic.

Well, Yushen realized that his brother's health was becoming increasingly unstable. Sometimes Sifeng feels dizzy, sometimes Sifeng also faints suddenly. And not infrequently Sifeng also vomited a lot of blood.

However, Sifeng's dire state only lasted for a moment. Sifeng will be back on the mend in just a few hours.

It really made Yushen feel even more guilty. Had Yushen not tried to find the whereabouts of the missing Zhishu in the Heizhugou Valley, surely they would never have come to that God Realm.

Yushen patted Sifeng's shoulder again, who had been silent for a long time. That made Sifeng even more panicked.

"A-Feng, what are you doing? Why are you silent, A-Feng?" said Yushen who was now even more panicked because Sifeng was still as silent as a statue.

Sifeng raised his right hand, signaling that his brother was quiet.

"Did you hear that, Yu Gege?" Sifeng asked. He sharpened his hearing.

"Hear what, A-Feng? Are you starting to hallucinate again?" guessed Yushen, smiling disdainfully.

"Ahhh, I'm serious, Yu Gege! His voice is very clear, Lao Yu. Like a woman's voice. Yes, he said 'get me out! save me!' Sifeng spoke.

A moment later, Sifeng focused his gaze on a painting beside him. "Yes, the voice is from this fox-shaped painting, Yu Gege!" Sifeng shouted in disbelief.

"Ah, you're ridiculous, A-Feng! Is it because you're so stressed from work that you're going crazy, huh?! How could an inanimate object be….?"

To be continued ....

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