Meteorite Jade Scandal

Chapter 73 - Heavenly Palace

-Gefroren City-

The whole city mourns the death of Gilbert Greyrat. All the people were present in the mourning room with tulips in their hands, Gil Greyrat's favorite flower. They put the flowers around Gil Greyrat's coffin

Vincent Greyrat sat limply beside his brother's coffin. Vin really felt guilty. He still blames herself for Gil's death. If only Vin realized it from the start, surely Vin could save his brother. Vin felt sorry.

On the other hand, King Glen Greyrat was trying to calm Queen Eliz, who was still crying hysterically since the three of them had returned from Sakura Hill carrying Gil Greyrat's corpse.

King Glen hugged his mother. He as Greyrat's eldest son must be a strength for Vin and his mother. All the Gods of the Illusory Mountain were also present.

However, there was no leader of the 3 Realms in this mourning room. Well, even though it was yesterday Gil Greyrat, but Lord Jack wasn't here.

Ask why?

Lord Jack had broken the Heaven's Rule by sealing his energy in Vin's body to save his son. The same fate 50 years ago, repeats itself. Lord Jack was confined within the Black Mountain who knows how long.

The grief of Queen Eliz's family was doubled. Their leader had been punished by the Great Spirit, the ancestor of all Gods. And now, they had to lose Gilbert Greyrat. What a very difficult situation right now for the Greyrat family.

Vin sat on the floor as he continued to lean on his brother's coffin. His gaze was blank. Memories of the events that Vin always went through with Gil, kept flashing in Vin's head. Gil's bright smile is also still clearly visible in Vin's view at this time.

Vin's tears fell down his cheeks. He cries silently. Previously, Vin had asked the elders how to get Gil back. But, the condition said by the elder could only happen 1000 years later.

Well, Gilbert Greyrat was able to come back to life with the help of Meteorite Jade, very special jade. And that special stone will drop in 800 years. Vin couldn't think of how he had to live 800 years without being able to see Gil by his side.


-Sky Palace, Illusory Mountain-

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Two men just appeared from above. Both of them complained of pain from landing imperfectly.

"Why are you so stupid, A-Feng?! At least, try to land slowly. Actually, what's going on in your head, huh?!" snapped the young man with the thin mustache at the other youth.

"Hahaha ... I'm sorry, Gege! I forgot how to use this Jade Bracelet. So, I thought I just need to think about where we're going. So, I just mumbled 'Sky Palace on the Illusory Mountain', Gege!" the young man who had a strange arrangement spoke.

The young man's hair was slightly long and parted in the middle. The jaw line is sharp, the nose is sharp and the chin is sharp. However, his handsome face was always covered by his careless attitude. The proof, just this time he almost got his brother injured by landing incorrectly.

Who else but Zhang Sifeng? Zhang's lineage does not reflect Zhang's authority at all.

Yushen, who was still annoyed that his butt hurt so much, immediately hit Sifeng on the head.

"You are an idiot, Sifeng! Hence, before using this special Jade Bracelet, concentrate!" Yushen snapped.

Sifeng just smiled as he scratched his cheek.

"Hehehe ... I'm sorry, Yu Gege!"

After tired of arguing as usual, Yushen and Sifeng looked around. This Sky Palace looked so deserted, very different from 11 months ago.

However, Yushen didn't think this was the wrong place. Yushen had explored the entire Sky Palace, more so than Sifeng. So, Yushen knew very well that this place was the Heavenly Palace.

"Are you sure this is the same place, Yu Gege? Why did you tell me to cast a spell to the Heavenly Palace?" Sifeng asked, he walked over to look around. Sifeng hoped to meet one of the Gods residing in this place.

Yushen also did the same. Yushen walked quietly while checking several rooms in this magnificent palace.

"I believe this is the Heavenly Palace, A-Feng. I've already explored 70% of this place." Yushen replied while looking around him.

Sifeng frowned. Then, he asked, "Shouldn't we just head straight to Tranmoz Palace, Yu Ge? Our goal in this God Realm is just to confirm whether Lilyan is Zhishu or not, right?"

"You're right, A-Feng. However, I want to ask Lord Jack something first. This is very important." As he said these words, Yushen looked up at the throne in the large room. That room is the meeting room of the Gods, Yushen thought.

Sifeng, who was a few steps away from Yushen, suddenly felt strange. Well, Sifeng felt that his head was really dizzy right now. This pain always comes and goes.

However, Sifeng felt that the pain was now much worse than before. Sifeng's head was throbbing, the pain was stabbing. Sifeng continued to squeeze her hair.

Sifeng's vision was now starting to blur. He felt dizzy and nauseous at the same time. His hands were still stroking her hair roughly. Really, Sifeng couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Arrgghhh!" A groan of pain rang out from Sifeng's pale lips.

Sifeng's body suddenly wobbled and fell onto the floor so hard, there was a 'THUD!'

It happened so fast that Yushen didn't have time to restrain Sifeng's body, as usual. Yushen ran towards Sifeng who was curled up on the floor. Yushen grabbed his brother's head carefully and placed it on his lap.

Yushen looked very panicked at the moment. Yushen patted his brother's cheek many times. However, Sifeng still did not respond. Sifeng's eyes were tightly closed and looked so peaceful.

"A-Feng, wake up! Please don't joke, you idiot!" Yushen shouted. His voice trembled from the fear of losing her sister.

"Xiao Feng!! Get up, you idiot!" Yushen shouted back. Unknowingly, his tears fell down his cheeks. Yushen was afraid that Sifeng would die, and it was because of Yushen.

Yushen while shaking Sifeng's body. But, Sifeng's body was still silent. Sifeng still lost consciousness.

There is no other way, Yushen can only wait. Yushen had often found Sifeng suddenly in this state. However, the worry is still there. Although Yushen knew that Sifeng would be fine after a few hours.

Yushen had been waiting for hours. Yushen continued to hug his brother's upper body. Yushen was afraid that Sifeng would catch a cold, considering that the temperature in this God Realm was very different from the temperature in the Mortal Realm.

Even though they had predicted this by wearing thick clothes, it didn't reduce Yushen's concern for Sifeng at all. Yushen was afraid that his brother would develop hypothermia.

Yushen was still holding Sifeng's body. Not for a second did Yushen let go of his embrace. Yushen kept muttering his brother's name to make Sifeng come to his senses.

After about 3 hours, now Sifeng's eyes slowly opened. Yushen realized that and smiled.

Yushen immediately wiped his tears. Yushen didn't want his brother to label him as a 'weepy guy'. Yushen smiled again in relief.

"You're awake, um? Which still hurts?" Yushen asked, very concerned. Yushen patted the head of Sifeng who was still on his lap.

Sifeng nodded.

"Hmm, I'm awake, Yu Ge. However, I still feel a little dizzy," Sifeng replied in a low voice.

Yushen helped Sifeng to sit up straight. Sifeng was now sitting next to Yushen. Sifeng gently massaged his forehead.

"I think you have a migraine, A-Feng?" Yushen said casually, hiding his worries. He did that because he didn't want to hurt his brother's pride. Sifeng really didn't like being pitied, even with his family members.

"Heh? How could I have a migraine, Lao Yu? What a non-elite disease!" Sifeng snorted in annoyance. I don't know who Sifeng is mad at.

But, this is all Sifeng can do. Sifeng didn't want to make his brother worry all the time.

"Hahaha, Stupid! None of those diseases are classy, ​​Stupid!" said Yushen.

Yushen while pushing Sifeng's head. Yushen had a hard time showing his affection. That's how Yushen showed it, by bullying and torturing his own brother.

Are you excited or what? However, Sifeng actually found it strange if his brother didn't do all of that. Really, strange sibling.

"Then, where are we going now, Yu Ge?" said Sifeng, trying to stand up with the help of the pillar beside him.

"Let's go home now! You're not well at the moment, A-Feng. So, I'm afraid you'll faint again later." Yushen expressed his concern.

Yushen also stood by Sifeng's side, afraid that his brother would suddenly fall and fall to the floor again. There will be Yushen's strong hands holding Sifeng's body.

For Yushen at this time, the most important thing was Sifeng's safety. They could come another day to find out where Wu Zhishu was.

"Let's go home now, A-Feng!" invite Yushen back, for the umpteenth time.

To be continued ....

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