Meteorite Jade Scandal

Chapter 89 - Bandits

Their fox ran at the sound of a dog barking. Zarius chased after the fox and shouted, "Mom! Where are you going?!"

"Geez!" Sifeng ng covered his mouth with both hands, as if in disbelief.

"Even your brother calls a fox his mother? Actually, what nationality are you guys? continued Sifeng in his usual mocking tone.

"Watch your mouth, Sir! I can do worse than this!" threatened Nana, raising her fist.

Sifeng glared, as he continued to chew on the dimsum that the girl was stuffed with. Yes, if you throw it away, honey.

Yushen and Hana giggled at the sight of their two brothers.

"Hana-chan, have you graduated from school?" Yushen tried to make small talk with Hana. For some reason, Hana looks very similar to her adopted sister who was in America first.

"Yes, last year, Gege. Jiejie and I are currently studying at a university in Yokohama, we majored in accounting." Hana spoke, looking friendlier than her sister.

"We both returned to China the day after tomorrow. If you are on holiday, visit us to Beijing," said Yushen, friendly.

Indeed, since the events of a year and a half ago, Yushen had turned into a friendly and warm man. Unlike four years ago, which was cold and full of ambition.

"Oh yeah, I want to buy some gifts for Papa, Mama and Lian Jiejie," said Sifeng.

"A-Feng, have you forgotten? Madam Wang has tried to eliminate you several times, you idiot! Why do you still care about Madam Wang, huh?" said Yushen. Yushen really didn't understand his sister's mindset.

"She's still my mother, Gege." Sifeng said while patting Yushen on the shoulder.

"Oh yes, come with me, lady thug! I don't know this area!" Sifeng said as he tugged at Nana's hand, who was still busy eating dimsum.

"You! Why are you so rude, huh?!" Nana snapped, with her mouth still full of food.

However, Sifeng ignored it. Sifeng kept pulling the girl's hand to follow in his footsteps.

Now, under the cherry blossom trees, there were only Yushen and Hana. There was no awkward atmosphere between them anymore. Hana's sociable demeanor made Yushen feel comfortable around her.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Suddenly there were five men of big stature, who were already behind Yushen and Hana.

The five men pointed a knife right at Yushen and Hana's kidney area.

"Hurry up and come with us!" whispered one of the men. Maybe they don't want the people around them to know about their crimes.

Yushen and Hana still didn't move. The five bandits were still right behind them. The slightest they moved, then the knife must have succeeded in removing their kidneys from their bodies.

Yushen glanced at Hana, giving Hana a nod.

As if Hana understood the code given by Yushen, Hana replied by nodding once.

Hana grabbed the chili sauce that had been in between the dishes earlier. Hana sprayed the sauce right into the eyes of the five bandits.


The five bandits groaned in pain. Their eyes were so sore that they reflexively closed their eyes.

"Come on, run!!" shouted Zhang Yushen, interrupting.

Han got up quickly, and now followed Yushen's footsteps. They both ran.

"Hey, our car is south of the park. Why are we running towards the North, Gege?" Hana asked, continuing to run after Yushen.

Yushen's eyes focused on the motorbike parked on the side of the road. Yushen pointed at the motorbike, still running.

"That, look, Hana-chan! There's a motorbike with the key!" Yushen shouted.

Yushen grabbed Hana's hand. The two of them ran towards the motor sport, which was parked not far from them.

There was no more time at this time, the five bandits were getting closer and closer towards them. Yushen was in no mood to fight at the moment.

After all, Yushen was with Hana at the moment. It would be very dangerous for this girl if Yushen acted like a hero.

Yushen didn't know whose motorcycle it was, the most important thing for Yushen right now was to run away from the bandits.

Yushen is wearing a helmet, Hana is also wearing a helmet. What a lucky coincidence, isn't it? A motorbike with 2 helmets and keys was parked there. Hopefully after this, no one beats them up and screams, "Thieves!!"

However, if it's just a motorbike like that, Yushen and Hana can replace it with 100 units of the same motorbike at once.

"Hold on tight, Hana-chan!" Yushen ordered the girl behind him.

Hana obeyed Yushen's orders. Hana felt very comfortable hugging Yushen's sixpack stomach from behind and leaning on Yushen's back.

Come on, Hana! This isn't the time for you to be swayed by Zhang Yushen's charms, is it? Look, the bandits' car is getting closer to your motorbike!

At this time, Yushen was accelerating the speed of the motorbike he was riding. Hana hugged Yushen's stomach even tighter, causing Yushen to feel a little tight.

"Why are they after us?" Yushen asked, in between panic.

"It seems, they are members of grandfather's great enemy organization," said Hana.

"Then what's that got to do with me?" Yushen asked again. He was surprised.

"I don't know, maybe they thought that Yushen Gege was Grandpa Watanabe's real grandson. They mistook you for Sifeng Gege!" Hana answered again in a loud voice, because the speed of their motorbike was at its maximum point.

Hana was still holding Yushen's stomach tightly and leaning on the broad back. Hana looks so comfortable. She seemed to be looking for an opportunity in the narrowness like now.



After that, gunshots were heard.

Unlucky! The rear tire of the motorcycle Yushen was riding had a leak due to the shot earlier. Luckily, Yushen braked in time, so the two of them didn't fall off the motorbike.

Yushen steered his motorbike to the side of the road. He got down and grabbed Hana's hand. Not knowing which direction they were going to run, the most important thing right now was that they had to avoid being chased by the bandits.

Yushen and Hana are having trouble at the moment, the road they are going on turns out to be a dead end. When the two of them turned around, the five bandits were already in front of them.

The five bandits walked over with disgusting grins according to Hana.

"We told you, just come with us, Childs!" The tattooed man with a gun in his hand spoke with a grin.

"Tch! Don't expect too much to catch us, Uncle!" said Yushen, flashing a smile no less lethal than the bandit.

The man pointed his gun at Yushen, ready to fire.

With a single kick, Yushen managed to knock the weapon down. Yushen grabbed the gun that had fallen to the ground earlier. Yushen aimed the gun right at the man's leg.


Yushen's shot was right on target. The man immediately groaned in pain while holding his shot leg.

Unknowingly, another tall man was already beside Yushen. The man stabbed his knife into Yushen's arm, causing Yushen to drop the gun from his hand.

Before the man had time to reach for the gun, Yushen acted quickly and kicked the gun so that it flew very far. The gun fell into the ditch.

Yushen rose to his feet and put on a defensive stance. After that, Yushen stepped forward to attack the bad guys earlier.

Mercilessly, Yushen kicked, beat, punched the bandits to the ground. Yushen managed to knock them out, only 2 bandits left.

It seemed that Yushen was already starting to feel exhausted. After all, Yushen's arm that had been hit by the knife was still bleeding thick red blood.

The man who had a dragon tattoo on his arm, kicked Yushen so hard, that Yushen fell to the ground. The man stomped hard on Yushen's right stomach.

Unlucky! The scars from the gunshots about 2 years ago, can still be felt by Yushen today.

"Aarrgh!" Yushen groaned in pain. He felt excruciating pain in his right abdomen.

"Gege!!" shrieked Hana. Hana couldn't bear to see Yushen who looked so in pain.

Hana walked slowly towards the man who stepped on Yushen's stomach. Hana grabbed a large boulder that was on the side of the road. Hana slammed the boulder right into the head of the man who stepped on Yushen's stomach.

"AAKKHH!!" shouted the man. Fresh red blood flowed from the back of the man's head. He immediately collapsed. You can imagine how hard Hana hit the guy in the head, right?

"Gege! Are you okay?" Hana helped Yushen up.

Yushen noticed heavy footsteps behind him. Yushen pushed Hana away. Quickly, Yushen managed to dodge the other man's attack. This time the man wearing the blue shirt was carrying a katana, from where he got the weapon like that very long message.


There was a slash of the katana, followed by the sound of the shirt being torn. Yes, the man had managed to injure Yushen's arm again with his katana.

To be continued .....

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