Misty World: Start with SSS skill

Chapter 252 Number 3 - Ratylous's Son

After Bryen had completely left, Ratylous looked over at Raven's headless body lying on the ground. At this time, a man in a black shirt came over, and on his chest was a number, which was the number 3.

That's right, he was the assassin number 3 who had passed the message to Bryen.

Ratylous, upon seeing this person appear, did not seem surprised; he said: "Is Bryen telling the truth?"

Number 3 nodded: "That's right. That person called himself the Void Lord; he protected Selvih and easily defeated Silutop."

"Even when Silutop used forbidden magic?" Ratylous asked.

"That's right.  Even with the use of forbidden magic, he wasn't able to survive. When the match started, I hid from afar, and when I saw that things weren't right, I left."

Ratylous frowned upon hearing that, but he nodded and said: "You did a good job. Raven is just a useless person; it's okay for him to die. What do you think? Should we take revenge?"

Number 3 lowered his head to think for a moment, then said: "We should definitely take revenge; after all, the death of a prince of an ancient kingdom is not normal. If we keep quiet, our honour will be ruined."

Ratyous nodded: "I also want revenge. Even though Raven was a useless person, he was still my son after all. You're right, the prince of an ancient kingdom died; if I don't avenge Him, my honour would be lost."

"But right now we don't have any clues about who this void lord is. Besides, we can't underestimate his power."

"Silutop is a legend; although he cannot threaten the existence of an ancient kingdom like us, his power can change the course of a war."

"Number 3, what do you think?"

Number 3 frowned at Ratylous, then sighed and said, "Father, this involves too many things; I can't give you my opinion."

That's right, Number 3 called Ratylous 'father'. In fact, Number 3 was actually one of Ratylous' five sons; however, Number 3's identity was that of a servant's son.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Because Number 3 was the son of a servant, he couldn't enjoy the royal life. Instead, Ratylous had put Number 3 on the list of assassins, so he had been training since childhood.

Due to this, Number 3 was in charge of both being a spy in the assassin group in case there was a traitor assassin and being the leader of the assassin army.

Of course, no one knew that Number 3 was Ratylous's own son; after all, it was an insult to a king of the Ancient Kingdom.

However, although Number 3 did not enjoy the privileges of the Royal Family, among Ratylous' children, Number 3 was far superior.

Therefore, Ratyous completely trusted and often consulted No. 3.

Ratyous smiled and said: "Don't worry; I trust you."

Number 3 thought for a moment, then replied, "We can use a treaty of war."

"Treaty of war?" Ratylous frowned.

"That's right."  Number 3 nodded: "If both sides have existences that are level 90 or higher, with superior power that can change the course of the battle, then we need a treaty of war."

When Ratyous heard that, he nodded and said: "You mean that we should use the treaty of war to prevent the two sides' strongest fighting forces from participating in the war?"

"That's right."  Number 3 explained: "If you or the Void Lord join the war, the war will be between the two of you, not between the two kingdoms."

"I don't think you want to fight someone who defeated even Silutop so easily."

Ratylus nodded.  Although he was a bit embarrassed, what Raven said was true, he was weaker than Silutop. If the Void Lord could kill Silutop, then he could also kill Ratylous easily.

Ratyous didn't want to take the risk, but he didn't want to lose his honour either. If he didn't say anything after his child was killed, then he would become a laughing stock in the mouths of other kingdoms.

Besides, the other kingdoms would think that the Shareny kingdom was a weak and easily suppressed kingdom.

So, he felt that what Number 3 said was the best. He may not be as strong as the Void Lord, but he possessed a powerful army, so the chances of winning were also very high.

"But... what if the Void Lord refuses to sign a war treaty?"

"We'll force him to sign." Number 3's voice was extremely cold, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Oh! Force him how? You should remember that he can easily defeat Silutop; I am no match for him. If my father shows up…" When Ratylous spoke up to here, he fell silent.

Number 3 knew what Ratylous meant, but he continued to explain: "Father, no matter how strong he is, he can't be as strong as a sanctuary."

"You mean Iruna Sanctuary?" Ratyous immediately thought of that name in his mind.

Number 3 nodded and said, "That's right. We can link the Iruna Sanctuary and the Ancient Kingdom of Zumberos to force the Void Lord to sign a treaty of war."

"If he does not sign, he will face the power of the Iruna Sanctuary and the two ancient kingdoms attacking. If he signs, we won't lose. We still have the Iruna Sanctuary and Zumberos Kingdom to back us up anyway."

Ratyous frowned upon hearing that: "No way. Although the Iruna Sanctuary and the Zumberos Kingdom are only our allies, the two of them just cooperate with us, and if there is no benefit, they will not want to aid us in the war."

"Father, the Void Lord's kingdom is profit. If we win, all the resources in the Void Lord's kingdom will surely belong to us. At that time, we just need to make a reasonable division."

Hearing Number 3's explanation, Ratylous breathed a sigh of relief as he felt his confidence return. Ratyous laughed and said: "Hahahaha… Number 3, you are my best son. I will give you full control over this matter. If you succeed, you will officially become the prince of this kingdom."

"At that time, I will try to convince Bryen to become your wife. At that time, you will have both my approval and the Zumberos kingdom's approval, so no one will dare question you about your background."

Number 3 was very excited to hear that he had lived in the dark for hundreds of years. Although he was Ratylous's son and was superior to all of Ratylous's children, because he was the son of a servant, he could not enjoy royal treatment.

What he wanted was only one thing, and that was to regain his inherent rights and let the other royals know that even if he was the son of a servant, he was not inferior to a member of the royal family.

Number 3 was overjoyed, but he didn't show it; he quickly bowed his head and said: "Thank you, father."

Ratyous nodded: "Um! If you need anything, just ask, and I'll do it for you."

When Ratyous finished patting Number 3 on the shoulder, he left. Number 3 watched Ratyous until he disappeared, then looked into the distance, and thought in his heart: "Mom, I am about to achieve our wish, just a little more. Those who have taken away all the royal rights we should have enjoyed will be terrified by my power."

However, the thought of Ratyous wanting him to marry Bryen made him feel nauseous. In his heart  Number 3 thought: "EW! Marry that fat monster as my wife? Dream on! Is that bastard worthy of me?!"

"Huh! Ratylous, after I enter the royal family, the day of your death will not be far away. It was because you closed your eyes and pretended not to see what the women in your harem did to my mother that caused her to die."

"Don't worry…  After you die, your harem, your woman, your daughter, and your kingdom… I will take care of them all…"

Number 3 thought of this and laughed loudly, his eyes filled with rage, murderous intent, and terrifying confidence.

If Hikaru were here, he would definitely say: "Another main character motif, Haizzz."

Bryen had just returned to her palace. In fact, Bryen was not allowed to have her own palace, and she was supposed to share a palace with Ratylous's harem.

But Bryen was different; she possessed a backing that frightened Ratylous, so he gave Bryen the right to own a palace of her own.

Bryen used magic to unlock the palace gate and entered; the interior was extremely luxurious, even more so than Ratylous' palace.

Bryen immediately went to a room at the end of the palace. Upon reaching the door, Bryen immediately heard screams coming from inside the room, accompanied by the sound of objects being smashed.

"Damn it! Damn it!  My hand!"


"My hand! That Void Lord bastard... I will kill him… I will chop him into a hundred pieces!"

Bryen opened the door and entered. She found the floor in a mess of broken vases and other things.

In front of her, Duraxi was bandaged, and with his severed arm, he was smashing things. His eyes were bloodshot, his hair was tousled, and tears were flowing from him. Currently, he looked like an angry child.

In the corner of the room, Savuo sat on a chair, his eyes blankly looking into the distance, it was not apparent what he was thinking. Next to Savuo was Duranka, who was using a wet towel to clean his body.

Bryen also saw a slightly pretty girl sitting on the bed and looking at Duraxi, who was stupidly angry; yes, she was Himari.

"Enough!" Bryen yelled, every chunk of fat on her body shaking. When Duraxi heard her voice, he turned around and looked at Bryen's trembling body fat. As he saw this, he felt nauseous.

"EW!!" Duraxi covered his mouth as he tried to keep himself from vomiting. In fact, he didn't eat anything, so he didn't have anything to vomit.

However, Duraxi still felt extremely nauseous inside because Bryen was too fat and too ugly. In Duraxi's heart, Bryen was like a giant pig that could speak human language.

Bryen saw Duraxi's expression and frowned, his face showing obvious displeasure.

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