Misty World: Start with SSS skill

Chapter 280 Queen Of Harpies - Tsuraguki's Punch...

Shala sighed and said, "That's not right, no one has the right to stay in the master's main house without his permission."

"Permission? Hahahaha… We are Harpies, servants of the gods, surely master will allow us to stay in his castle." The Queen of Harpies smiled and spoke with great confidence.

Shala felt an extreme headache. It seemed that these Harpies really thought that they were the servants of the gods, no, to be more precise, they thought that they were angels.

They were too arrogant.

Shala remembered Saraya, she was now a fallen angel, and the strength she possessed was many times stronger than the Harpies', but she was still not arrogant.

On the contrary, Saraya was still very friendly and cheerful, and she even fed her cakes.

As she recalled the taste of the cake, Shala felt a little craving. However, she knew that she needed to deal with her current problem first.

Shala still managed to keep a friendly smile on her face and said, "Sorry, but the reality is that master doesn't allow anyone to stay in his castle without his permission."

The Queen of Harpies frowned, and her gaze sharpened. When Shala saw this, she felt fear.

Shala retreated back when, immediately, the Harpie Queen flew over and used one of her giant bird-like feet with three claws to grab Shala's neck.

Shala was just an ordinary person, so she did not put up any resistance. The Harpie Queen flew up to the ceiling, her claws gripping Shala's neck.

Shala was in pain, but she could not scream. The Harpy Queen's claws were like chains as they gripped Shala's neck and choked her.

Shala was suspended in the air, and no matter how hard she struggled, she could not escape from the clutches of the harpy queen.

"Hahaha… What's wrong? Can't talk anymore? Lowly human!"

The Harpie Queen spoke scornfully, her laughter echoing throughout the large room.

"A…A…" Shala tried to breathe, but the Harpie Queen didn't allow her to breathe. Yes, the Harpie Queen wanted to kill Shala.

She just wanted to watch Shala struggle desperately for fun.

The surrounding Harpies also laughed scornfully, as if Shala's futile struggle was  entertaining them.

Shala started to roll her eyes, her face turned from red to purple, and it looked like she was about to stop breathing.

"Hahahaha… Not dead yet? Your vitality is also strong. Let me see how long you can last…"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The Harpie Queen had not finished speaking before a fist hit her in the face.

The Harpie Queen didn't even have time to see who did it, before she felt something hit her face at a tremendous speed.


There was a loud bang, and the Harpie Queen was punched far away, and then she crashed into the wall, and left a large hole in the wall and fell to the ground.

as Shala left the harpy queen's grasp she was picked up and hugged by someone. She struggled to breathe normally, as she thought she was going to die.

The surrounding Harpies hadn't even realized that their queen had been sent flying. It took three seconds for them to realize that their queen was lying on the ground, and her face was covered in blood.



"Damn it! Who are you?!"

"Do you know that we are the servants of the Gods?"

"That's right! You dare to hit us, god will punish you."

The Harpies shouted and spoke but that person didn't seem to be listening to them.

Shala raised her head and upon seeing that the person who came to save her was Tsuraguki she said: "Tsuraguki, thank you."

Tsuraguki smiled and said, "It's Nothing..."

Shala said hastily: "You should be careful, those Harpies are very arrogant…"

"Do not worry." Tsuraguki patted Shala on the shoulder and said, "I came here to teach them humility."

"Heh?!" Shala froze.

Then a horrifying scene occurred, as a rabbit was seen breaking the legs and wings of the bird like creatures, and a pitiful cry reverberated throughout the room.

Shala retreated to the corner, and upon seeing Tsuraguki with her hands covered in blood like a bloodthirsty monster scared her. The dim light that shone on the pool of blood on the ground shone on Tsuraguki's body.

Everything was red, the Harpies who were lying on the ground, had broken wings, arms and legs… and Shala could see broken bones sticking out.

The scene in front of her was like hell. Shala even thought that maybe she was dead, and the scene in front of her was hell.

The pitiful cries of the Harpies that echoed throughout this large room traumatized Shala.

The Harpie Queen was even more miserable, as she leaned her back against the wall, and curled up on the ground, her body shook violently, and tears and blood were smeared on her beautiful face.

"Oh! Are you still awake?"

Suddenly, a voice filled with coldness resounded beside her. The Harpie Queen  raised her head, and she saw a beautiful face with red hair that seemed to flutter in the wind. When she saw this she was scared.

"You… you must not come near me… I am a servant of the gods… so you can't harm me."

Tsuraguki sneered: "Servants of the gods? You are wrong, now you are master's servant."

"You…" The Harpy Queen wanted to say something when Tsuraguki's fist appeared in front of her and was only about 5 cm from the tip of her nose.


This one punch of Tsuraguki smashed the Harpy Queen's face, her teeth and blood mixed together and then fell on the ground.

Of course Tsuraguki didn't kill them, anyway Hikaru told her that just teaching them humility would be fine.

However, Shala did not know this. Seeing the extremely injured Harpies lying on the ground with their very weak breathing as if they could die at any moment.

She worriedly said, "Tsuraguki, stop fighting, they're going to die!"

When Tsuraguki heard that, she turned her head, her face now showing a smile as bright as the sun, different from the cold smile from before.

"Don't worry, they won't die. Master knows that this race is extremely arrogant and wants me to teach them humility."

"But…" Even though Shala heard that it was Master's order, when she saw the Harpies and the others lying on the ground, her heart was still filled with worry.

Tsuraguki approached and sat down in front of her: "Are you okay?"

Shala shook her head: "It's okay, I just feel a little suffocated."

Although Shala said it was okay, there were still bruises on her neck caused by the Harpy Queen's leg. Tsuraguki put her hand on Shala's neck, and then healed her with magic.

Shala immediately felt that her neck no longer hurt, and instead she felt a very pleasant sensation.

"Alright!" Tsuraguki smiled and said, "Next time you have to be more careful. Even if you are good at communicating, not every race that emerges from the Race Gate will listen to you. You need someone to help you."

Shala sighed, "Sorry, I didn't expect something like this to happen."

"Don't worry, I'll talk this over with master, he'll definitely have a solution." Tsuraguki said comfortingly.

Shala nodded: "I understand, but..."

Shala glanced at the Harpies lying on the ground, and she felt extremely worried.

At this moment, Tsuraguki stood up, and used magic to help them recover. This type of magic was similar to the magic that she used on Renfi.

Although she hit Renfi when she was affected by the fog, which caused her mind to be controlled by the fog, Tsuraguki later realized that force could be used to solve many problems.

Are the Harpies very arrogant?

It was okay, as Tsuraguki would fight until they were no longer arrogant. Anyway, Hikaru only said to teach them how to be humble, and he didn't say how he should teach them.

Of course Tsuraguki wouldn't let these Harpies die either. She clasped her hands together and then opened them slightly, a red ball appeared between her hands.

From that red orb, 20 red rays of light flew out and merged into the bodies of the other 20 Harpies. Immediately, the 20 Harpies including the harpy Queen began to recover.

Shala saw this scene and felt that the magic Tsuraguki used was amazing: "Tsuraguki, this magic is so amazing."

Tsuraguki smiled and said, "Yes, but each person can only use it once. If they get hurt again, I can't use it anymore."

"However, this magic also has its downside which is activating the body's potential to help the body recover."

"If their level or their stats don't increase, their lifespan will be drastically reduced."

"Take these Harpia as an example. To help them recover, they lost almost 200 years of life. If they can't level up or increase their stats, they'll only have 200-300 years of lifespan left."

Shala nodded at that, she felt that it was also true, if Tsuraguki's magic could be used indefinitely without any restrictions, then humans would be immortal.

"Alright." Tsuraguki said, "I'll call some people to take the Harpies to another area. I will follow you in case they wake up and take their anger out on you."

Shala nodded, feeling that it would be extremely safe to have Tsuraguki with her.

The Harpy Queen was now dimly awake, she felt a great pain in her head, as if someone had hit her head repeatedly with a hammer.

Her eyes opened, and she saw the very simple decorated ceiling, she also felt that she was lying on an extremely soft and warm bed and had a little remembrance of the past.

In the past, even though she was the Queen, she had never slept on a bed as soft as this.

The Harpy Queen touched the pillow, and it felt so soft, that she just wanted to lie here forever.

"Awake already?" A familiar voice startled her, she immediately sat up and wanted to fly, but some kind of invisible force restrained her on the bed.

The Harpy Queen saw Tsuraguki with red hair and Shala standing side by side and got scared. The image of Tsuraguki with bloodied hands and a cold smile was still vivid in her mind.

"You…" The Harpie Queen stammered, she did not know what to say because she was really scared. The red-haired girl's power was so terrible, so terrible that it made her feel hopeless.

"I won't o say much." Tsuraguki pointed at Shala and said: "If she asks you a question you will answer. If I find out that you lied, then… I trust that you don't want to be beaten anymore."

The Harpie Queen felt a chill down her spine, she shivered, and hurriedly nodded.

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