Modern Weapon Summoning System

Chapter 104 - Order And Upgrade

Del and Anna were standing right in front of the general's desk. The general himself was reading a file while looking at both of them. Del had a theory that the general would give them some sort of impossible task. It wasn't baseless, they had done an impossible task before and he would probably do it again if he was paid for the right amount. 

"Del Moore, huh?" The general puffed his cigar. "A refugee from the Elbanian Kingdom from the east, coming here to get a better life and future. You also have the experience in dealing with warfare in general, now son, tell me, what keeps you going?" 

"Just pure ambition, sir," Del answered. 

"Good, I hope more guys will sacrifice their life for the federation. Anyway, do you have any idea what is going on, or should I personally give you a quick debriefing?" The general asked. 

"I'd prefer the debriefing, sir," Del answered since he wanted to know the reasons behind all of the abnormal amount of tanks in the entire region. 

The general then explained the whole situation by introducing who was Brigadier General Aubert. Brigadier General Aubert used to be a member of the federal military until he changed side around ten years ago. Aubert was a good commander with a very genius brain in armored warfare. 

The general also explained that he was in the same class as Aubert back when he was still inside of the military academy. He described Aubert as secretive and everything that the person said was filled with enigmas. He wasn't surprised that Aubert betrayed the federal military. He rose up through the ranks very quickly as he gained several victories against the federal military. 

His skill with armored warfare was so good that he was one of the aces that the imperial military put on their sleeves. He described Aubert as a person that could turn the tide of the battle with only one single tank due to his skill in commanding an armored unit. It was impossible, but it was the saying that went around both the federal military and the imperial military. 

Now, due to either an unreliable intelligence from his scouts or a counter-intelligence effort by the enemy, the general failed to realize that the amount of force attacking him was not a battalion, but one regiment of an armored unit which meant that the whole area was literally under a threat of a hostile takeover. 

"I'm not going to ask you to destroy the whole armored regiment, no, I won't, it will be too risky and I doubt you can pull that off."

Del sighed in relief that the general was not that crazy by telling the two to destroy the whole armored regiment. It would be impossible and dangerous to say at least. One regiment would have more than one hundred tanks. 

"However, I will ask you to stall their advance," the general said. 

That was a little bit manageable, but how would they prevent the advancement of a regiment of the armored unit. They might have an AC-130, but would it be enough to prevent their advance towards the federal position? Del doubted that unless he had some sort of crazy idea. 

"Sir, respectfully, how?" Del asked. 

"I want you two to kill General Aubert. I will reward you with five Husnael plates, what do you say?" The general asked. 

Five Husnael plates were equal to 5,000,000$. It was a lot of money, but thinking about it again, losing a general as skillful as Aubert would do much more damage than a mere five Husnael plate. It would prevent them from advancing and making sure that their strategic planning would go back to the drawing board. 

"General, I'm afraid five Husnael plates wouldn't cut it. I want fifteen Husnael Plate," Del said. 

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"Ten, that's all I can do," the general said. 


"Fine, twelve."

"Ok, twelve. So, general, where is this General Aubert that you are looking for, sir?" Del asked. 

"That's the problem, I want you to find him and kill him. The methods are up to you and I want this thing to be out of the book. Let's say that we don't have this discussion," the general said. 

"What discussion?" Del asked. 

The general smiled at Del, "Dismissed."


In the barrack, Anna was questioning Del's sanity of accepting that mission. How would they be able to assassinate a general whose whereabouts were unknown and were probably highly classified? To top it all off, Anna doubted that even with a high-tech sniper rifle, he would be able to pull a very long-range shot. 

"Del, this is pure nuts," Anna commented. 

"Since when our plan is not crazy?" Del asked while sitting down on his bed. 

"Let's just assume that we will be able to find out where the colonel is, what would we do with him? Sniper attack is out of the question even if you give me a highly precise rifle," Anna said.

"Who said we're going to use bullets? We will use a 9M113 Kornet missile launcher that can kill him from 5,000 meters away. It's less risky and we will have a higher chance for a confirmed kill," Del said. 

"Ok, how about the location of the general, what would you do?" Anna asked. 

"Well…" Del thought for a while. 

He could go to a nearby enemy encampment and capture any stationed soldier there. However, he needed something to deal with the person that he would be capturing. Maybe a tranquilizer round would be a good option. However, it wasn't even sold at Pidma, but Del remembered that he hadn't even upgraded both Pidma and the ammunition level. 

Del opened his tablet and upgraded both Pidma and the ammunition level that he had. 

[Confirmed Upgrade Purchases] [Remaining Balance: 977,870$]

[Displaying 3.0 Patch Note]

-Removal of outdated items

-Experimental weapon is now available & Available experimental weapon is more reliable

-Ability to use custom material in armor and weapon

-Ability to sell items

-Ability to insert custom blueprint

-Storage becomes available

Del then purchased something new. He purchased a Remington 700 rifle for tranquilizing purposes. That rifle was fitted with a high-powered scope, a laser sight, a bipod, and a suppressor. All of those were for 3,000$. It was less risky to tranquilize people from distance than from close range. He then browsed the ammo for it.


[Showing Available 7.62x51 Ammunition]

[Ammunition Level: 2] [Tech Level: 7] [Total Balance: 974,870$] [Lethal]

[7.62x51 FMJ] [10x] [25$]

[7.62x51 AM-AP] [10x] [350$]

[7.62x51 AM-HEAP] [10x] [400$]

[7.62x51 AM-IHEAP] [10x] [420$]

[7.62x51 AM-APDS] [10x] [450$]

[7.62x51 IAM-TAPFSDS] [10x] [1000$]

[7.62x51 IAM-TAPFGDS] [10x] [2000$] [Laser Sight Required] 

[7.62x51 ST-TAPFGDS] [10x] [2500$] [Laser Sight Required]


He then switched the lethal to less lethal. 


[Showing Available 7.62x51 Ammunition]

[Ammunition Level: 2] [Tech Level: 7] [Total Balance: 974,870$] [Less-Lethal]

[7.62x51 Tranquillizer] [10x] [25$]

[7.62x51 Large Target Tranquillizer] [10x] [350$]

[7.62x51 Fin-Guided Improved Tranquillizer] [10x] [2000$] [Laser Sight Required] 

[7.62x51 Special-Threat-FGBL Tranquillizer] [10x] [2500$] [Laser Sight Required]


Making sure that he wouldn't take any risk with this mission. Del put the most expensive ammunition inside of the tranquilizer rifle. To be exact, he bought twenty rounds of the FGBL tranquilizer round. 

"What is FGBL?"

[Fin-Guided Borderline Lethal]

"Borderline lethal?" Anna was also reading the explanation. 

[It contains a high dosage of tranquilizing agent that is on the edge of the maximum safe dosage]

"Oh…" Anna retrieved the sniper rifle from Del's hand. She checked the rifle and chambered a bullet into that rifle. "This should be good enough, I think?" 

"I'm glad that you like it, is there anything else?" Del asked. 

"About storage, what can it do? I look at the patch note in the tablet and it clearly said that," Anna said. 

Del opened the [Storage] menu on his tablet to discover more on what he could store inside of that tablet. The thing would be massive, right? As far as he knew, his backpack was his ammunition depot as of now. He carried so many things. For example, two M16s, one M240B, one RPG, twenty PG-7VR tandem warhead rounds, thousands of ammunition, and his own clothing. The backpack itself would be close to two hundred kilograms or something. 



[Vehicle: 2 Slot Available for Ground Vehicles | 1 Slot Available for Air Vehicles | 0 Slot Available for Ground Vehicles]

[Storage: 0/70 Item slots filled]


"Interesting…" Del muttered.

"How so?" Anna asked. 

"There are two slots for ground vehicles. I think we should buy a car so we can be more mobile, what do you think?" Del asked. 

"And where should we even store it?" Anna asked.

"This storage, of course," Del showed the tablet screen to Anna then she replied with a nod. 

"What should we buy? A car just like in Elbanian?" Anna asked. 

"We'll think about that later, we should disembark tomorrow, prepare yourself.. This map that the general gave to us better be worth it or we will spend months just trying to find this mysterious general."

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