Modern Weapon Summoning System

Chapter 107 - Cruise Missile


[Killstreak Menu]

[Tech Level: 7] [Total Balance: 969,870$] 

[Sentry Gun] [5,000$]

[Precision UAV] [20,000$]

[Precision Airstrike] [144:00:00 Cooldown]

[Juggernaut Suit] [60,000$]

[Cluster Strike] [80,000$]

[Cruise Missile] [120,000$]

[Chopper Gunner] [150,000$]

[Escort Helicopter] [180,000$]

[Gunship] [120,000$/Hour]


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Lase it," Del muttered as Anna shined the middle section of the headquarters with her high-powered laser pointer. 

Del pressed the button to order the cruise missile. As the menu opened, he was surprised that there were several options for a cruise missile. He thought that there would only be one type of warhead for the cruise missile, but he was glad that he was wrong about that. 


[Killstreak Menu]

[Tech Level: 7] [Total Balance: 969,870$] 

[Cruise Missile Warhead Option]

[Cruise Missile HE Warhead] [120,000$]

[Cruise Missile Thermobaric Warhead] [200,000$]

[Cruise Missile Cluster Warhead] [250,000$]

[Cruise Missile W80 Nuclear Warhead] [2,000,000$]


Del pressed the Thermobaric Warhead option since his target was mostly inside of a structure. The blast wave should be more than enough to kill the general and all of the middle section with only one single missile. 

"Bombardier 3-4 is arriving at the firing range. Firing cruise missile, good hunt guys."

The cruise missile followed the guidance of the laser pointer. There was no further interface on the tablet, but it was preferred to aim it using laser guidance instead of just using the visual assistant. One of the good reasons was because the camera on the cruise missile was below average and it wouldn't produce a clear enough image. Heck, most cruise missiles wouldn't have a camera. 

"Count to 3 and watch the firework, Bombardier 3-4 is leaving the area of operation."

Del observed the middle section of the headquarter and he started counting, "3… 2… 1…" The cruise missile exploded on the middle section of the headquarter. The hot blast from the thermobaric warhead could be felt as far as their current position which was quite far enough from ground zero. 

The explosion left nothing but rubbles and dead bodies on the middle section of the headquarters. What followed next was the loud ringing from the alarm and the roar of the tank engine that started mobilizing to figure out where were the attackers that managed to destroy the entire middle section of the headquarter. 

"Targets are down, no building in sight, the mission is successful," Del observed the remains of the middle section. He searched for the dead body of the general, but there was no way anyone would survive that kind of attack. He eventually found the head of that general. It was severed from his own body. 

"Damn, that's grotesque," Anna commented. 

The chaos on that military base was unimaginable. To be honest, the base was practically impenetrable if not for the cruise missile. Each side of the base was patrolled by tanks so there would be no way for Del to sneak inside of the encampment undetected. 

The access to the middle section was guarded with soldiers. Those soldiers were checking any soldier that wanted to enter the middle section and the middle section itself was surrounded by a thick concrete wall. 

"Well, you know, it might be better for us to move away from this place before the soldiers search this forest." Del put his binocular back into his pocket and he started running away from the observing spot. The darkness of the night and the chaos in the headquarter should cover his escape from the forest. 

The dry leaves rustled as Del and Anna ran as fast as they could from the previous spot. If they stopped running, it would jeopardize their stealth mission and it would mean that the whole western part of the imperial military would be hunting them down mercilessly. 

They shouldn't get out of the forest now since the imperial military would be on high alert and every single road would be blockaded, making sure that nobody would get past. According to the map that the tablet showed, the forest would stretch as far as the imperial border. However, the forest wasn't stretching long enough for them so they could enter the federal territory relatively unharmed. 

"How long have we run?" Anna kept running while peeking at the back. She feared that the imperial military has found her position. 

"Three minutes. If they spot us, they will bombard the entire forest mercilessly," Del replied. 

Del had no idea how many officers he had killed, but he knew that it was a lot. The imperial military wouldn't only shoot them, they would want to kill them by any mean necessary. Anything would be thrown at them as long as it would kill them. 

However, it would set a major setback on the imperial military. It would put them back to the drawing board and the general would not be able to use its armored unit to its full potential because he was dead. Moruguri and Halivaara would be safe for now. 

Del predicted that they would retreat for a while or move on the more defensive position than before and it meant that it would be a down-time for both of them since there wouldn't be any attack on the federal military. 

"Where is our destination?" Anna asked.

"The south of this giant forest. There is little military presence on that side and it would be easy for us to get back to the federal side by using that side of the forest," Del said. 

"I see," Anna nodded. 


The sun almost rose from the ground and they had been running for a solid two hours. Sweat drenched their clothing and their breath was almost uncontrolled and they did it all for the sake of running away from the imperial military. They arrived at their destination faster than previously expected. 

"Damn, how far have we run?" Anna fell to the ground from exhaustion. 

Del looked at the tablet and he was more than surprised "Seventy kilometers?" 

"Seventy? We are running that fast???" Anna was surprised by that statement too. 

"Yeah, I also don't believe it. I have done several dashes, but not for as long as two hours," Del commented on the distance. 

"How far are we from Moruguri?" Anna asked. 

"Forty kilometers south of Moruguri and thirty kilometers west of Moruguri," Del said. 

Anna tried to stood up from the ground, but her legs were giving up on her from the exhaustion alone. Her face was facing the ground and she mumbled, "Are we far enough from the imperial military?"

"I think so," Del said. 

The clock showed that it was six in the morning. However, the canopy of the forest blocked some of the sunlight so it looked as if it was still dawn. The place they were in was a good place to wait until nighttime again. 

"Let's set camp here, we would be safe," Del sat down near the tree. 

"Yeah, I agree." Anna took off her helmet and she flipped her body so her face wouldn't face the ground. She gazed at the morning sky. "Ah, the sun has risen." The sun begun to shine the entire forest. 

Del flipped his night-vision goggles since the daylight had begun penetrating the canopy of the forest. The forest was quiet. The only sound was bird chirping and wind passing through their tired body. It was a bliss. 

"What should we do with all of the money that we would get?" Anna asked. 

"We should buy ourself some more high-tech weapons and a vehicle. Overall, we are rich," Del sighed as he took a deep breath from under the tree. 

"Do you want to purchase those experimental weapons?" Anna asked. 

"Yeah, we might also need to upgrade our armor, our helmet, and some other things," Del said. 

"Good idea, may I suggest that we should immediately buy a car once we reach federal territory?" Anna asked. 

"That's a splendid idea, I agree with that," Del said. 

It might only be a car that Del would purchase, but it would take them one step closer towards the main goal of taking out Eric without the usage of a nuclear weapon. Nuclear weapon would only be used as their last option if anything else couldn't be achieved. 

Nuclear weapon would kill too many innocent people and it would definitely get Elbanian attention of the Ilbistirum. Elbanian might join the war against the federal government and it would sour their situation further. Del wanted to kill someone without ruining anyone's future. 

A nuke would also get the attention of the Ilbistirum intelligences that would result in them being hunted down by practically everyone. It was not an ideal situation since it would be both of them against the world. Nobody would help them if they used the nuclear option just because of one single boy. 

Truth to be told, Del wasn't confident in his ability on getting revenge on Eric. Sure, he had modern weapons. However, one thing that he didn't have was the skill to operate some of the advanced military hardwares such as the fighter jets. It would take far longer than he expected to bring Eric down. He was ready for it.. He just needed to be patient. 

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