Modern Weapon Summoning System

Chapter 125 - Preparation For School

Del had finished packing up the note books and the utensils inside of his backpack. Besides of his backpack was an AK-74M to fulfill the school regulation that required him to bring firearms. There was a pistol concealed behind his shirt alongside with a plate carrier that should be able to protect him from any rifle round that would be fired at him as long as he used an material shield around him. 

That was not all though. Del only brought the necessary thing outside of the storage that Pidma provided. Inside of his storage was a whole different story. The storage contained everything that he would need to wear in case he needed to participate in a heavy combat. If condition arose where he needed to defend himself from multiple attacks, he wanted to be ready. 

Inside of his storage were two loadouts consisted of a PKP Pecheneg-SP GPMG, 800 rounds of armor-piercing high-explosive rounds, heavy body armor with extra protectors, a FAST ballistic helmet alongside with a ballistic face shield, an FGM-148 Javelin, and a FIM-92 Stinger for safekeeping. Long story short, if there was any low-level threat, they would have a chance to use the loadout. As for Anna, Del provided an M107 anti-materiel rifle as an add-on to her loadout due to her skill in marksmanship. 

He also packed some medicinal items on the storage. He included six packages of hemostatic gauzes alongside with two hemostatic injections to promote faster blood clotting. There were also several other medicinal items such as wound staplers, sterilized bandages, wound-washing solution that he bought earlier. There were also some painkillers for pain management in case one of them got shot. 

Hopefully, he didn't need to use it. He really wished that were the case. Considering the fact that everyone always brought weapons, he really doubted that he wouldn't face any conflict when he entered the academy. Sure, he would face the conflict of academic struggle as usual, but the other threat about the student that was able to do a telekinesis? Del doubted he would be able to face him or her alone. 

"Kids, have you two finished packing your stuffs?" Walter peeked from the bathroom as he brushed his teeth. His mouth was still foamy from the toothpaste on his mouth. He was in rush since he woke up a little bit later than both Del and Anna.

"Yeah, more or less," Del picked up the rifle and the backpack from the top of his bed. He carried his rifle right besides of his backpack. He felt weird bringing those two things that weren't supposed to be placed right next to each other. In his old school, he couldn't bring a knife into the school, but now, he was required to bring a rifle. 

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He walked out of the room. Anna got out of the room. Del was wearing academy uniform while Anna was wearing the pseudo-military uniform that the school gave to her. She got the privilege since Walter registered her as a combat-oriented student which meant that she would get more training on combat than most of the students. 

Thinking about it, he saw one or two students that wore the same snow camouflage uniform. They were the minority of the school, but it didn't make them look weak. In fact, they could establish more power in combat than regular students. 

Del didn't participate. He wanted to have some normality in the academy. The different between Anna and Del in the curriculum was simple. Anna should attend post-school marksmanship and combat training while Del didn't have to. Did it mean that Del was free from any training after school? Not exactly. Unlike Anna, Del would be directly trained by Walter. 

Basically, he separated his life as a student and his life as an employee and investor of Salve Group. Still, unlike Anna who would be able to return home before dusk, Del would be subjected to Walter's training right after his extracurricular activity was over. It was not cruel, but it was definitely a burden that he would have to carry. 

"Have you two eaten your breakfast?" Walter asked. 

"We have, you woke up a little bit too late," Del replied. 

"When did you two wake up? This is only half past five in the morning."

"Three, we woke up at three."

"And you two don't feel sleepy at all? That's amazing. I should be more diligent later. Damn, you two are quite something aren't you?" Walter commented. 

"Perhaps?" Del just shrugged as he smiled. 

He put his bag on the couch of that living room and held his rifle with his hands. He checked his rifle for any dirt or grime. It was a new rifle, there was none, but there was some condensation on the handguard of the rifle itself. It was probably from the cold temperature in that cabin. 

He just wiped it all off with his own hand and it was all clean again. There was no magazine on that rifle to follow the school regulation. The high-tech rifle would help him ace any examination that involved marksmanship easily. 

Anna brought a rifle too. The rifle was another AK-74M, but she modified it using the same accessories on her M16 to the rifle. She only included the compatible attachment though, she bought a new suppressor for the AK-74M, but anything else was pretty much standard. It was practical for her. She bought a new scope to replace the ACOG sight though. He wanted a more modular one. 

"Anna, what will you do with the rifle?" Del asked. 

"I don't know. After school, I will have an introductory course with the marksmanship class. I think this thing will prove to be useful in that class. AK might not be the most accurate rifle around, but it will serve its purpose as a killing weapon. If I need to deal someone with a longer range, I would use my Remington," Anna replied. 

Del nodded. He understood. He turned on the radio to hear about morning news while waiting. The morning news was not good at all. Federal military was losing the fight against the imperial military due to the gas attack and the secret weaponries that were classified. 

Just… why? Del's dream about peaceful life would be shattered sooner or later if this continued. The federal government must improve its military or their freedom would be compromised by those imperial people that want to restore their monarchy. He was comfortable with life now, he didn't want it to change. 

After the clock went to six o'clock, the went into Walter's car and they went to the academy. There were several students walking with jackets to protect them from the cold weather. They would usually put the jacket away once they entered the warm atmosphere of the academy that used heating magic. 

Walter parked his car in front of the academy. Both Del and Anna got out of the car and walked towards the gate of the academy. They entered in the midst of fifth semester, there would be no introduction for them. However, two people had been waiting for them in front of the school. Those two people were none other than Adam and Aveline. 

Adam approached Del and shook his hand. "Welcome to the academy, Del. By the way, that's a nice rifle you got there." Adam was looking at the rifle with awe. It looked pretty much out of that world. "Shall we go to the class then?" Adam asked. 

Del nodded and he followed Adam from behind. Anna was talking with Aveline first before she even walked to the main building of the academy. The academy were separated into three separate buildings. The biggest building was the main building which contained the classrooms, the admin office, the library, etc. The second largest building contained the teacher's office and the labs. 

The last building was the main club building. If a club didn't require a building to fully operate, they would be given a room inside of the main club building. If they required a building, they would be give smaller buildings that were scattered in the inner yard of the school. Del peeked behind and he caught a glance of multiple students looking at both Anna and Aveline. 

Anna was standing out due to her bandage, but why? Was a bandaged girl that interesting? Or was there something that Del had no idea about. Adam soon explained the reason. "Aveline is grabbing attention as usual, huh? Well, she's one of the elite mages of the school, I have no doubt about it."

"Is she a good magician?" 

"She is a good magician. In fact, she is a very good magician in offensive magic that some students were categorizing her as the demon lord. It was only an idiom though, truth be told, she was just very good in combat. She is unbeatable in combat as long as it involves magic. Overall, you don't want to be on her bad side at all.. You'll most likely to be injured, or worse, killed."

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