Modern Weapon Summoning System

Chapter 134 - Debriefing

Bullets were flying in his direction. It was all fired from one single building, the building which they took the girl into. All of them fired their guns at Del, who was hiding right behind a chimney. He returned fire with his AK-74M, but the number of rifles inside of that house beat Del's suppressing fire. 

"Damn it, how many people are inside that building?" Del peeked from the big chimney, but he couldn't observe. The amount of gunfire coming from that house was staggering. Each window felt like turrets all aiming at his head. 

Del grabbed the equipment from his storage. He threw his AK-74M into the storage and grabbed his PKP machine gun alongside several cans of magazine. He also grabbed a FAST helmet and put the visor down. It wasn't an ordinary FAST helmet either. It was a modified FAST helmet that had a thicker Aramid layer alongside extra ballistic plates.

He put on the extra armors on his legs and his arms. It was a part of the juggernaut outfit, but Del didn't bring the torso part of the juggernaut suit. Del opened the dust cover of his PKP machine gun and put the bullets inside of the machine gun.

Del opened a smoke grenade, and he threw it in the direction of the house. The smoke wasn't the poisonous kind, but it would certainly help him mask his movement. He threw around three smoke grenades towards that direction of that house. Once they stopped shooting to the chimney, Del crawled away from that chimney while avoiding the rifle rounds fired at him. 

The windows where the gunmen were firing at him had been all covered with white smokes. It should provide enough cover for him to fly above the ground. He flew above the ground and landed on the roof of the building quietly. There was an opportunity for the forced entrance there. He could easily use C4 to create an entrance to that building. 

He put two blocks of C4 on the roof and took cover behind the chimney. He blew the section of the roof and jumped into the hole. It indeed served well as an element of surprise. His heavy footsteps immediately surprised the whole building. A bunch of heavy footsteps was coming up the stairs. 

The stairs were at the end of the hallway. Del shot his machine gun in that direction. The armor-piercing high-explosive round immediately turned the bodies of his enemies into shredded meat. 7.62x54 mmR rounds were more violent than he initially thought. 

He immediately kicked one of the doors on the hallway of that floor. He opened that door and found one girl who was chained into the bed. She was only wearing underwear that was tattered. In that cold kind of weather, Del felt sorry for her. 

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"Girl, are you ok?" Del grabbed a bolt cutter from his backpack and cut the chain. "Stay here. I'll come back later." The girl just replied with a nod as he left that room. 

He deduced immediately that this building was some sort of trafficking building to sell girls and women. Damn, what the hell was going on in here? Del thought that Ilbistirum was free from this kind of shit. It turned out that he was dead wrong about it. 

Del kicked another door, and this time, one of the slavers took one of the slaves as a hostage. "Stand back, or she dies!" Del aimed his machine gun at the head of the slaver and pulled the trigger. Blood splattered across the entire room. She then approached the girl. "Stay here. I'll be back soon."

Where was the girl that Del was looking for? Was she in the cellar or something? Del continued heading towards the second floor of the building by going down the stairs. As he went down, the concentration of enemies was getting thicker and thicker. 

From every room, one enemy was coming out at the very least. It made him think that there was a spawner inside of each room that spawned slavers protecting their merchandise. Del continued searching for that girl. "Damn it, where is she? Why would she go to the toilet alone?" 

He kicked one of the doors. He killed the slaver in that room and searched for a girl. There was no girl. There was only one dead body with a bullet hole in her head. Del was too late to save that girl. He left the room immediately and continued clearing the room. 

"I'm from TMV, girl. Where the hell are you?" Del shouted. 

A slaver appeared, and he immediately shot the slaver. This slave operation might be a part of a larger criminal organization in the slump. Del would investigate it further later. Right now, the prioritizing should be put to that missing girl. 

The wooden floor suddenly crumbled below him, and he fell to the first floor. And oh boy, saying that he wasn't surprised was an understatement. Enemies immediately surrounded him and started shooting at him. Del grabbed his machine gun that fell over and shot back at the enemies. 

"How—?" It was the last word that came out of the slaver's mouth as his bullet didn't manage to penetrate Del's ballistic armor. Del stood up from the ground, and he took cover behind one of the walls. Del immediately ran to the nearest door. 

"I'm from the TMV. Where the hell are you, girl?"

Del heard a mumbling sound from the nearest room. He immediately opened that room and found the girl that he was looking for. The girl had been cuffed to the bed, but she was fine for the most part. It was just that most of her clothing had been stripped. 

She was also gagged on her mouth. Del opened the gag and asked her, "Are you from the TMV? I'm Moore, from the 12th grade. Do you need any medical attention?" Del asked. 

The girl just shook her head and looked at the cuff, instructing Del to cut open the cuff. Del grabbed his bolt cutter, and he cut open the cuff with it. "Stay here. I'll be back." Del wanted to get out of there asap, but as long as there was someone alive, he couldn't leave yet. 

Del wasn't exactly bringing any radio transmitter. This could be an assessment for him for the future. With a radio transmitter, he would be able to request support from either Anna or Walter. Both would be good, but one of them would be really appreciated right now. 

Del went back to the second floor to kill the rest of the slavers. He opened every single room and killed every single slaver that he could see. After that, he returned to the girl he was searching for and asked her, "Where is your clothing? Did they take it away from you?"

The girl looked at the footlocker in front of her bed. The footlocker was locked. She might want Del to shoot the footlocker. Del shot the footlocker with his PKP and opened it. Inside, there was the TMV clothing that the girl previously wore. Why would the slaver put those clothes there? Del had zero ideas. 

"Wear the clothes. We should be getting out of here soon," Del said. 

The girl just nodded, and Del walked out of the room to give the girl some privacy. Del put his machine gun on his shoulder and waited until the girl came out of the room. Now, he was thinking about what he should do with the other girls upstairs. They were also a victim, but they weren't a part of TMV or academy. 

Still, Del wanted to rescue them. Perhaps, calling the authorities would be a great idea, but where's the phone he could use? As he was thinking, the girl came out of the room with her uniform back in her body. 

Del asked her, "Do you know where I can ask for the police?" 

"Just use the telephone at the entrance. I think I find one there."

Del walked to the telephone that was located right next to the entrance door. Del picked up the telephone and put it on his ears. He put his finger on the dial and rotated it to the emergency number. But as he rotated the dial, a shout came from the door. 


The door fell to the ground, followed by many military-looking people holding SMG and aimed it at Del. Who were they? Were they with the military? Or were they from the academy? Del didn't know.

"Get down on the ground!" 

Del got down on the ground to avoid getting in trouble. As he expected, the military immediately cuffed him, but it was definitely better than getting shot. Del heard heavy footsteps of people coming in. He took a peek at those incoming soldiers. Some of them were from the academy combat-oriented class.. One of them was Anna holding her AK-74M. It was rather surprising

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