Modern Weapon Summoning System

Chapter 140 - Suspects

Del became intrigued. The suspect should be one of his friends, hopefully. It would make things way easier. However, it would make the risk bigger if he chose the wrong person. It would mean that the end result would be more than awkward. 

"Tell me more about it."

"All of them are currently living on the school dormitory."

"Hmm," Del mumbled. It made things a little bit easier, but also increase the stake if thing didn't go as well as previously planned. "Who are the lucky people? I bet that there is more than one person."

"All of the suspects are in the 12th grade."

"Go on."

"Adam, Aveline, Mira, and Daniel are on the top of the list."

"So, the joker, the president, the smooth guy, the brute, and the medic are the suspected people. I'm not going to lie, I'm not surprised. After all, a cave is usually hiding behind a very obvious waterfall. So, what can you tell about these people? Why do you suspect them?"

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"First of all, Adam, or your desk mate. He and his family are expats from Ilbistirum Empire. The reason why they are moving is because their family is under the threat of closing down their company in the empire. They moved here to expand their capital and eventually, decided to stay here."

As far as his perspective, the family did have a motive to go to the federation. They escaped from the Ilbistirum government. Still, why Adam of all people? The secret document was telekinesis spell, not exactly something that Adam would be able to use. 

What if he acted stupid just for the sake of hiding that secret though? Intelligence might underestimate him since it didn't match the profile about the target, but what if it all were an act? 

"Adam… Not really the person that I expected, but ok, what's next?"

"Aveline. The student council president. As you know, she is quite talented in magic, which put her under the spotlight for our suspect list. She is also has records in attacking people with magic tracing back all the way to three years ago. Her record was mostly missing for the most part which is why I suspect her."

"Did she have a dark past or something?"

"I don't know. It's up to you to decide, but I'm not sure. This is an abuse of power, but what was the main reason? Does she fear of someone knowing her past?" 

"Technically, one or two people have its archives hidden deep inside of the security division office. Maybe Aveline is a very high-profile person that even a little leak on her identity would put her under the crosshair of someone else."

"I meant, everything that we heard about her is mostly positive. I don't know what kind of thing that would put that girl under danger. Let's just say, how strong is she? She was rumored to beat down a gang headquarter on her own, right?" Del asked for confirmation. 


"Ok, ok, the reason why you put her as a suspect is because she doesn't have any archive for her past. Alright, that should be reasonable enough for me. I'll investigate her later, but for now, I want to hear the other suspects."

"Mira. She is the member of TMV, right? Here's the caveat, she used to work as a contractor, just like both of us. However, her record isn't that clean either. According to this report that the security division kept, she has done several violations to the terms of services of being a contractor."

"Such as?"

"Killing of unarmed combatants. One of the reports in 5th of June 1943 suggested that Mira killed a surrendering combatant due to the dispute with the other contractors. Not stopping there, in 1942, she participated in a militant group before she left."

"Former criminal, huh? It looks like some of the things that she said to me isn't true after all. Anything else that is important, or that was it?"

"She was a refugee coming to Ilbistirum Federation in 1940. She worked as a contractor to fulfill her needs before he fully retired in 1944. Basically, she was still a contractor until she left the 11th grade, crazy huh?"

"Not as crazy as us, that is for sure, anything else that I should know?"

"She scored 10/10 in her marksmanship class, but she didn't take the military class for 'personal' reasons. I don't buy into that crap, she has a reason or an enemy in the military class, but I can't figure out who it is."


"Did I mention that his parents used to be the part of Ilbistirum Imperial government. Yup, Baron Albert was his father. Her parents were hunted down by the Ilbistirum Imperial government for treasons. All of them are killed, but Mira herself."

"Basically, Mira is you?" Both of them had their parents killed. Of course, Anna's parents were killed by natural cause, accidents that were still questioned by Del until this exact moment due to its absurdity. Her father was killed during her duty and somehow, her mother was killed in a traffic accident not so long after. 

He'd love to call that those things weren't interconnected, but with only six days of gap between the death of their parents, Del found it hard to believe that it was a mere accident. In fact, it could be a deliberate act of assassination for something that both Anna and Del had no idea about. 

"Perhaps? I won't say it."

"Alright, Anna, let's move on to the least expected person, Daniel. Anna, the boy is a true pacifist. He is literally an angel, the leader of TMV. Are you really serious when you said that he is one of our suspects?"

"Well, I also thought that at first, but oh boy, his family tree is not really angelic. His father is a traitor from the Ilbistirum Imperial that moved here as a refugee. His mother was killed during his escape. His uncle is searching for his head, his auntie took over his father's empire."

"And the kid himself?"

"Used to be smuggling drugs with the help of his uncle. Basically, he's pretty fucked up."

"Alright? Why was his father betraying the Ilbistirum Imperial government? Was it because some dispute?"

"No, his father leaked a document containing the secret weapon that the empire is currently developing. I got to say that this weapon itself shouldn't be taken lightly. The weapon is some type of giant cannon, but I can't say for sure. The warhead of the cannon is something very explosive."


"I don't know, there isn't much details."

All in all, everyone had their own motivation. The question was, which one of them that had the information that Del was looking for. Adam wasn't a strong suspect, but he might put up an act to fool everyone, including the intelligence agencies. 

Aveline was as mysterious as she could be. She didn't have any history stored in the security division archive and she was one of the most combat-capable students in that school. The possibbility that she was the one hiding the document was very possible as well. 

Mira was a former contractor with morally questionable past actions. She also had ties with the imperial government, something that Del didn't really expect. One thing for sure, though, she wasn't playing around. She was combat capable, and her background proved that. She could be the person that hided the document. 

And lastly, Daniel. The boy was broken. He had a bad past, and he might be in Lumbart Academy to forget all of his past and start a new life. Of course, his past wouldn't leave him, especially knowing the fact that his uncle was hunting him down. He might be the person that Del was looking for, but he wouldn't draw the line. 

Del sighed. Everyone that was close to him had some sort of dark background. He wouldn't want to destroy his friendship with them, but investigation must be done too. He needed to find more information. Attacking on the wrong person would be severely hazardous. 

"Damn, this is hard, but well, these people are the potential targets. We will find the information soon, don't worry about it. We just need to be patient. Perhaps, we can get more information after we take down Van Bosch."

"Yeah, that person is connected to the underworld. He might know one thing or two. IF that's the case, we shouldn't kill him. We should capture him and interrogate him to demand information. If he didn't talk, then we make him talk. It's a sensible plan."

"I like that, Anna. Anyway, about the assassination. We will be assassinating the Andrea next week. I think we have to give him a time-window first. If we assassinate him now, Van Bosch will be connecting the dots too soon and he will lay his eyes upon us. We really don't want that, right?"

"Yeah. I agree.. Don't worry, I got your back, bro," Anna said. 

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