Modern Weapon Summoning System

Chapter 142 - Updated Later

Cassandra sipped on her coffee. Walter was outside of the cabin, smoking. Cassandra came there as fast as he could with the help of Hubert. He was alive, unsurprisingly, but well, Del wouldn't ask about that. He was skillful, after all. 

He was glad that Cassandra came to the 

"So, you wanted information about Van Bosch? Why? Do you want to assassinate him or something?" 

"No, more like, I want to know how to cause a massive amount of damage to his operation and destroy his reputation. Walter has filled me with its minor details, but I need more about it. He is an anti-war activist, and that was it, I need more. Do you have anything in particular that will piss him off without touching even an inch of his hair?" 

"There are a lot of options. Which one that you want to choose?"

"Excuse me? Options? What did I miss?"

"Well, Del, sometimes, us, intelligence agencies, keeps three of four archives about someone. This person, Van Bosch aka Recker, has been under our microscope for a while. Of course, we have our own plan for him. Don't worry, we have calculated the plan that will cause the least colatteral damage."

"Collateral damage, huh?" 


"Can we just nuke em?" Anna said from across the room. 

"NO!" Del shouted back. 

"What is nuke?" Cassandra asked, but she continued where she left off, "Anyway, which one that you want to choose first? There are a lot of options. Each of the option is equally difficult, but the order of doing it is up to you. It will also get progressively hard since Van Bosch will bolster his security more and more."

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"Let's start with removal. Do you have anyone that can be removed?"

"In fact, I do." Cassandra opened her briefcase and gave Del a file containing the details of the target. He opened the file. The first description was the picture of the target, as usual, and the routines. His name was Andrea. 

The next page contained the relatives and connections that this person had. He was the current representative in the town's council right now. In fact, he was the leader of this town council. No wonder why Van Bosch was able to move around so freely without any care in the world. His ally was pretty much controlling the government. 

Cassandra was wise, or rather, the intelligence agencies were wise to target this person first before going for the main deal. Even if Del managed to arrest him, it wouldn't matter, Andrea would immediately release him back to the street and Del would be put under a forged case. 

If this was how deep the federal intelligences could dig up, why didn't the military succeed against the imperial military in the first place? Was it really because the military was so ignorant about the fact that intelligence was the key of winning a war? 

"So, this Andrea, what's the connection with Van Bosch?"

  "Van Bosch is doing wet work for Andrea. In this regard, Van Bosch is the arms and legs of Andrea in this town. Basically, if Andrea doesn't like you, Van Bosch and his goons would be happy to remove you from existence. Still, everyone, with the exception of intelligence agencies, see you as a non-existent threat."

"So, intelligence agencies have caught its glance at me?"

"Of course, the moment you stepped into this country, we have eyes on you. The thing is, you are on our side so we don't have to worry too much about you. If not, I think someone would have killed you the moment you step into this country."

"Ok, ok, let's get back to the point, I ain't going to talk about the sixty-nine different ways to kill me. I want the details about Andrea. So, this is his routine, huh? It's very linear to be honest, I'm surprised that none has tried to take his life."

"None has tried because we have bigger concerns right now. Anyway, if you choose to accept this job, please be careful, if you fail, the consequence will be way too much for you to handle. I suggest you use something explosive. Something that will kill him in one shot."

"For that, I have a lot of tools."



"Again, what is a nuke?"

"Irrelevant. About Andrea, I want to know who will avenge for his death. As you know, there aren't that many people around here that owns something that can go boom boom. We need a distraction, a major one, I want something that can be connected."

"You need to raid the military armory, Del. Still, you might want to reconsider that plan first. I suggest that you don't do that in this plan," Cassandra said. 

"Military armory? What? Do you want me to be on the top of most-wanted list or something? That would be a distraction, but I'm not going to do it. I will shoot him away from several kilometers away," Del said. 

"Ok, that's quite a good plan. Do you want to hear the other options first, though?" 

"Sure, throw it away, I'll be happy to listen."

"Ok. First is a destruction of a criminal organization headquarter, you need heavy armor and heavy weapons to pull this off. I'll suggest the thing that you use to escape the guild office in Elbanian."

"How much will we find? Will we find a lot of criminals?"

"Well, I suppose? Maybe you'll find fifty to seventeen of them. They usually have monthly meeting in a mansion north of here. You'll need a backup too, you can't do this with just the two of you."

"I'll consider it. Do you have anything else besides that two?"

"For now, no."


"You don't have enough allies. Still, I heard that our particular friends want to meet you, sooner or later. Little bit of tips though, they usually come at the most unexpected times, and for the most part, they won't be nice."

"I get it. Still, I prefer if they don't harm anyone."

"Nobody will be harmed but yourself."

"Pretty… chilling."

"Yeah, don't worry too much about it though. It's not like I don't get anything from them."

"Alright. That should be all, I think? Do you want to stay for dinner or do you want to go somewhere?" Del asked. 

"I'll leave for now, I'll leave the briefcase here, in case you need more details about whatever you want to know. I will return to my hospital," Cassandra put the empty cup on the table. "NIce coffee, by the way."



Back in the command room, they were planning for two things. One was the search of the mysterious person in the academy. Second was the plan to kill Andrea, which was quite simple. They only needed to think what kind of thing that they needed. 

Option was varied. They could try the ordinary Kornet missile for attacking from a stand-off distance, but RPG would also suffice if they wanted to get close and personal to the target. Thinking about it again, perhaps, the best option at this point was an FGM-148 Javelin missile launcher. 

Albeit expensive, it would be able to punch through an armored vehicle from five kilometers away. They might need more than one of it to make sure that Andrea would be gone forever. Andrea would most likely be in a convoy.

Collateral damage would be inexcuseable, even from the backing of Salve Group and intelligence agencies to cover their backs. There would be a limit on what was acceptable or not. For that, Del would need to assault the convoy in a quiet street. 

"This should do it." Del marked a road on the edge of the town. 

"What makes you think this is a perfect road for ambush?"

"This is a road to the high-end residential area. Consequentially, this road was also one of the quietest road that the car might come through. This is the perfect ambush position, we can wait for them and boom. Everyone would be dead and all would be happy."

"Maybe not all, but I get your point," Anna nodded. 

"Good, if that's the case, what should we wear? Anything that matches our profile will immediately attract Recker's attention. We need something that has similarities to this town's criminal. I'm thinking of robbing one of their uniforms, are you in?"

"Sure, but we must look inspucious, they would be able to tell if we're fake," Anna said. 

"We are going to wear face concealment, I'm thinking of scarf. Perhaps, we also should wear regular clothing," Del suggested. 

"I agree with that."

"Do you have another suggestion?"

"Yeah, let me bring something big and powerful."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to bring an M107, or anything with big caliber."

"Hmm, TAC-50, do you like that?"

"Sure, although that's a bolt-action rifle, that should do the job nicely.. And Del, before you ask me, I want to let you know that I think I have a lead on our suspect."

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