Modern Weapon Summoning System

Chapter 144 - Ambushing

"Are you ready?"

"All set."


Three cars were moving towards the highway. The cars were returning back to Andrea's residence. Del was staying on top of a bridge, around two kilometres in front of the bridge that was going to be destroyed. Anna was staying on the grass on the side of the road, around five hundred meters away on the left side of the highway. 

"Del, target is two minutes from kill zone. Stand by."

Del was crouching on top of one of the bridges on top of the highway, FGM-148 on his shoulder and two mores were standing by to be fired. On his left hand was the remote detonator for the C4. He had no doubt that he would kill innocent people today, but it would save a lot more later.

"Ninety seconds."

Anna was equipped with silenced Tac-50 with Anti-Materiel Improved High-Explosive armour-piercing .50 BMG rounds. It should kill anyone that tried to protect Andrea, no matter how armoured it could be. She also kept one magazine filled with Special-Threat Tungsten Armor-Piercing Fin-Guided Discarding Sabot round which was basically a 30mm AP cannon packed on a .50 BMG bullet.

It was really powerful, even the fragmentation from that round was equivalent to a grenade. Del didn't understand how the bullet worked, but it just somehow worked. Basically, she held a powerful tank cannon. The silencer was only there to hide the bullet flash. All of the attention would be directed to Del.

Del himself was wearing the ragged clothing that Anna gave to him. Underneath his ragged clothing was the ordinary armour that he always wore, but covered and concealed. It should give anyone an impression that a criminal organization was the one that was doing that. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Sixty seconds, get ready."

Three cars. All of them were filled with people. Most of them were holding guns. The extra detail was a person without any gun sitting down in the middle car. That man should be Andrea. The bomb wasn't intended to kill him, but it was intended to keep him from running away. 

Del held the detonator on his left hand firmly. Hopefully, it wouldn't fail him. The cars were getting closer. It was time to blow the bridge. 

"Ten seconds."





Del pressed the detonator. Two large explosions blew up the concrete bridge in front of the convoy. The car immediately stopped, even one of them flipped over due to how hard the driver stopped the car. Del pressed his detonator one more time. 

Another explosion destroyed the bridge behind the convoy. The bridge fell to the road and left a thin mist from the concrete dust. Del aimed the javelin at the car in the middle. He waited for the beep to turn into a long beep. 

He fired the javelin missile at the car. The javelin flew upward first then flew down, striking the car directly and blowing it up to smithereens. Of course, Del didn't take any hesitation and grabbed another javelin and fired it at the direction of the car. 

The second missile hit the same car and threw it across the concrete barrier. It should do the job nicely. Del kept the last missile for safekeeping and threw all of the leftover canisters into his backpack. Del checked on Anna first, she had a better visual of the target in comparison with Del. 

"I have visual on six people. I will engage."

One person got out of the car, his head splattered on the window immediately by Anna's anti-materiel rifle. They immediately scattered and took cover behind the cars and the wreckage. The road heading to the high-end residential area was practically empty. There were no civilians between them. 

After that, multiple whistles came from Anna's direction and killed the rest of them. Del put the last javelin on his back and he grabbed the machine gun that was laying on the ground. He flew to the wreckage of the car to finish them off. 

He landed right next to the wreckage of the car. He put the muzzle of his machine gun at each car wreckage and filled the wreckage with lead, even the dead bodies. They didn't have much time left. The security would respond to the attack sooner or later. 

The javelin missile was pretty loud. It wouldn't take too much time for them to notice it, especially since it was coming from a highway heading to the high-end residential area. They needed to finish the job quickly. 

The wreckage of the car which he shot with missiles was almost unrecognizable, there wouldn't be anything salvageable from that wreckage. Instead, searching the rest of the car would prove to be advantageous. 

"Three minutes."

Del ran to one of the wreckage and opened the trunk. The trunk was filled with weapons. There was nothing suspicious for a suspicious person. Arms dealing was something pretty much expected. He closed the trunk after placing one block of C4 inside of it. 

He then moved to the next car. He opened the trunk. 

"Oh my god..."

Hands. Not that he found a dead body, Andre must have mutilated whoever was this person was. There were also several body parts such as feet and ribs. What the hell? Was he a member of some cannibalism society?

Del didn't bring his tablet, but he would note this down on his brain. This act was just insane and unprecedented, even by his standard. Considering the muscle mass, this must have been the body of a woman. 

"Two minutes left, Del."

Del closed the trunk and he put six blocks of C4 into that trunk. Del flew away from that car and he pressed his detonator. He flew to the mountain where the weather was colder and less friendly for anyone that would follow him. 

"I will get out of the A.O. Anna, return to the cabin. We will have to talk about this."

"Roger that, I'll get out of here, good luck, brother."

Del flew towards the north direction, into the mountainous region. It would be a suicide mission, but the content of his backpack should help him. It contained enough cold-weather meal and cold-weather clothing for him to wear. He grabbed an altimeter from his backpack and wore it in his hand.

"5,000 meters"

"8,000 meters."

"10,000 meters."

He increased his altitude higher, to an altitude that required extra tools. He wore his oxygen mask which was connected to a small tank inside of his backpack. He then started the timer before he froze to death or fell to his death. 

He had five minutes to get out of there without any trace. Using higher altitude would deter the reinforcement from the military special forces to spot him. Air resistance at higher altitudes was also less so he could fly at a much higher speed than usual. 

Even though he only could fly quite slow at below 5,000 meters, in a higher altitude, he could push it to 200 MPH. It should be enough to get him to the mountainous area of northern mountains. As he flew, he saw the town from above, it was beautiful. 

Still, the beautiful town held so many dirty secrets, trafficking, murder, and now, cannibalism. Del just sighed as he flew to the mountain. He conserved his magical energy to maintain the heat on his body. The temperature at that altitude was beyond minus. 

Heck, he should be freezing to death at this point if not for the heating spell that Walter taught him to keep himself warm in altitude. Still, even on his operational procedure, the maximal altitude was 5,000 meters, 10,000 meters were out of the question. 

"Five minutes."

Del dived down towards the foot of the mountain. He put away all of his clothes and burn them to remove the evidence. He then started hiking towards the mountain with the cold-weather combat gear that he packed inside of his backpack. 

The temperature at the foot of the mountain was around -15 degrees celsius. The mountain should be way colder than that. Still, it was not like it was his first time scaling into the mountain that high. 

His goal was to find a cave and stay put for one night before returning back to the cabin. It should give enough time to divert any unwanted attention from him or Anna. Although there were no witnesses, he still needed to be away from Anna or the crime scene. 

Del wore a thick balaclava and his ordinary headset as he climbed to the mountain. He switched the mode of his radio transceiver to the FM channel to hear the news report. There should be news about it right now. 

"Back to me with Rexford Ray with breaking news. A terrorist accident claimed the life of our head councilman Andrea. More details will be broadcasted at the usual evening news. Now back to the music, ladies and gentleman."

Saxophone played in the speaker as Del hiked to the mountain. It seemed that the intelligence agency would notice it sooner or later.. Well, the sooner they noticed him, the sooner he would get allies. Besides, what could go wrong?

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