Modern Weapon Summoning System

Chapter 146 - Torture

[Warning: Painful content. Continue at your discretion]

"Who are you?" Del asked as he struggled himself to get out of the chair. 

"Who am I? They call me the executioner." He giggled. 

Del shivered as he heard the name. He needed to be careful. One, he could be from the intelligence agencies and this was all a test and Cassandra was bluffing. Or second, and much worse, this was actually Recker's goon. 

The man stood there and walked to the desk. He picked up something silver, and it was big, very big. It was a heavy wrench. He held it firmly with his left hand and he swung it to Del's face. His eyes were gouging out, his mouth was disfigured.

His jaw was bleeding. "That's for Andrea. Do you know who you are messing with, Moore?" 

Del just shook his head, pretending that he didn't know. Truth be told, it was the least of his worry, his jaw was hanging on his mouth and blood had started pouring out of his mouth. One rule of interrogation, he shouldn't say anything. 

"Look at me!" He held Del's chin with his hand and glared. "Who are you working for? Answer me, and you might get an easier way out." He then slapped Del again with the wrench, this time, it was in the torso. 


A rib must have been broken, it felt as if someone just stabbed him with a knife and moved it around, but the man seemed not to care. Suddenly, as he had contusion, a sudden loud female scream was coming from the left side. The scream was familiar, it was Anna. His pain went away for a second, he put his attention to the left. 

"Surprised, eh? Your sister is also here, let's see how long you are going to stay quiet. C'mon, my offer is still standing. Do you want this to be easier? You just can tell me who gives you the plan and I'll probably let you go."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Del wasn't sure what to choose. If he told them the truth, it meant that he betrayed both Cassandra and the intelligence agencies which in turn would come after him as well. If he lied, he probably could get away with it once, but it would put him in much bigger problem in the future. It was a lose-lose situation. 

Tell them and the intelligence agencies would kill him. Tell them lies, and they would probably kill him later. Stay silent and this would keep going on until they got answers from him. He decided to stay silent. 

"Oy, Borodina, pass me the bigger wrench, this boy wouldn't talk."

Borodina? Why was that name sounds familiar? Another person came, this time, he brought a bigger wrench, a pipe wrench as long as half of his body. The executioner held the pipe wrench and he looked right at his crotch. 

"Last chance, Moore."

Del further shivered in fear, but he knew that he would be killed anyhow. He took a deep breath as the executioner swung the pipe wrench right to his crotch. Del threw up as he felt the most painful thing any man could experience. 

Blood came out of his crotch. A pain coming from a thousand knives could be felt from his crotch and a bone should have been broken there. At the same time, another scream was coming from the left side of the room. 

"How was that for a warming up? Let's recall some event, shall we? Borodina, give me a chair." 

The executioner put the wrench away. He sat down on the chair while facing at Del's direction. What did this man want? Del was sure as heck wouldn't give it to them. Hopefully, Anna could stay silent as well. As long as she didn't backstab him, it would be fine as in both of them would die without being anyone's problem.

"Alright, first of all, Del Moore, that's your name, isn't it?" 

Del didn't give any answer to him. 

"Figure that you won't answer anyway. So, Moore, you came to Sneggor alongside with your sister and a caretaker to do something. Who is this caretaker? Is he something important to you? Or is he working with our friends in the higher place?"

Answer or not. That was always the question. It came to him as natural dilemma. Answer with the truth and the Salve Group would come after him alongside losing 5,000,000$ investment with them. Don't answer him and he would probably be hit with a wrench, again. 

"Silent, huh? Well, that's fine. We know the guy already, we just want to hear it more from you, Moore. Walter is your guy, am I right? Part of the 12th Special Brigade, your Walter is definitely a capable person. Such a shame that babysitting two people is much harder for him than actually fight us in the war zone."

12th Special Brigade. It seemed not to be too important, but he would keep that in mind. Van Bosch really knew this much? No wonder if he was still a serious threat to the government. This man somehow knew everything. 

"Moore, what are you looking for in Sneggor?"

Del shook his head again. He wouldn't answer that he was looking for a kid. It would compromise his entire plan and it would be sure as hell idiotic. Again, it was better to shut his mouth up and answered nothing. 

"Silent, again? Moore, why don't you value your life more, think about it again, you are still young, why don't you just tell us everything and we'll let you go."

It was too late to get out of the crapsack world that he had entered. He had dug too deep into his grave and getting out wouldn't be possible. The moment he got into this world, he knew that living a normal life wouldn't be possible anymore. He accepted his fate of working with the intelligence agencies and Salve Group. He didn't regret it. 

"You… Kid, this ain't movie, I don't care if you die, you have killed a lot of my comrades and I want to give you a painful death, but my boss wanted me to get information. So please, Moore, tell me what you know."

Del shook his head again. The executioner lost its patience. He kicked on the chair and walked to the desk. This time, he grabbed a plier. "You know, I'm a dentist myself, let's get those teeth out of your mouth, shall we?"

He put the plier on his mouth and pulled his front teeth slowly. He wiggled the plier as he pulled his tooth out. Del's broken mouth now flooded with blood. The movement of the plier was giving him the headache of the century. 

"AH, finally," the executioner held the plier with a tooth on its tip. 

Del wanted to hold his mouth in pain, but his hands were tied down to the chair. Blood was coming out of his body, even his ears. It looked like the wrench broke his ears as well. Del started feeling sleepy, he might lose his consciusness. 

"Hey, hey, Moore, wake up, I'm not done with you yet. This is the last chance, Moore, before I enjoy killing you very slowly. What you two are looking for? What is your intention? And who told you to do this?"

Del stayed silent. He doubted that any amount of medical attention would keep him alive at this point. He only could pray that it would be as painless as possible. It looked like the executioner wouldn't let him to pass away quickly. 

Screw this executioner, Del would die and he knew it. He closed his mouth as the furious executioner glared at him. He then sighed, "You know, Moore, you can be wiser, but no, you chose to remain silent."

The executioner then grabbed the big pipe wrench. He then swung it to his head. The wrench broke his skull and his left ears. Del couldn't say anything. His whole body felt very numb, it might broke something. Both of his ears were ringing very loudly. 

The executioner then swung the pipe wrench multiple times again. He smashed Del's head as if he was a cockroach or a rat. Del couldn't feel anything. His whole body felt numb and his vision became very blurry. He kept his mouth shut, but he saw something at the corner of his eyes. 

A dim white light appeared at the corner of his eyes. He didn't know why, but it felt soothing. He felt that his whole body became very light and the pain decayed away. He lost his sense of his surrounding as the light became brighter. 

A white and very bright light was coming very slowly. It was comforting, and he felt as if he was floating. The executioner continued smashing his skull and Del finally lost his body. The bright light became brighter and he was gone from that room.

His whole vision was white, very white. He felt as If he was laying down on a very comfy cloud.. He then came to a realization. "I just died, huh?" 

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