Modern Weapon Summoning System

Chapter 159 - Updated Later

Chapter 159 – Updated Later

The day was rather uneventful, just as expected. There was no special things happening. The special things that happened were the regular shenanigans that anyone would see in a high-school student. Adam was pranking Aveline, Aveline retaliated by 'accidentally' scratch her pen on Adam's shirt. Everyone had a good laugh. 

The teachers were… okay? Del wasn't sure. There were some strict teachers, but there were also some unusually nice ones. Both were okay though, there were no physical abuses so far. If there was one thing that bothered him, it was Aveline and Anna's relationship that developed so quickly in just one day. 

Del eavesdropped on their conversation once. He deduced that they were matching. One was insane and driven by her own pain and her own desire for revenge while the other was rather ambitious and famous. Del would put it this way, Anna was Aveline's bodyguard while Aveline would be Anna's main weapon. They synced, somehow. 

"Is that so? That's quite impressive, Aveline," Anna commented. 

"You're much more impressive. No wonder you enroll into the combat-oriented class, Anna."

Yeah, it was not even one day, and they had developed their relationship that much. They would be a good friend, Del was sure about that. They would perhaps form a mutually beneficial symbiosis. Still, Del wanted to know more about Aveline's background. She was suspicious. 

As Del got lost in his thought, the bell finally rang. The school was finally over. The students packed their note books into their backpack and stayed inside of the classroom for a while. Some were cleaning the blackboard while the other was cleaning the floor with broom and mop. 

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After this would be the extracurricular activity, he still had to decide what club he would join. His primary club would be the medical volunteer club as usual, but the other club that he would join was still decided. Would he join the student council? But for what? He didn't want too many jobs. Disciplinary commitee wasn't his forte, he was not really fond of establishing rules inside of an environment. 

"Adam, do you have any suggestion about the club that I should join?" Del asked. 

"Club? Well, I am the member of the marksmanship club and the member of the student council. Aveline is our president at the moment. She is quite a good leader for what it counts, but I am not sure whether it will be suitable for you or not," Adam answered. 

"Why do you say that?" Del asked. 

"Let's just say that Aveline can be quite demanding at times. However, if you meet her goals, you'll usually be rewarded with something. Still, if you have any other activities, she will usually tolerate it," Adam said. 

Thinking about it again, joining one club might be the best decision for now. Anna would be free to do whatever she wanted since she didn't have any responsibility to train with Walter after school while Del had that responsibility. Anna might want to join the student council as a member, she was close with Aveline after all. 

He would just head to the medical volunteer club and asked for a membership. It would remind him of the good old times when everything hadn't happened yet. His qualification as a former active contractor might be enough to convince the students to let them join the medical volunteer organization. 

He had the feeling that the more senior member of the medical volunteer would like to test him first before he could be admitted to the club. He was prepared for that. He would prove that more than six months of combat experience would prove to be useful for the club. They might want him to rescue someone from the forest, they might want Del to retrieve a weird herb, anything could happen. It could be classified as initiation ritual, Del thought. 

First of all though, he needed to know where the medical volunteer club building was. He needed to ask Adam first. He was a member of the student council, it could be said that eh was the eyes and ears of Aveline in the student council. There was no way he wouldn't know where the building was.

"Adam, do you know where I can find the medical volunteer building?" Del asked. 

"Ah, you want to join that club? It's easy to spot them to be honest, just look for a building with a a lot of people wearing tan colored shirt with plus patch on their hand. It would be the medical volunteer organization building, I think?" Adam said, but he sounded not sure about it. 

"Why are you not so sure about it?" Del asked. 

"Because I'm not one of them, why don't you ask Mira?" Adam asked. 

"Who is Mira?" Del asked. 

"Another member of the medical volunteer organization."

Speak of the devil, a girl stood up right next to Adam and Del's desk. The girl was mopping the floor, but she stopped right when Del was talking about the medical organization. The girl's hair was short. She looked more like the outdoor type, especially with something similar to a foldable knife sticking out of her pocket. 

"Did you say something about TMV?" Mira intervened. 

"Yeah, we were just talking about it. Del, this is Mira Reeve. She is the co-leader of Lumbart Academy TMV. Mira, Del said that she wanted to join TMV, you might want to give him your sponsorship, right?" Adam smiled. 

"Sure, if you want to increase our budget by 10%?"

"Mira… we have talked about this," Adam said. 

"I'm kidding, but still, think about it, ok?" Mira then shifted her look to Del. "So, you are Del Moore, Anna spoke so highly about you. I don't think you will disappoint."

"I'm sure as hell I won't, Mira."

"Good, I'm glad to hear that. Our leader would be furious if I invite someone to our organization without any initiation process first. Well, to be honest, we don't really accept new member from the 12th grade, but since you're a special case, I think Joshua will have a proposal for you," Del said. 


"Odd jobs for our greater cause, I think," Mira said. 

"Greater cause? Why are you putting yourself that high?" Del asked. 

"Anyway, if you want to come with me, let's go then. There is an usual briefing before we start training. However, I think our leader will want to talk with you first," Mira said. 


Mira walked to the front of the classroom and she put the mop and bucket. She then picked up her backpack and asked Del to follow her from behind. Del nodded and he followed her. They went downstairs and walked out into the yard. 

They eventually walked to one small building where around seven students were waiting. All of those students were wearing tan colored shirts and black cargo pants. Their appearance was quite similar to a member of the MSVI, but their insignia was yellow instead of orange. 

"Finally, you come. It's been six minutes," A boy said 

"Blame my cleaning duty for that," Mira answered. 

The boy was as tall as Del. He also carried a rifle on his back, but loaded. There was a pen on his left shirt pocket, and a foldable knife on his pocket. There was a bag located near him. The bag might be a first-aid kit, but it looked more like a trauma kit, truth to be told. 

"Ah, who's this? I've never seen him around here before, are you a new student? What's your name?" The boy asked. 

"I'm Del, what's your name?"

"My name is Daniel, I'm the leader of this academy TMV. If I may ask, what brought you here, Del? I don't think a new student will visit us in the first place," Daniel said. 

"I'm interested in joining your organization."

"Ah, quite frankly, we don't accept any 12th grade students, I'm sorry." Daniel got interrupted by Mira who was whispering right next to his ear. "Ah, you're one of those special circumstances, huh? Fine, listen, are you willing to do something for us? To be honest, we are running out of painkiller."

"Count me in. What do you need?" 

"I want you to retrieve a plant for me. The plan can be found in the great snowland north of this place. However, it is quite cold there, are you sure you got what it takes?" Daniel asked. 

"I think I have."

"Great, if that was the case, then I will give you the name of the plan, alright? The plant that you're looking for is called Absyntia. This plant usually grows there, if you bring one for me, I will immediately invite you to our organization, what do you say?" 

"Sure, as long as you give me the details about what I should search. Is there anything else that I should know? Or is that all?" Del asked. 

"I think that's all. You can give that plant to me tomorrow. Here's the book about herbs and plants," Daniel gave Del a pocket book. "Here's my pocket book, you should be able to find the picture of the plant there.. Good luck, Del." 

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