Modern Weapon Summoning System

Chapter 161 - Updated Later

Chapter 161 – Updated Later

Six, no, ten, no, twenty people from Imperial sides were flying towards his blackhawk. Del aimed the tip of his GAU-21 machine gun at their direction. A burst of heavy machine gun munition was fired at their direction. The energy shield that they used wouldn't be enough to protect them from a direct hit from a heavy machine gun. 

"Bravo 1-1 engaging targets." Morris reported the progress to Belgram air base. Anna was Bravo 1-2 and Del was Bravo 1-3. If Del recalled correctly, the other squadron had a similar codename as well. 

The F-15 that just flew past them was Alpha squadron, the F-15 that patrolled the south coast was Charlie squadron. It was a full-blown counter assault after all, they had a significance importance in that assault. Failure to do this would result in imbalance of war in later day. 

GAU-21 shredded those flying mages in second, they didn't have enough time to climb to the high altitude the blackhawk was flying in. The helicopter was also flying at its maximum speed while firing Hellfire missiles at those heavy tanks. 

"Bravo 1-1, 20% of targets have been destroyed."

The small explosion from the autocannons and the missiles from the helicopter. It halted the offensive and the infantry was scattered to find the culprit of the attack which was flying up high. It was up to Alpha squadron to distract the Imperial air force now. 

"Bravo 1-1, this is Alpha 1-1, air force is distracted, you have twenty minutes."

Distraction plan was simple. The F-15 would tease up the enemy propeller aircraft by making several pass and shoot some of them down with its gatling gun. It was a simple plan, and quite foolproof. Just like the blackhawk, the F-15E was equipped with a shield generator that could tank a far larger hit than the shield in blackhawk due to its more powerful engines. 

The twenty minute time was probably given not because the remaining fuel on the F-15, but because of the ammunition reserve that the F-15 had. It wouldn't take too long before they realized that the F-15 wasn't exactly the main threat for them. They would only realize that by the time the B-1 had downed at least one airship. 

At that time, the plane from the imperial military would be coming after the bomber and the F-15 wouldn't let it happen. It would use all of its AMRAAM missile to shoot the propeller planes down before it could reach the bomber. Either way, one of the mission objectives would be fulfilled. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Del, I think you should go out," Morris said. 

Del picked up his PKP machine gun from the back helicopter and jumped out of the helicopter. He immediately dived down towards the flying soldiers and sprayed them with the general purpose machine gun. With the help of oxygen mask, he didn't need to focus his spell to control his breathing, the oxygen mask helped him to supplement the much needed oxygen. 

As the gush of cold wind hit his face and the soldiers were giving their attention to him, he started doing evasive maneuver. Several flying soldiers were following him from behind and Del kept shooting his machine gun backwards as he tricked them to follow them to Anna's side of the helicopter. 

"Bravo 1-3, engaging targets!" Del threw several fireballs at the pursuing enemies and he flew upwards in great velocity. 

The soldiers behind him were having trouble catching him, mainly because the air became thinner in Del's altitude. Once he reached the peak altitude, Del dived down towards the ground and charged towards the flying soldiers with his machine gun on his shoulder. 

"Bravo 1-1, 50% of targets have been destroyed."

Del distraction worked. As the blackhawk rained down high-explosive shells and missiles a the heavy tanks, he managed to distract the flying soldiers from actually actively attacking the helicopter. Anna was just manning her machine gun as insurance. 

"Copy that," Del replied. 

Perhaps, throwing grenades at the non-flying infantry would get the job done. Del carried several C4 charges inside of his pocket after all, it would be enough to destroy some of the heavier tanks alongside with several infantries. 

Del flew low, almost touching the ground as he charged through the heavy armor battalion. He prepared the C4 that he put on his magazine pocket by attaching detonator on the C4. He put his machine gun on his back and he started throwing the C4 at the heavier tanks. 

The C4 would be sticky enough to actually stick into the exterior of the tank. Del threw several bricks into the tanks and he gained altitude again. The tank heavy machine gun was aiming at him, but it was too late, Del already had his hand on the detonator. 

BOOM. The explosions destroyed several tanks at once and the flying soldiers following him was grazed. Del took that opportunity and he aimed his machine gun at the direction of those flying soldiers. Several bodies dropped from the sky, and Del flew upwards again to confuse the soldier. 

"Bravo 1-3, keep an eye on your oxygen level. 75% of targets have been destroyed."

"Copy that, Bravo 1-1."

It seemed that the attack mission would be completed soon. So far, the advance of Imperial military had been halted, thanks to the sudden attack from the intelligence agencies. The tanks on the ground had mostly been turned into fiery wreckage and the infantry was nothing more than minced meat. Needless to say, the mission was a success. 

Del flew back to the direction of the helicopter, to be precise, he flew back to Anna's side. Anna was standing by with her heavy machine gun. "Bravo 1-2, I'm coming in hot, watch my back!" Del took a steep climb towards the helicopter and he immediately climbed inside. 

Del sat down and he aimed his machine gun downwards as Morris started doing evasive maneuver using the helicopter. Maybe it would be a great time to use the stinger on the back of the helicopter. 

"All targets are down! No enemies in pursuit." Anna had finished the last of them. 

The helicopter flew away from the area of operation. It ended the operation successfully. It was time to return home, and continue searching for the student that carried both the teleportation spell and the report from imperial military. 


Del and Anna sat down on the living room of the cabin. Del was listening to the radio while Anna was sipping on her coffee. Morris was typing the report for the command and typing the result for both Del and Anna consumption. Del was sure that they caused some sort of massive destruction towards the imperial military. 

Morris came back into the cabin, holding a piece of paper. He gave the paper to Del and Del read the paper. The paper contained the damage report from the command to him. It was rather impressive, to be honest especially since Del knew what kind of targets they were attacking. 

[Operation Halt] [22/10/REDACTED]

Imperial military offensive has been halted for an undefined amount of time thanks to the strike today. At least, it will put a delay for three weeks before the imperial military reinforced the front line again. The government would catch a glimpse of this operation, but it won't be long until they realize what has happened. 

This is the damage report to the imperial military. The government is impressed with the performance of Salve Group security contractor that they will hire us again for any counteroffensive operation. 

[Alpha Team]

3x Corvette-Class Airships

2x Frigate-Class Airships

1x Cruiser-Class Airship

6x Fighter Aircrafts


[Bravo Team]

20x H-Series tanks

10x Experimental Tanks

10x A-Series Tanks

20x Fighter-Type Special Forces Soldiers

Undefined Amount of Regular Infantry

[Charlie Team]

1x Battleship

3x Cruisers

5x Frigates

This concludes the report. Any inquiry should be reported to Deputy Director of Internal Security. 


"I'm going to be honest, battleship is a pride of any nation, isn't it? Destroying it would usually lower the morale of the enemy forces, right?" Del asked. 

"Yes. There's nothing a heavy bomb can't handle. The main target was the battleship, but we just happen to also destroy the other ships due to the remaining bombs that C-team carried. Well, all and all, it was successful," Morris said. 

"So, will this put imperial military at a major setback?" Del asked. 

"Most likely. This will not only put them at a setback, this will put them at a stalemate to its former state before they destroy Halivaara and the surrounding city. The federal military will sweep them clean like a broom and it would be back into another stalemate," Morris said. 

Del just smirked, "Military-Industrial complex at its finest, huh? I'm quite impressed. What does this student that I am searching for have to do with maintaining the current status quo? I know she is one of the nobilities, but why would I need an information from her?"

"A lot of things, Del. A lot of things. What do you want to know first?"


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