Modern Weapon Summoning System

Chapter 80 - Technology Revelation

The wooden boat moved towards the dark part of the ocean. In the distance, Del could see a ship. The ship was painted in white, and it wasn't made of wooden either. It was made entirely of iron or steel, Del had no idea. There was no sail to be seen either.

"Emm, Cassandra, who should I call this dude?" Del asked.

"Ah, this person? Well, what's your name, young man?" Cassandra asked.

"My name? Well, ma'am, you can call me Andrew," Andrew answered.

"I see, what are you doing in the military anyway?" Cassandra asked.

"Well, the usual ma'am, trying to get funds to enter college while getting the license to do research in human continent. Basically, getting two birds with one stone," Andrew answered.

Cole asked, "Well, dude, do you have a girlfriend or something in the continent?"

Andrew answered, "Nah, I don't have one yet, maybe I will have one later, but not now."

They finally arrived at the ship. It was a small ship, way smaller than an airship, but it was still big. The appearance reminded him of the early battleship of the 20th century, maybe before world war one and after the age of sail.

"Holy… dude, you never said that your country is this technologically advanced," Del commented.

"Wait, I never told you about this?" Cole said.

"Yeah, you never told me about this," Del commented.

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A hook was attacked on each end of the boat and it lifted the wooden boat up from the ocean. All of them disembarked from the boat and they stepped their feet at the deck of the ship. Del couldn't believe what he was seeing, a bloody warship in a fantasy world. Was he dreaming? He wasn't sure about it.

But it was a warship no matter how he looked at it with cannons and other weapons. How the hell Elbanian didn't notice this kind of firepower being placed right next to their shoreline? Why would they not notice this kind of thing?

Heck, even the question changed to how in the bloody heck Ilbistirum had this kind of tech? Could it be that they also had someone with the same ability as Del? But at the same time, Del realized that some of the techs that he saw on that ship wasn't originated from earth.

"Surprised, huh?" Cassandra said.

"Saying that I'm surprised is a massive understatement, you can say that I'm very amazed by the construction of this ship," Del said as he gazed at every part of the ship.

"Well, this is a new model, to be honest, the last generation of battleship still uses sail, now they are phased out for the newly discovered mana engine, it's quite convenient knowing that you don't have to depend on wind to travel," Cassandra commented.

"Well, how long is the trip used to be before this kind of ship is invented?" Del asked.

"Well, you can expect more than three months of travel time, however, now, it only took merely two weeks," Cassandra said.

"So… what's the distance to Ilbistirum, again?" Del asked.

"The distance? Well, maybe around 9,000 miles from here, you won't feel the distance though. Staying in the ship is quite fun, a little bit better than staying in Elbanian, but you still have to do the assignments that the commanding officer gave though," Cassandra said.

"Better? What do you mean? I thought our living condition is rather fine," Del commented.

"Well, in a ship, at the very least, you will always have a warm meal with the addition of a warm shower and for us, demons, we don't have to fear that we will be killed. At the very least, I know that it's better to some extend," Cassandra said.

"I see, well, let's just see…" Del muttered.

Andrew looked at him as if Del was really a human from that world. For Andrew, most of the humans that saw the technology in that ship would have the same reaction as Del since they never saw that kind of technology before, but for Del, his reason was that he was surprised to see something as advanced as an engine powered battleship to exist.

"Ehh, your name is Del, right?" Andrew asked.

Del replied, "Yes, my name is Del. The girl next to me is my sister, Anna."

"Ah, I see, welcome aboard to our ship, Del. Do you mind if I give you both a quick little tour to the section of the ship that you can access while we wait until the administrative process is over?" Andrew offered.

"Ah, thanks, sure, please, lead the way," Del said.

"Follow me," Andrew said.

First of all, Andrew took them inside of the ship. To enter the ship, he had to open a large metal door. Andrew opened the metal door by spinning the wheel that was attached to the door. Andrew let them in and they were greeted by a really modern layout. The white light on the ship also revealed that Andrew was wearing a navy blue sailor uniform.

The whole ship was painted in white and its floor was made from painted green steel. Andrew introduced the ship to them, "Welcome to our ship. This is a Frigate-class ship designed for patrolling near the coastline of any area or participating in a small-scale conflict. I hope you two can enjoy your stay in our humble ship."

"No need to be that humble, alright? We're the same age, right?" Del asked.

"Really? You're 18 as well?" Andrew asked.

"No, I'm 17, it was only four months ago I turned 17, hahaha," Del said.

Andrew nodded, "I see. Right now, we are in the cabin area. This is the section where you will be sleeping, currently, we will be searching for a place for you two can sleep. I think there's an empty bunk bed somewhere around here."

Del peeked into one of the cabins In that ship. Each cabin had four bunk beds that were filled with four different sailors. It also seemed that female and male cabins were separated. Well, it was not like his sister needed to sleep with him either.

Andrew went downstairs of the ship interior and Del followed him. The next stop was a place where many foods could be found ranging from basic soup to something as complex as a cake. There were also many steel tables placed around the entire room. That room was big enough to accommodate the whole ship.

"This is the cafeteria, meals are available from 06:00-08:00, 11:00-13:00, and 17:00-19:00. Come during that time to get your meal, alright?" Andrew reminded.

"Sure, no problem, if I may ask, do you know where the medical section is?" Anna asked.

"Medical section?" Andrew looked at Anna's face and skins that were covered in bandages, "Ah, I see, so you have some sort of injuries, huh? Well, follow me," Andrew said.

Del and Anna walked outside of the large room and they headed for another hallway. It looked like they had moved to the other side of the ship. Andrew led them to a room. The room seemed cleaner than the other room and the reek of antiseptic was filling the whole room. "This is the medical section, there's our doctor, doctor Vine."

Vine was wearing a doctor coat on top of her navy blue working shirt. She was treating someone who was bleeding in the head. Del had no idea how he got that, but he might smack his head against the pipes that were on top of the hallways.

"Andrew, hey, what are you looking for in here?" Vine asked.

"I'm just taking refugees for a quick tour, ma'am," Andrew replied.

"I see, I am Doctor Vine, if you feel sick or you suddenly cut your finger off, just come here, ok?" Vine asked.

"Oh, sure, sure," Del nodded.

"Awesome, Captain Gable was running here, she said that one of the refugees had a special condition, right? I think it is you, correct?" Vine pointed her hand at Anna.

"Yeah, she said my skin won't heal, she also said that I need to wear bandages every single day and I have to replace it every single day," Anna muttered.

"I see, come here tomorrow, alright? I need to replace your bandage," Vine said.

"Sure ma'am, I will come here, don't worry about it," Anna said.

"Great, that's awesome, anyway, have fun in our ship," Vine smiled before she continuing healing the injured sailor.

"Anyway, that's all area that you two can visit," Andrew looked around and found a female technician holding a wrench and he shouted, "LISA! Come here!"

Lisa walked in his direction. She was holding a wrench in one hand and a toolbox in another. "Ah, welcome aboard you two, I also heard about the two refugees. It must be you two, right?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah," Anna shrugged.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you a knight or something? You look way armored than an average refugee," Lisa commented.

"I don't know, but I think we will find out more later, right now, Lisa, can you do me a favor and get Anna to her cabin? You know that female cabin is a restricted area for males, right?" Andrew asked while smirking.

"Of course I know that, your name is Anna, right? Just call me Lisa, I'm as old as Andrew here, hahaha" Lisa said.

"They're actually younger," Andrew added.

"Oh, is that so? Well, you two look like someone that had seen too many fightings, especially you," Lisa smiled at Del's direction, "What did you two go through?"

"Me? I'm just trying to live," Del replied with that simple answer.

"I see, anyway, I need to take her to the cabin first, see you at the end of the shift," Lisa said.

Lisa walked away from both of them. Del and Andrew went to the cabin where they would be staying. Del put his belongings inside of the cabin and he sat down in one of the bunk beds inside of the cabin. "Alright, this is the place where we will be staying. It looks like both you and I are going to be in the same cabin. Anyway, Del, if you need anything, don't afraid to ask, alright?"

"Sure," Del replied. Andrew seemed to be friendly, he wasn't exactly an ass either.. Well, it looked like he would be enjoying his time in that ship.

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