Modern Weapon Summoning System

Chapter 85 - First Quest

With the car, Alina took Del and Anna to the guild building while leaving Wolfie at home. Alina decided that he would be a great guard dog to guard the house. Del agreed to leave Wolfie there, after all, he really didn't want to bring that dog to a building that didn't allow a dog to enter.

Alina parked her car right beside the guild building. The guild building looked similar to a government building with its large pillars and its white paint. Several people were entering and exiting the guild buildings. All of them were wearing either armor or a military uniform. However, all of them had a similarity. All of them had a military-style name patch on their clothes that read [ICMWI].

"What does ICMWI stands for?" Del asked.

"It stands for Independence Contracted Military Worker of Ilbistirum," Alina answered.

"So, we just register in the front door and that's it?" Del asked.

"Well, it's not that simple, but follow me," Alina answered.

Alina led them to one of the receptionists' desks. She asked the receptionist whether she could enroll the youngsters in the guild or not. However, it seemed that anyone working with the guild wasn't called an adventurer or a mercenary. They were simply called…

"So, can I register these two as new contractors?" Alina asked.

"Sure, no problem, have they met the required age?" The secretary asked.

"Yeah, they have," Alina answered.

"Could you two show me your ID, please?" The secretary asked as she put documents on top of the table. "Anyway, fill these up, alright?"

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The documents contained several blanks that they needed to fill such as their full name, their address, their ID number, their location of birth, their date of birth, their domicile, etc. Del used the refugee document that he got from the military ship to fill the documents. It didn't take too long and Del gave his form and Anna's form to the receptionist.

The guild secretary gave them two patches. It was the same patch that everyone had. The guild secretary also gave them a pocketbook that contained all of the basic regulations of working with the guild. Unlike the guild in Elbanian, Ilbistirum was more relaxed and didn't restrict contractors by their rank. Instead, everyone was free to take whatever available jobs.

However, it was not like Del was free from any rules despite he was working as a contractor. The pocketbook itself contained many rules, but several rules were in bold. It was the rule that every single contractor must follow.

[ICMWI Basic Guidelines]

1. Any military contractors are not allowed to attack; destroy; sabotage; or cause any damage to the Ilbistirum military unless specified.

2. Captured combatants and civilians under the authority of an adverse party are entitled to respect for their lives, dignity, personal rights, and convictions. They shall be protected against all acts of violence and reprisals. They shall have the right to correspond with their families and to receive relief.

3. Every surrendering targets benefit from fundamental judicial guarantees. No one shall be subjected to physical or mental torture, corporal punishment, or cruel or degrading treatment unless specified.

4. Contractors are not allowed to employ any weapons that have the risk of inflicting unnecessary suffering to civilians. Contractors must respect the life of civilians and any non-combatants.

5. Contractors must be identifiable by their patch. Contractors must not imitate or duplicate the appearance of the Ilbistirum military. Any imitation of the Ilbistirum military will be punished severely.

"Hmm, the rules seem to be very simple, I'm surprised that Elbanian didn't have this kind of rules," Del said.

"You don't exactly expect regulation from Elbanian, don't you think?" Anna asked.

"Well, you have a good point, sis," Del replied.

"You two are allowed to take jobs when you have the necessary equipment and necessary gears. Return tomorrow or later with your gear and your clothing must have the patch that I gave to you, do you understand?" the receptionist asked.

"Yes," Del answered.

"I'm glad to hear that. Welcome to the business, youngsters," the receptionist said.

Del and Anna immediately went back home to sew the patch into the upper right arm part of their combat shirt. After that, they picked up their weapons and wore their armor and helmet. After that, they went back to the guild building to pick up their jobs from the job board. Many jobs were ranging from a request for destruction of automata to a search and rescue operation.

"Hmm, thinking about it, I think an assassination job will fit us just fine, what do you think?" Del asked.

"Well, I agree, but what's the target?" Anna asked.

"A person, of course, do you think it's safe to go after automata which take one block of C4 just to kill it?" Del asked.

"Ah, yeah, it makes sense," Anna said.

Del grabbed one of the papers that were attached to the board. It was a request of assassination for a suspected sympathizer of the separatist movement. The person was hiding in a town called Landville.


[Assassination of Symphatizer] [Difficulty: A]

An arms dealer smuggled weapons and ammo from the Ilbistirum military to the separatist force. His operation was blown by the law enforcement unit three weeks ago. This arms dealer is escorted with security details with combat experience. They participated in the first civil war as special units. Treat with caution.

Threat Details: 5 ranged personnel, 10 assault personnel, 5 support personnel. [Warning: Security Details Are Former Special Unit Soldiers]

Reward: 50 White Gold Coin


"Hmm, an A difficulty job, huh? It should be the hardest job I have taken so far," Del commented.

"Well, I've been through a near-death experience before, what makes you think that this will be hard?" Anna asked.

"I don't know, maybe it's because of the fact that they were former special units. That just bothers me since the military in Ilbistirum used a gun instead of swords and arrows. I meant, we do have body armors, but that's not really a guarantee that we will survive their bullets," Del said.

"Well, if you ask me, we'll never know if we don't even try," Anna commented.

"You have a good point, Anna," Del said.

They took the piece of paper from the quest board and Del put it inside of his pocket. He then opened the map on his tablet and he searched for a town called Landville and set a waypoint there. According to the map, the location was around twenty miles away from Lullin. They would need a carriage to go there, or a car.

"Where can I find a carriage to Landville?" Del asked the receptionist.

"You can take the train, it will only take you half hour to reach there," the receptionist answered.

Taking a train would be a good idea it seemed. It would cut their travel time and it was definitely more comfortable than taking a carriage. It was not prohibited to take guns to the train after all. It would be a good thing to learn the transportation method in this world after all.

Del and Anna walked to the train station. Del purchased the ticket for both of them. It cost them ten silver coins each with the extra cost of five silver coins since they were carrying weapons on board. In total, it was all thirty silver coins for both of them.

"Damn, 30$ for only a twenty miles train ride," Del said.

"Hey, it's the usual price on Earth, right?" Anna asked.

"Yeah, correct," Del said.

Del gave one of the tickets to Anna. They waited on the first platform for the train. The train would come from the south, as expected. The steam coming from the steam engine was filling the sky. The train eventually stopped right in front of Del. Del boarded the train after the officer checked his ticket.

He sat down near the aisle while Anna sat down near the window. On that train, there were also a lot of people holding a guns, but many of them weren't wearing armor. They were either the military personnel walking in the train to guard it or they were the contractors like Del and Anna.

Del opened his tablet and he bought two things for himself and Anna. He bought a tactical headset alongside a radio to communicate with each other. It didn't fit him too much to deal with special forces soldiers while shouting and giving out his own position.

He wore the headset and helped Anna to wear it. "With this, we can communicate together, change the frequency to 462.3412, that channel is clear."

Anna rotated the knob on top of the radio until he could hear Del's voice. "Hello, hello, do you hear me?" Anna asked.

"Loud and clear," Del raised his thumb.

They enjoyed the train ride to Landville. Hopefully, the security details wouldn't kill them before they even arrive on the spot. Del wouldn't be too careless on killing these guys.. It would require him to take the advantage of his equipment.

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