Modern Weapon Summoning System

Chapter 99 - New Mission

"Did you two just have a fight?" Alina asked as she treated the bruises on Del's face. 

"Sort of," Del just smiled as Alina put the disinfectant-soaked cotton balls on his bruises. 

"Well, it looks like you just pissed your sister badly. Will she come back though?" Alina asked. 

"She will come back, it's not like it's the first time it happens," Del said. 

Brother and sister quarrel was not something uncommon, but punching your brother until his face was filled with bruises was uncommon in any world. Thinking about it, Del hadn't gone through a near-death experience, much less being burned to crisp like Anna. 

He felt that he should have not said that earlier. It was understandable why she would need those nukes, but Del just felt that killing too many civilians would be bad for both themselves and the country they were staying in right now. If they did an unprecedented nuclear strike on Elbanian, it could spark further conflicts.. Elbanian might not be as resourceful as Ilbistirum, but they weren't stupid enough to not know who bombarded them. 

Worst-case scenario, Elbanian would be blaming Ilbistirum Federal Government for the nuking of their capitals and it would mean war for Ilbistirum. Even though Elbanian was against the Reian, they would have an easier time proving that demons were evil by showing the other human kingdoms the atrocities that the Ilbistirum had done. It would be only a matter of time before Ilbistirum fought the whole human race because of atrocities that they didn't do. 

Not to mention that intelligence agencies in Ilbistirum were sophisticated enough to actually track him down. If that were the case, the whole Ilbistirum would be hunting them down and it would be catastrophic because they would have to fight a country with the strength of the first world war German Empire all by themselves. 

They would send in their flying soldiers after them and it wouldn't be the ordinary flying soldiers that would be sent after them. Del would bet that Ilbistirum would send their most elite flying soldiers to come after him. It was kinda like being hunted down by the United States with a bounty of ten million dollars on his head. Everyone would come after him for that kind of money since he was sure that he didn't have that many friends in Ilbistirum and Cole and Cassandra would be coming after him as well since they were from the military. 

"Are you Del Moore? Someone is looking for you," A soldier asked. 

Del stood up from the chair inside of that medical tent. He then walked out of the tent and he looked at Anna. She was waiting in front of the tent. Her eyes were red and the bandage right below of her eyes looked soaked. Could it be that she has been crying ever since Del entered the medical tent? Del had been staying in the medical tent for around three hours. 

Del opened his hands, "Need a hug?" Del smirked. 

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"Yes," Anna hugged Del. 

"Sorry if I was too rough," Del said. 

"Nah, it was me that was too selfish, you're right, I don't think about this thoroughly," Anna said. 

"That's ok, I meant, I used to be the naive young boy believing that I had the chance to redeem myself back then, but well, maybe the others don't want me to die or something. It turns out that politics are always complicated, don't you think?" Del said. 

"What happened, happened," Anna said. 

"Well, are you ready for another job?" Del asked. 

"Lead the way, bro," Anna said. 

Anna entered the medical tent alongside Del. The reeks of antibiotics were filling the air. The tent smelled like a bottle of brand-new isopropyl alcohol. Screaming and crying were thundering on both sides of their ears. Looking at the left, Anna saw a patient screaming from the wound in his abdomen. Looking at his right, another patient was screaming as a doctor pulled a fragment from his leg. 

"Is it this bad?" Anna asked. 

"I've only entered here three hours ago, ask Hubert," Del commented. 

"Where is he?" Anna asked. 

"He's probably opening someone's head," Del said. 

"You meant patching them up, right?" 


They walked around the medical tent and eventually they found Hubert. He was briefing his team. The MSVI members were wearing their backpacks again. Alina was holding a map, Terry was carrying a backpack with a radio, and the rest were wearing backpacks with a red cross. 

"Listen up, team, we are going to the town of Moruguri. This town was recently attacked by the Imperial Soldiers and a lot of casualties can be expected. Our job is to help the medical personnel there to treat the wounded, are we clear?" 

"Yes, sir." 

"The remnants of the Imperial forces are still surrounding the town. A company of armored cavalry has been dispatched to that location. We will follow the armored cavalry from behind. Our security details will protect our flank, is that clear?" 

"Yes, sir."

"With that in mind, I want every single one of you to be careful, keep an eye out for mines or traps, got it?" 

"Yes sir."

Del grabbed his backpack and gave Anna's rifle back to her. Anna grabbed the rifle and she checked it. The magazines were loaded into the rifle. There were only two magazines left from the four magazines that Anna packed inside of his chest tactical rig. The rest were empty and they would need to be filled up again. 

"I think I will be carrying the backpack, I feel bad for you to have to carry it all day long," Anna grabbed the backpack from Del's back. 

Del gave Anna the backpack, "Sure."

Del then asked Hubert about the operation. As far as Del knew, he would be staying in the back, would it mean that he followed them from behind, or did he mean that he would be sticking with the group while staying on the back section of the group. 

"Doc, may I ask something?" 

"Sure." Hubert smiled. 

"Are we supposed to be following you from behind while maintaining distance or are we supposed to be following you right from the back?" Del asked. 

"I heard from Alina that you can drive so you'll follow us from behind with a vehicle carrying our medical supplies," Hubert said. 

"I understand, sir," Del said. 

"Your vehicle should be ready on the side of the tent. The MSVI members and I will be in the truck. Your call sign will be Hitman 11 and my call sign will be Hitman 2, do you need any radio or do you have anything that can call me on the frequency?" Hubert asked. 

"I have one," Del showed his tactical radio, "What's the frequency?"

"35.920. That's the frequency. You might need to reprogram your radio first to register the frequency. This is the code, just reprogram the radio," Hubert said as he gave Del a piece of paper with codes. 

Del grabbed the tablet from his backpack and plugged his radio and Anna's radio into the tablet. He then inputted the code inside of that piece of paper and he test the radio transmission. "Hitman 2, this is Hitman 11, radio check, over."

"Loud and clear, Hitman 11."

Del put his and his sister's radio back into their pocket. "So, Hubert, do you want anyone besides us to guard the medical supplies?" Del asked. 

"Sharon will accompany you," Hubert said. 

"I see, well, if that's the case, where's Sharon?" Del asked. 

"She's putting the medical supplies to the vehicle," Hubert said. 

"I see," Del nodded. 

"See you later, Del, I have to prepare my group as well," Hubert said. 

Del and Anna walked to the side of the medical tent. Sharon was putting boxes into the backseat of the jeep. The cardboard boxes were filled with syringes, medicine, bandages, and many other medical supplies. 

"Hey, need a hand?" Del asked. 

"No, thanks," Sharon said. 

There might be around six cardboard boxes inside of the vehicle. The vehicle itself was not different from a jeep from his world. Driving it wouldn't be difficult, he just needed to coordinate with the other people in the convoy so he knew the direction towards the town he was heading for. 

"Sharon, do you mind if I place my backpack next to the medical supply?" Anna asked. 

"No problem," Sharon said.

Del entered the driving seat of the vehicle and started the engine of that car. Sharon covered the supplies with a tarp and she sat down right next to the medical supply. Anna rode shotgun alongside Del. 

Del held the steering wheel firmly as he waited for the convoy on his left to begin moving towards Moruguri. Six tanks were spearheading the convoy while trucks were behind them. it didn't look like a medical convoy, it looked more like an offensive unit. 

"Hitman 11, this is Hitman 2, the convoy will begin to move, over"

"Hitman 11 copy. We will follow the last truck, over."

"Keep your ears open on the radio, Hitman 2 out."

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