Mommy...Can you Win Daddy's Love again?

Chapter 11 - Date?

In the hotel room….

Adrian heard the loud knocking sounds of the door and opened his eyes lazily. 

" Who is disturbing my sleep?" He shouted without opening the door.

" Adrian… the door " he heard someone calling and recognized the owner of the voice.

He tried to sit on the bed but his head started spinning and he could see all objects revolving around him. 


He rubbed his eyes then held his head on both sides with his palms. Then slowly he walked towards the door and opened it. His mother noticed a wrinkled shirt on his body and smelled alcohol as if he bathed in the alcohol. 

" So ….this is the reason, you are sleeping till noon. I thought you talked with Emily late at night and slept in the early morning. " She shouted.

" Mom...please...stop. I am sorry, okay " he hugged him.

His mother, Maria pushed him and entered the room and found shattered pieces of bottles on the floor.

" I told you not to drink if you cannot handle the alcohol? Then why don't you listen to me?" She asked Adrian.

" Mom… I was disturbed last night. I will not repeat it next time" he pleaded.

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" You have been saying the same things for the last three and half years. I am vexed by your behavior. I was so happy that you were engaged and going to start a new life but again you disappointed me. " She yelled.

" My happiness lies with you. After your father's death, I lived for you. I worked as a nurse so that I can give you a good education and a bright future. Why can't you see your mother's love?" She asked him.

She cried sitting at the edge of the bed.

" Sorry...Mom. " he kneeled on one leg and pleaded with her but accidentally one glass piece pricked into his knee.

He hissed in pain then Maria raised her head and found the cut on his knee.

Immediately he made him sit on the bed. She carefully took out the glass piece and informed the service boy over the intercom to bring the first aid. 

In no time, the service boy brought the first aid kit. She cleaned the wound and applied the antiseptic lotion. 

She had tears in her eyes on seeing her son's condition after Katherine betrayed him. It had been a long time since she found a heartful smile on his lips.

" Understand one thing …. Adrian. Life never when someone leaves us. Your father left me alone, I became strong and am living for you. So you should also think about your future with Emily." She advised him and cried hugging him

" I am old now. In your childhood, I worked hard to fulfill your dreams. I am tired now. Just I have small wishes left in my life. That you can only fulfill it. " She said, looking at her son.

" I miss spending your childhood days playing with you, feeding food with my hands, and telling stories. Now I want to fulfill those small wishes through your children." She informed him. 

" Will you fulfill those small wishes of your mother?" She asked, looking into his eyes.

" Mom….I need to get settled. Please…" he said helplessly.

" Am I looking like a selfish mother?" She questioned him.

" Mom. I agreed to marry Emily. What else do you want from me? Yesterday we said that we will get married in six months, " he answered.

" I know you agreed to marry her for me and my happiness. But you start to love Emily. She is such a kind soul. I believe in her that she fills your heart with happiness." His mother said.

" I will try my best …." He kissed his mother's knuckles.

Maria cupped Adrian's face and kissed his son's forehead. 

" Okay, get fresh meanwhile I informed the room service person to clear all the mess you created last night," His mother said in a strict tone.

He nodded his head like an obedient child and went to the bathroom to complete his morning business.

By the time he came outside, he noticed all the mess was cleared. 

" Come fast, My dear. Let's have lunch together" his mother invited him while sitting at the table.

She served the food on the plates. They ate while talking with each other.

Suddenly his mobile started ringing. It was from Emily, so he immediately attended the call.

" Can you meet me this evening?" She asked him and he sensed something was wrong.

" Sure. Where should I meet you?" He asked her.

" Bourbon city Kitchen at 4 in the evening" she informed him and disconnected the call.

" Is it Emily?" His mom asked excitedly.

" Are you taking her on a date?" She asked him.

" Yes. " He lied to make her happy.

" Great …" she said with a wide smile.

She got up from the table and selected the dress for him and asked to buy red flowers to impress his fiance, Emily.

He smiled looking at his excited mom and replied," Sure mom"

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