Mommy...Can you Win Daddy's Love again?

Chapter 221 - In Critical Condition

" Adrian, I will inquire about Sam's condition. Please take care of Kathie " Steven said and also instructed Ruby to stay with her. Ruby was also crying along with her. 

Steven went to the reception and noticed a police officer who was talking with one of the hospital staff. He introduced himself and asked where Sam was. 

" Where are the kid's parents? " the police officer inquired. For which Steven showed Adrian and Katherine with his fingers. 

" Presently, the kid is in the operation theatre. Let me talk with his parents…." The police informed and walked towards them.

" Where is our Sam? " Adrian questioned the officer who was coming towards him. He was also in a broken state but he controlled himself for Katherine. She was so devastated and was crying hysterically. 

" Sorry to say this to you….Mr. Wilson. Your son had a head injury along with a fracture to his left hand. The condition was critical when we joined him in the hospital, " the officer informed.

" I want to see my Sam...please take me to him…." Katherine cried, joining her hands before the police. Adrian held her arms controlling his tears. 

"Mrs. Wilson. He is in the operating theatre. As it was an emergency, the doctor started the treatment. Please go to the eighth floor in the hospital where the operation is going on…" the officer informed.

Immediately Katherine pushed Adrian and ran inside. She searched for the elevator and pressed the button as soon as she found the elevator. 

" Adrian, stay with Kathie. I will join after talking with the police officer" Steven said. Adrian agreed with him and quickly ran inside searching for his wife. He saw her waiting for the elevator while hastily wiping her tears. He went towards her and both entered the elevator. He placed his hand around her shoulder and said, " Kathie...don't cry. He will be okay…". He tried to console her but deep inside his heart, he was so frightened. 

" Sam used to cry if he had a small injury. I don't know how my child was tolerating the pain. I wish if it happen to me... " she sobbed, hiding her face in his chest. 

" shhh….stop crying," he said in a hoarse tone.


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" Officer...I want this case to be investigated strictly because it is not an accident but a pre-planned attack…" Steven said seriously.

" Do you suspect anyone? " the officer asked.

" Yes, I suspect only one person, Mr. Grayson of Los Angeles" Steven replied.

" Which Grayson? " the officer asked.

" CFO of Davis group of companies…." He replied, gritting his teeth.

" How can you be so sure about it? '' the officer asked curiously.

" I will talk to you later. But I want you to investigate and gather all clues in this case. If anything is missing in this case, I don't spare anyone. Just remember I am interested in this case. Hope you know who I am, " he threatened the officer.

" Yes...Mr. Brown " he replied in a low tone.


Adrian held Katherine close to him, while both were waiting outside the operating theatre. Suddenly, he remembered his best friend, Thomas, who was a doctor. He thought it would be better if he would be with him even though he is not a neurologist.

Immediately, he texted him a message and asked him to come to the hospital explaining Sam's condition.

" Ad… why are they not showing our Sam?" Katherine said, crying continuously.

" Don't worry. Our Sam will be fine…" Adrian said to console her but he knew it had risk factors while doing surgery. He prayed to God in his mind to save his son.

After waiting for two hours, two doctors came out of the O.T. Adrian and Katherine ran towards them.

" We are parents of the patients. Please tell me, our son is fine…" Adrian asked the doctor.

" Due to the accident, there was a mild blow to the head, which led to temporary cognitive symptoms along with a scalp cut at the left side of the head. The internal bleeding is controlled but we can't say anything till he is conscious. You should wait up to forty-eight hours." the doctor informed them.

Then the doctor continued," He will be shifted to intensive care. You can visit him for two hours. But disturb the patient…." 

" Sam….." she screamed in pain while collapsing on the floor.

" We did our best…Just pray to God, " the doctor patted Adrian's shoulder and walked away. This time, Adrian could not hide the tears in his eyes. He felt like all the happiness in his life ended. 

Steven and Ruby heard the doctor's words standing from the far. She was also crying on knowing Sam's condition. But Steven patted her shoulder and gestured to her not to cry. He held her hand and walked towards both who were broken.

" Don't worry. Hope for the best. Both of your love for Sam and God's will make him recover…" Steven said in a calm tone. He was feeling guilty that he could not stop the accident which happened. Ruby helped her to stand and made her sit on the wooden bench in the corridor.

Adrian was silent and didn't even open his mouth after the doctor left the place. He stood in the same place, remembering the smiles and laughter of his son. All of the sudden, Katherine fainted and collapsed, lying on the floor.

" Kathie …." Ruby cried loudly. She started patting her cheeks to make her awake.

Steven and Adrian turned their heads and rushed towards her. Adrian lifted in his arms and called her name with tears brimming down his eyes. Meanwhile, Steven informed the nurse on duty to check Kathie. The nurse asked them to take her to the next floor as it was a general sickroom ward. Adrian was hesitant to leave the floor as Sam was not shifted to Intensive care. 

" Adrian, take Kathie with you. I will stay with Sam. Trust me, I will not leave him alone, " he promised. Adrian nodded his head and took her to the next floor along with Ruby.


Taking her to the general ward, the doctor checked the blood pressure Kathie then admitted them to the sickroom as her low pressure is low.

" Mister...Does your wife have any stress that she fainted like this? Does this happen regularly? " The doctor inquired.

After the blast in the company, she looked so stressed. Then he remembered she fainted three times within three weeks and also remembered Martin mentioning a panic attack. Then he replied, " She was stressed and was fainted three timeless saree weeks "

The doctor listened carefully and asked, " From how many years, she was having this problem? ". As he was not aware of her health history, he looked at Ruby.

She looked guiltily at Adrian and said, " From six years…". The doctor nodded and went out noting her health history of her.

Adrian wanted to know what was going around him as he sensed that everyone was hiding something from him. But he stayed calm to not talk in front of the doctor and the nurse. 

After a few minutes, the nurse came and connected an IV to her left-hand vein. He entwined her hands with his hands and looked at her pale face. On the other side, Ruby was crying silently looking at her.

" Sam …"

" Sam .." 

Katherine was mumbling in her unconscious state. Adrian tightened his grip and consoled her, " Love ...he will be fine. Don't worry…." 

When he was talking to Katherine, he got a call from Thomas. " Where are you, man? I reached the hospital, " he told him as soon as Adrian attended his call.

" On the seventh floor with Katherine …." He replied.


" Addy … " Thomas called his name standing behind him. He placed his hand on Adrian's shoulder. Adrian tilted his head with his friend's touch. " How is Sam? "

On hearing Sam's name, tears formed in his eyes, and a single drop of tears fell on Thomas's knuckle.

" Addy ...stay strong. Everything will be alright …" Thomas tried to console him but he knew the situation was critical and his words could not make him feel better.

" How should I stay strong when my son's condition is critical and my wife lying unconscious? How? " He shouted in frustration.

" Something is going around me but I am obvious about it. I don't know what to do…" he added.

Ruby felt ashamed still hiding from him as the situation was worse than before. She wiped her tears and looked at Kathie's face.

" Adrian…. I know it's our mistake to hide a big thing from you. But don't get angry at us as we hide it from you all these days " Ruby said, placing her palms on his hand.

Adrian looked at her and said in a cracked voice, " At Least tell me now when my son is in this condition"

Just in time, Adrian's mobile rang and saw it was from an unknown number. He disconnected the call but again his mobile rang. This time, he attended the call thinking it might be an important call.

" Hello …."

" Hello….Mr. Wilson. Nice to talk with you .." he heard a man's voice. 

" Who are you? " He questioned impatiently.

" I could understand your situation when your son is going to die …" he laughed.

" You ...bastard ….how dare to talk about my son? " He shouted. 

For that, he laughed wickedly and said, " So much love for your son, impressed. Then what will you do when you know that I am the one who planned the accident ?" 

" Who are you, bastard? I will kill you…" Adrian shouted.

" Grayson….." He said and ended the call.

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