Mommy...Can you Win Daddy's Love again?

Chapter 224 - No One Can Replace ...

Katherine POV continues….

Just at that time, Martin returned to Mansion as he came to know about the engagement.

He was so angry that I didn't inform him about it. But he was shocked to get the information from Aunt Lisa that I was locked in my bedroom. As he had so much intimacy with my father, he directly went to my father to talk with him.

Finally, he convinced my father to talk with me. Then my father allowed him to meet me as he was my best friend and my father trusts him so much. As soon as he came inside, I hugged him and started crying on his shoulder.

" Princess… stop crying. I can understand by seeing your tears how much you love him. Tell me who is he? I will go and talk with him" he said, caressing my hair. He was the only one who understood my love and tried to support me.

As my father took my mobile, I could not communicate through the call as it was the only source. And also I was scared of my father's ultimatum. Then Martin suggested convincing my father as he loves me so much.

But all my attempts to convince my father went in vain. He started all the arrangements for my engagement with Grayson. Even Martin argued with my father as he could not see my pain. One day, Martin tried to stop the arrangements as he didn't want to see me in pain. My father was so angry and shouted at Martin, " Is this a way to show gratitude for taking care as a father? I think….it is there in your blood by not showing loyalty " 

Martin was so hurt by my father's words and said in a broken voice" Uncle Luther, please don't talk like that. I will always be loyal to you but don't force Kathie to marry who she doesn't like. Please try to understand, I want my best friend to be happy with her loved ones… please..." 

" So….you think that I don't want my daughter's happiness. Do you know who he is? Whether he loves my daughter truly or not? " he questioned Martin. As he didn't know anything about the person I loved, he was quiet.

" But….I have known Grayson's family for a long time. Their parents are nice people and he is a good person and a good businessman. I trust him that he will take care of my daughter very well. And I don't want anyone to talk about this topic with me. My decision is final…" he said firmly.

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" Then hear to my decision, I will marry only Adrian if not I will remain unmarried…" I retorted. 

" Kathie….Don't be stubborn…" My father shouted.

" I am telling you the same. It's my life and I have a right to decide whom to marry…" I replied.

" Without knowing about a person, how could you decide whether it is not the right person to get married? Huh? Why don't you meet him? " I asked.

" I am not interested…." He said.

" Then I am not interested in marrying that buffoon. I am even interested to see his face, " I replied arrogantly.

" Kathie…. Talk politely about your fiance. This is a way to disrespect your future husband? " my father said in a serious tone.

" My future husband is only Adrian but not that buffoon…" I said with the same intensity.

" that person changed my daughter? Do you ever see my princess against my decision? " my father asked Martin.

Martin looked at me and gestured to me to stay silent. Instantly I went to my room and closed the door on their faces. I felt so helpless. I went crazy as my father didn't allow me to come out of my room and also arranged maids to keep an eye on me. The days were passing like that and I was scared of my engagement with him in the next four days. I concluded that there was no one to help or nor understand my feelings. That day, I decided to elope from the house and wanted to meet you.

I arranged my stuff in a suitcase and some money to escape from my Mansion at midnight. I waited till everyone went into a deep sleep. 

Just when I was supposed to jump out of the window to escape from the mansion. I heard the noise of the door clicking. I went back to my bed and pretended to be sleeping. 

Even with closed eyes, I sensed that it was my father who came to check on me. He thought that I was sleeping and started speaking with me.

" Why do you become so stubborn, princess? Don't you know that I love you so much? And I also choose the best in your life? Why? " I heard him complaining.

" Don't you know all these years, I am living for you after your mom's death? " he said in a cracked voice and felt wetness on my forehead.

Instantly I opened my eyes and saw my father's wet eyes even in dim light. The next second I sat on the bed and held his hands. " Then why are you forcing me to marry a person who I don't like? Why? " I asked.

" Princess…. Grayson loves you so much. He was waiting to marry you for two years…" my father said.

" To marry someone, if one person's love is not enough. Both must reciprocate the same feelings. It's a simple point, why don't you understand? " I asked him.

" Princess… don't be stubborn," he said annoyingly.

" Okay….answer me to my one question," I said. My father nodded his head and allowed me to speak.

" Why didn't you marry someone after my mom's death? " I questioned him.

" Because I can't give her place to anyone even after her death. She will be my only love…" he replied.

" So….you can't give your wife places to another woman even after her death then how could you expect me to give Adrian's place to someone. How could you expect me to marry someone when he is in my heart? " I asked.

He got so angry with my words and shouted, " I think he enchanted you…"

" Yeah….dad. He enchanted me with his pure love..." I replied proudly.

" Wait… I will end his chapter by tomorrow. " He threatened me and turned to leave the room.

" Dad….if you try to harm Adrian in any way. It will be the last day of my life. I am not threatening you. This is my promise to you…" I said my decision.

" Princess….Are you crazy? " he shouted.

" Yes...Will know how crazy I am for him? Do you want to see with your eyes? Shall I jump and show how much I love him? " I asked and walked towards the window. I was ready to jump out of the window.

" No….Don't do that princess….please…." He begged.

" Then promise me that you don't harm my Adrian…" I asked.

" Okay. I promise but you also have to promise me one word…." He said.

" Except marrying Grayson, I will promise anything…." I replied.

" Okay. I promise you that I won't harm him. But you have to promise me that if I don't trust his love you won't marry him without my permission. And till then you should not talk with Adrian because I want to know about him by myself " he said his decision.

" Yes, dad. I agree with you because I have so much confidence in my love and especially in Adrian…" I told him proudly.

"'s very late. Sleep.." He informed me.

" Dad….cancel the engagement, please…." I asked while he was leaving my room.

" Princess...It's not a small issue to cancel the engagement ceremony. That family also has a good name in a society like ours. I will talk with Grayson's parents tomorrow. Don't worry, I will not force you to marry him if you don't like him. After all, you are my loving daughter…." He promised and left the room.

The whole night, I was upset thinking about the things going around me. Even though my father promised not to harm the person I love, somehow I was anxious. 

The next morning, when I came out of the room, I saw Martin and Aunt Lisa standing outside the room with wide smiles on their faces.

" When I am so upset, why are they smiling…." I thought in my mind. I glared at them and shouted, " Are you laughing at my situation? "

" God...princess...don't be angry at us. We are so happy. Guess!!!" Martin said.

" Don't irritate me...Martin. I am so upset…" I informed them and walked away from them.

" If you know the news, you will jump in happiness…" he said with a bright smile on his lips. I looked at Aunt Lisa, she was also smiling at me.

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